○ Curse of Kabukiza and head of Masakado.歌舞伎座の呪いと将門の首塚

2013-03-31 13:59:43 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/30/2013. Gendai net. Kabukiza site. Wikipedia. Hideto Tomabechi..

(A) . " Kabuki world in a series of difficulties right now, the cause is Curse of Kabukiza"?

By the recent "Danjurou Ichikawa death" article, is Ebizo Ichikawa assault case in November, 2010 the beginning with one of a stingy person for the cause of the death that recent Kabuki world is hit by? However, it is not so for some reason, and the composition that is a victim is rather seen to Ebizo when I investigate some "internal circumstances".

Over misfortune to attack the Kabuki world from this Danjurou Ichikawa, Kanzaburo Nakamura death past of last December, "a certain thing" was whispered in the community. A certain thing "is a spell of Kabukiza" right out. It will be what kind of thing. I will look in order.

"Kabukiza" is a theater for exclusive use of Kabuki at 4, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (and a company). Because there was a problem of deterioration or the quake resistance, the fourth conventional Kabukiza which opened in January, 1951 is closed on April 30, 2010 and it is replaced and is building fifth and new Kabukiza where it is now on the site.
Danjurou Ichikawa who died without "grand opening of a new theater" (completion performance) waiting for this on April 2 of this year would be very regretful.

By the way, "a spell of Kabukiza" in question. This is a thing concerning demolition and the new Kabukiza construction of old Kabukiza, and "a curse of God of the play" is talked, for example, about. However, the pear orchard (Kabuki world) has a series of a difficulty so that it is not finished as a simple idle talk.
I will enumerate it for chronological order once again.

April, 2010 old Kabukiza closing
November of the year Ebizo Ichikawa assault case
The January, 2011 Tomisaburo Nakamura death
The November of the year Shikan Nakamura death
The February, 2012 Jakuemon Nakamura death
that Somegoro Ichikawa fall accident ・( this was naraku;the abyss of despair in August of the year)

November of the year Danshiro Ichikawa, poor Nizaemon Kataoka physical condition
The December of the year Kanzaburo Nakamura death
The February, 2013 Danjurou Ichikawa death

Needless to say, five people who passed away are famous family names of the Kabuki world. Shikan Nakamura (I do not spread it) he is living national treasure and puts in particular a message "to face external representation announcement of new Kabukiza" as association of Japan actor's chairperson again. A man of influence does not leave the world in succession like this during a short term. I want to think about "the spell" beyond the normal custom of the world in this and become.

It knows the antique-looking building (Japanese-style Momoyama style) of the low-rise building of this side facing the Harumi Street to be the main body of Kabukiza. However, what are a bit annoying tall Building, coercing behind? In fact, "it is new Kabukiza" including this high-rise tower facing a business entrance, the Showa street.
The chief mourner: Shochiku & Kabukiza. A design: A Mitsubishi Estate design & Kengo Kuma architecture city drawing office. Construction: Shimizu Construction.
A number of floors: The 29th floor above the ground, the fourth floor under the ground. Height: 145m. Total of floor space: 94,097 square meters.

Such "a building is built behind" and. This is the impression that Ebizo Ichikawa expressed that then God of the play is not quitted. Bingo. This is right the street a just argument. When Ebizo says;
God is reason to have square it once without-based, a building disturbing it, and such a very tall building being gone down in the company (margin) on "Kabuki Inari" enshrined on the theater side.

Watch "the God so and so of the play" for feng shui as distinction; it's bad, this. It disturbs neighboring "flows of the mind" and cut it off.

As well as it, how to speak of it varies, guessing it is considered to be it in the public. The main thing is the following conditions.

○In the case of Kabukiza rebuilding, it will be a cause that have removed "keystone" (I impress kana) buried underground.
○Oneself had soul ability, but seemed to cut the tree of ginkgo at the time of rebuilding. The tree of this ginkgo protected Kabukiza. The grudge of the tree of ginkgo that it was cut with a single stroke swirls. A bad thing continues still more when I do not hold a service properly.
○The grand opening of a new theater "is a day of the decease" on April 2. Is an omen too bad?

And labelling it is this person, Akihiro Miwa. It is to have entered "the Kabukiza spell debate" in a radio program with January 13. The choice of the medium to represent at present with Hiroyuki Ehara is like that.
"I rebuild it in a modern building and am no use even if only a list has a shape of Kabukiza".
Anyway, make a memorial service monument of a person and the second floor and the staff of a tormented bit part (early). 」

As is expected, it is indication with Miwa, a vital point.
However, are it is a thing or being a complex spell or a series of unhappy things by which spell simple chance? I do not know it at all. I only want you to finish grand opening of a new theater safely without hearing dark news of the Kabuki world further.

