○ MOOC Flies.大規模オンライン講義「MOOC」は、世界中の若者に就職のチャンスをつくれるか

2013-10-05 09:56:44 | ♪ Mooc. Edx Othsムーク.オンライン大学

10/05/2013 wired.com. Takuya Homma,"Quipper" marketing director.

2013.8.22 THU
Can large-scale online lecture "MOOC" make a chance of finding employment to youths of the world?

The online education service that the lecture of the famous university is taken in anyone free is popular, and, including a developing country, democratization of the intellect advances all over the world. An argument over the attitude of online degree authorization becomes active while I did so it.


2010 Occidental Commencement by Jason Bache (CC:BY)

◦ Large-scale lecture that I can participate in free online, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) are prevalent as a symbol of the evolution of the online education all over the world.
Dozens of MOOC where the startups such as British FutureLearn, Japanese Schoo included an American famous university including Stanford University and Harvard University such as edX, Coursera, Udacity in from the origin and a major thing doing it exists all over the world, and it is said that the numerical student who well exceeds a total of 10 million learns it. I greatly contribute to democratization of the intellect in the developing country and am the movement that it is very huge, and is important.

However, there are many meaningful analysis and criticism and comes to be seen in cool for MOOC as excessive enthusiasm for MOOC begins to show presence of mind and a result and a fact based on the proof experiment for the learning effect become clear. For example, San Jose State University canceled the continuation of the co-operation with Udacity by the reason of a low course completion rate. In MOOC, MOOC is inspected from every angle until criticism to have possibilities to be only only the marketing campaign for student invitations with the celebrity University by a root-like question whether the class of the university which in the first place is physical online and the same class or further value can give this matter in the beginning.

I receive these analyses, criticism, and the MOOC player works hard for radical improvement of the service. I continue growing up at immediate speed while "the adaptive element based on introduction of gamification and learning data being necessary to raise learning will, the efficiency of the student, and to improve a course completion rate", and posing various questions to oneself whether "you cannot start the value more than a conventional university only by only offering a lecture video tape". Everything always comes together with the criticism in the dawn and is MOOC, the movement that are very healthy for the evolution of the online education more in detail. As the competition between MOOC players accelerates all over the world, the best know-how is accumulated, and it must be it that MOOC plays a key role of the online education between next several years.

One of a domain regarded as important in it, an action of MOOC most "acreditation". As for these words that are translated as "the authorized system", the higher education systems such as universities mean that a degree grant is authorized.

10/05/2013 wired.com. Takuya Homma,"Quipper" marketing director.

2013.8.22 THU



Occidental Commencement 2010 by Jason Bache (CC:BY)

◦オンラインで無料で参加できる大規模講義、Massive Open Online Course(MOOC)が、オンライン教育の進化の象徴として世界中で流行している。




◦The problem of maximum is the state of an on-line examination.

Although the importance of the degree in modern society is explanation needlessness, it is an overwhelming academic career-oriented society -- when performing a career change in order especially to advance employment and change of occupation advantageously in the U.S. or, the business college entrance and graduate school reentry study for gaining a degree are also common, and there are.
For the very important index with which a degree determines the directivity of life greatly, Private sector certifying groups, such as a U.S. educational council (The American Council on Education:ACE), create a severe authorization standard, and it has become a system by which only the educational facilities which fill it can give a degree.
It is the very strict structure formed through long history.
And towards acquisition of on-line degree grant authorization, some MOOC players conduct a large-scale actual proof experiment, or it is continuing negotiation with a certifying group now.
Although the problem unique to online education including the difficulty of the prevention of illegal conducts in an on-line examination is still a pile and the authorization standard will require a certain amount of time for being enacted formally, The basis of common understanding called indispensable "Next Big Thing" for full-scale online education spread and immediate realization are desired.
The motion is already beginning to show a bud.
The example of Georgia Institute of Technology will be the most famous.
In the course of the computer science a course of is opened from the autumn of 2014, Georgia Institute of Technology declared giving a degree only on-line altogether.
Moreover, when giving examination, the master and doctoral course of a university, although there is also an example of showing the completion document of the specific course of MOOC being encouraged then gradually, it sees increasingly.
Moreover, in on-line accreditation, the solution over "the state of an on-line examination" which is one of the biggest problems is also beginning to be invented.
ProctorU diffused among some universities carries out remote supervision of an examinee's image sent through the web camera by the side of an examinee to Sakka, the watch stander who is present in a Proctor (proctoring person) center, making full use of prevention-of-illegal-conducts technology.
The on-line test service Smarterer from Boston performs prevention of illegal conducts using the unjust detection algorithm which combined a kind question automatic creation function, difficulty in question, average reply time, etc.
Still more, although it is a developing domain, evolution is steadily accomplished with the increase in the demand of an on-line examination.
On the other hand, change is looked at by the experimental way that should be itself.
Success or failure to the conventional system to judge by one examination The subject presentation situation in a course period, The "continual assessment system" which automatical analyzation's a lot of data obtained during a certain fixed period to every student called the result of the measure condition to each subject and a subject, etc., and evaluates it is the example.
This system that builds continuously various indices, such as a student's study form, a growth rate in a course period, and a cooperation degree with other students, into evaluation, In order to only clarify not only the student's academic ability but its student's nature, cooperativeness, continuation power, etc., it is observed very much as the state of new evaluation.
Online education and the educational big data accompanying it are exciting change made possible.
in addition, the person himself/herself using a fingerprint and iris recognition technology -- on-line accreditation, such as strengthening of an authentication system and progress of the further unjust detection technology, can expect many technical innovations -- living in comfort very much -- everybody -- it is a domain.