(Kotaro Oba)

"A daily publication gene die" (seven February 7 issue) - "original or an imitation Kabukiza site "new kabuki seat payment for another plan" of the redecorated Kabukiza occult debate" (there are message and new Kabukiza introduction animation of Mr. Shikan Nakamura)
Related story
The related article. "Danjurou Ichikawa death"
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03/30/2013. Gendai net. 歌舞伎座サイト. Wikipedia. 苫米地英人.

(A) . ご難続きの歌舞伎界、原因は「歌舞伎座の呪い」?





 2010年4月  旧歌舞伎座閉場
 同年  11月  市川海老蔵暴行事件
 2011年1月  中村富三郎死去
 同年  11月  中村芝翫死去
 2012年2月  中村雀右衛門死去
 同年   8月  市川染五郎転落事故・(これこそ奈落の底だった)

 同年  11月  市川段四郎、片岡仁左衛門体調不良
 同年  12月  中村勘三郎死去
 2013年2月  市川団十郎死去

 お亡くなりになった5人は、言うまでもなく歌舞伎界の大名跡です。特に中村芝翫(しかん)氏は 人間国宝でまた(財)日本俳優協会会長として、「新しい歌舞伎座の外観図発表に際して」というメッセージを寄せています。これほど短期間のうちに重鎮が相次いで世を去るものか。これでは通常の世の習いを超えた「呪い」を考えたくもなるというものです。









related article.『市川団十郎さん逝去』
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(B) . Tomb for the war dead Masakado Taira. Wikipedia

The mound where I enshrine a head of Masakado Taira with the tomb for the war dead of tomb for the war dead Masakado Taira of Masakado Taira in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. I call it the Masakado mound (shoumonzuka). It is a historic site of the Tokyo designation.

Masakado Taira: The military commander who is in the middle of the Heian era. Age is unknown, and we have 916 years and an opinion to do in the Christian era for 903 years. Year of a person's death 940 years.

It is this person to be talked with "Masakado of the pax" in the beginning of "The Heike Monogatari".

It links the homage to Chuhei Fujiwara in Kyoto and prays for the success in life as the samurai, but it is returned home by sudden death of father. However, I cause Rebellion of Taira Masakado because Kunika Tairano and others of the uncle succeeded to territory of father without permission when I return.

Planned to stand, and to put up an independent country in Sashima (Ibaraki) of Shimousa afterwards,; but is killed in battle by Sadamori Tairano * and Hidesato Fujiwara * and others.


By the tradition, the severed head of Masakado is sent to Heiankyo and was exposed in an east city, a main thoroughfare of the metropolis, but His head soars up into the night sky on the third day and fly towards a hometown, and it is said that I fell into several places. There are several places of tradition places, and all are considered to be a tomb for the war dead of Masakado Taira.
It is the tomb for the war dead in the 1-2-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo extra [1] to be the most famous in that. It is thought that it was an old burial mound once because there were a burial mound to a stone enclosure and a seen thing with laying earth on the ground inside.
The history of the Masakado mound in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Monument of the tomb for the war dead
This ground was ever called Musashi country Toyoshima county Shibasaki village. It is said that the inhabitants have been tormented for a long time by a vindictive spirit of Masakado. I erect a stone tablet with a Buddhist text which two play line fathers other Ama religion during a play line pilgrimage in the countries gives (1307), Masakado a Buddhist name of "the lotus Amitabha" for Tokuji two years, and oneself wrote on a tomb for the war dead, and it is said that I was converted to the Jishu sect dojo studio in a Tendai sect temple sun temple of the side. I conveyed Masakado faith as a batman of Kanda Myojin that "a body" of Masakado was corrupted into the sun temple, and became "Kanda". It is the Edo era, and the sun temple is made to move to Asakusa, but still defends and maintains a tomb for the war dead afterwards with Kanda Myojin. It is the fine example of the vindictive spirit finished degree in the Jishu sect.
The tomb for the war dead itself was damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake. Ministry of Finance temporary Government building would be built in the outskirts ruins (later description), and the large-scale excavation of the tomb for the war dead including the burial mound was carried out afterwards. Masakado requiem monument is erected in (1926) in 1927, and a chief priest of Kanda Myojin becomes a Lord Custodian of the Great Shrine of Ise, and grand Masakado festival for the repose of Imperial family's souls is held. A sun temple had it to this Masakado requiem monument, and "south no Amitabha" was performed a rubbed copy of by the lithograph of the handwriting of the Ama religion holy priest.
Of the Imperial Palace in this ground in Tokyo Station nearby bristle with office buildings in the outskirts to be located close, but thick trees grow thick though only this corner is not a wide site. A lot of ornaments of the frog (toad) are employed around a monument in the site (later description).
Neighboring cleaning arranged a donation for the cause a local volunteer group for several decades, but it was opened an account with "Masakado Taira" name by the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ to be next to as deposit ahead of the fund.

Like soil Shinto shrine and Kanda Myojin old, I continued receiving the veneration that 尊崇 and awe mingled as hallowed ground in the ground of Edo for a long time. That if extend to the disrespectful act for this ground, is cursed; was able to hand down it. When a curse of Masakado will be talked about in the ministry when it was going to build a temporary Government building of the Ministry of Finance in the ruins after the Great Kanto Earthquake to express it most figuratively in construction worker and staff-saving,, besides, having had doubt death to occur successively of minister Seiji Hayami at time, and GHQ was going to develop land for this ground obstacling for neighboring land readjustment after a case and World War II that demolished a temporary Government building to control the unrest of the ministry, it is the case that canceled a plan because suspicious accidents occurred successively.
A result, the tomb for the war dead will be left after the war and, until today, turn it over not to make any popularity and show a way of veneration as incense and flowers do not die out every day. "The historic spot Masakado mound preservation meeting" where the company of the neighborhood participated in is established and performs maintenance.
"The window does not establish the adjacent building not to make any looking down at the mound"; "a mound managerial classes may be said, locate a special desk not to turn buttocks", but there is not such a fact.
With the rumor that roar of laughter problem, Hikari Ota of the comedian had done a dropkick to this tomb for the war dead before a break, and work did not come to by the fault at all for a while [2].
Ornament of the frog

The ornament of a large number of frogs is dedicated to the precincts of the tomb for the war dead crowdedly. That that a neck of Masakado flies from Kyoto and hangs it on "returning" (frog) by all means because I returned, and there is two next profit by tradition [3].
A demoted office worker offers a frog so that it is come back to the original company safely.
I offer a frog so that I am kidnapped, and the child who became missing is come back through safely.

Distance of around 40m includes it from Tokyo Metro, Toei Subway Otemachi Station C5 doorway to the east. When I have stairs from the basement to the ground and just advance straight, I can see the flag of the tomb for the war dead.
Footnote [editing]

The ^ place is 30 meters from the moat of the 1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 2-1 Imperial Palace.
^ [pilgrimage to the Holy Land] Masakado tomb for the war dead corrects legend - MSN Sankei news 2008.1.31 to be still valid in the downtown area, and it is the president of the position office, and the fact that did that "Ota is rude to a tomb for the war dead by the plan of the TV program" admits, but wife, Mitsuyo Ota of Ota denies the relations with the legend (the process that work did not come refers to issue of roar of laughter # art career).

related article

Trunk mound of Masakado Taira
List of Tokyo designated cultural assets # historic site
Haruki Murakami (researcher) - Masakado Taira researcher
Woman (the legend concerning this tomb for the war dead became the subject in the first episode) outside link of the urban legend

I think about Masakado tomb for the war dead
Old shrine of Edo dedicated to soil Shinto shrine / Masakado Taira old
Kanda Shrine (Kanda Myojin)
House (house of the ex-President at Masakado mound preservation society) of Kanda
A coordinate: 35°41'N 14.2 seconds 139°45'E 45.8 seconds

(C) . Officer / Hideto Tomabechi book review of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. for fear of a departed soul of Masakado Taira: Psychology

"It seems to be a tomb for the war dead of Masakado Taira". The Ministry of Finance would be built in the outskirts ruins, but the suspicious death of a construction worker and the staff of Ministry of Finance seemed to occur successively.

A tomb for the war dead of Masakado Taira is enshrined in the corner of the business area on foot from Tokyo, subway Otemachi Station for one minute. The executive room of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in the side is designed not to all turn buttocks there. In other words it means that an elite businessman believes spiritual power of Masakado Taira and is afraid. Because this is a superstition continuing by a unit for 1,000 years, it may be said that it is considerably strong, and brainwashing is maintained.
Even if the objects to be afraid of in a country and an area are different, you should think that it is brainwashed the living human now by all some kind of superstitions. Each other brainwashs each other. I think whether it is the fact of the world that each other maintains a brainwashing state skillfully.

["spiritualism" Hideto Tomabechi (human being publication, 2007)]

(B) . 平将門の首塚 Wikipedia.


平将門: 平安時代中期の武将。生年不詳、西暦903年、916年とする説がある。没年940年。









脚注 [編集]

^ 場所は東京都千代田区大手町1丁目2-1 皇居のお堀から30メーター。
^ 【聖地巡礼】将門首塚(上)都心に今も生きる伝説 - MSN産経ニュース 2008.1.31 ただし、所属事務所の社長で太田の妻・太田光代は「テレビ番組の企画で、太田が首塚に失礼なこと」をした事実は認めているが、伝説との関係は否定している(仕事が来なかった経緯は爆笑問題#芸歴を参照)。

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座標: 北緯35度41分14.2秒 東経139度45分45.8秒

(C) . 平将門の亡霊を恐れる三井物産の役員/苫米地英人