現代社会における学位の重要性は説明不要だが、特に米国では、就職・転職を有利に進めるための、もしくはキャリアチェンジを行う際に学位を獲得するための、ビジネススクール入学や大学院再入学も一般的であるなど、圧倒的な学歴社会だ。学位は、人生の方向性を大きく決定づける非常に重要な指標のため、アメリカ教育審議会(The American Council on Education:ACE)などの民間認定団体が厳しい認定基準を作成し、それを満たす教育機関のみが学位を与えられるシステムになっている。長い歴史を経て形成された、非常に厳格な仕組みだ。

そしていま、 MOOCプレーヤーの一部が、オンライン学位付与認定の取得に向けて、大規模実証実験を行ったり、認定団体との交渉を続けている。オンライン試験における不正防止の難しさをはじめとする、オンライン学習ならではの問題はまだ山積みで、認定基準が正式に制定されるにはある程度の時間を要するであろうが、本格的なオンライン学習普及のために必要不可欠な”Next Big Thing”という共通理解のもと、早急な実現が望まれている。





◦Young person in poorest country can also get work of a high salary..
2013.8.22 THU
A large-scale on-line lecture "MOOC" should build the chance of employment to the young man in the world --

And realization of on-line accreditation brings society big influence.
When all lesson, examination, and degree authorization also becomes on line possible, what happens sure enough?
First of all, it will be necessary to think over the meaning and the state of a physical university.
If physical restriction is transcended, it is competent and eager through MOOC and entrance and a degree can be obtained even from where [ in the world ] to a top university, it will be expected that entrance to a prestigious university and a leading university pours in.
The concept of number restrictions does not exist in MOOC fundamentally, but the phenomenon of "Winner takes all" in a university will be notably seen especially in English-speaking countries.
Value other than a small number of big-name school, professor of famous, and famous degree dilutes, and especially the minor university can ask now for redefinition of raison d'etre.
Furthermore, change of the state of the job in advanced nations and a developing country is important.
The predominancy of the advanced nations which existed conventionally is becoming small day by day the Internet and now when the mobile terminal has spread also through a developing country quickly.
By realization of on-line accreditation, though it is in a developing country, education equivalent to the rival of advanced nations is received, it is recognized as online education, and a job is given.
A rapid expansion of cloud sauce job platforms including Elance is also dependent on efforts of the person himself/herself conjointly, and the "educational gap" between an advanced nation and a developing country is canceled.
It is just the state of a borderless job.
It will also be a question of time that LinkedIn prepares the item of an on-line degree in the profile column.
The further intensification of competition is meant for people who live in advanced nations.
I want you to imagine such the world.
The young man who grew up in the poorest country in Africa.
Close there is no school, and there is no money with which he buys the textbook of paper, etc.
It is [ a highly efficient smart phone and ] 4G high-speed connection that it is merely uniquely, although it is cheap.
The young man can receive the education of world's best standards through an online education platform in Africa.
And the degree of many universities is carried in its hand, the competition in the world is remained undefeated, and work of an on-line high salary is got from the United States.
Such the world is coming to there soon.
Takuya Homma

"Quipper" marketing director.
During the University of Tokyo department-of-economics enrollment in school, it becomes a pupil of author Mochio Umeda of the "web theory of evolution."
Tokyo and Silicon Valley are worked at a base and it participates in writing of the collaboration "it learns by a web" of Mochio Umeda and Toru Iiyoshi.
They leave the University of Tokyo after that, and university college London (Britain) is entered.
A great possibility is found out during enrollment in school to mobile learning [ in / for India, China, and Africa / the surroundings and a developing country ].
It is invited by Masayuki Watanabe of the start-up "Quipper" representation from London who manages the learning platform which connects a study donor and a student at the period, help is begun out of enrollment in school, and it will be formally inaugurated as the director US enterprise and specializing in whole company marketing in September, 2012.
Twitter: @TakuyaQuipper


2013.8.22 THU



まずは、物理的な大学の意義・あり方を考え直す必要があるだろう。MOOCを通じて、物理的制限を超越し、実力と意欲さえあれば世界中のどこからでもトップ大学に入学、そして学位を得ることができるとなると、有名大学・有力大学への入学が殺到することが予想される。MOOCには基本的に人数制限という概念は存在せず、大学における”Winner takes all”の現象が、特に英語圏において顕著に見られるようになるだろう。少数の有名校・有名教授・有名学位以外の価値が希薄化し、特に中小大学は、存在意義の再定義を求められるようになる。



「Quipper」 マーケティングディレクター。東京大学経済学部在学中に、『ウェブ進化論』の著者梅田望夫に弟子入り。東京とシリコンヴァレーを拠点に活動し、梅田望夫と飯吉透の共著『ウェブで学ぶ』の執筆に関与。その後東京大学を中退し、ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(英国)に入学。在学中にインド・中国・アフリカを回り、途上国におけるモバイルラーニングに大いなる可能性を見い出す。同時期に、学習提供者と学習者をつなげるラーニング・プラットフォームを運営するロンドン発のスタートアップ「Quipper」代表の渡辺雅之に誘われ在学中から手伝いを始め、2012年9月にUS事業および全社マーケティング担当のディレクターに正式に就任。Twitter: @TakuyaQuipper


1 コメント

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no will (noga)
2013-10-05 20:55:07
 >静岡県知事川勝平太 またの名を嘘つき平太・・・この度は、全国学力テストで小6が最下位だったことから事は始まったようですね。



彼らは、殺意がないからである。彼らは ‘頼まれ仕事’ をしているのである。学校長の仕事もそのような ‘頼まれ仕事’ なのであろうか。


非現実 (過去時制と未来時制) の文章内容が表現できなければ、際立った個人差は出ない。どんぐりの背比べというか、犬と犬の違いに終始する。




 *高踏的 (自分ひとり高いとしているようす。おたかくとまるようす。)

