◯ jtwc 台風12号 right now.

2015-07-23 23:43:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



 2015-07-23 23:43:32 jtwc

合同台風警報センター(ごうどうたいふうけいほうセンター、JTWC; Joint Typhoon Warning Center)は、アメリカ海軍アメリカ空軍ハワイ州真珠湾海軍基地海軍太平洋気象海洋センターに共同で設置した機関である。アメリカ国防総省合衆国およびミクロネシア地域住民の利益に供する為、北西太平洋地域、南太平洋地域、インド洋地域で発生する台風および熱帯低気圧について監視し、警報を発する任務を負う。



Joint Typhoon Warning Center
設立年月日 1959年5月1日
本部所在地 アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州真珠湾海軍基地
人員 31人
上位組織 アメリカ海軍



be careful) timetable account is Coordinate Universal Time (for transcription in the text, Z), so when correcting it in Japan time,+ please do for 9 hours.  











2015-07-23 23:43:32  Tenki.jp. 



The course where number 12 of typhoon is latest and influence to Japan

July 23, 2015 16:10

The fear by which number 12 of typhoon is approach to Okinawa-honto on Saturday. After that the expectation which changes course to northern lay. The latest material, and, influence to Japan, they're diligent with oh, oh, it was done.
Cloud imagery of number 8 of sunflower
Cloud imagery of number 8 of sunflower

Course of a typhoon It's in western lay more than yesterday's expectation.

I'm advancing the south of Japan towards western lay current as of number 12 of typhoon.
It's after that, course was changing to the expectation more developed in western lay until yesterday.
Number 12 of typhoon is quite close to Daitojima area on Friday, and there is a fear that I approach in Okinawa-honto area on Saturday.
After that when I advance the center of the forecast yen, one after Monday advances the western sea in Kyushu on Sunday, and is the expectation towards which I advance the Sea of Japan.
The forecast yen is still big, but when it's compared so far, the width of the expectation is being also small.
Course expectation of a typhoon
Course expectation of a typhoon

Influence to all part

[Western Japan]
A wind is also strengthened at the Kyushu south on Saturday, and there is a possibility that a wind is strengthened at the Kyushu north and a Western part of Honshu to Sunday-Monday.
The air by which the typhoon circumference became moist flows, and it's rain locally, I'd strengthen.
The sea becomes expensive with the welter, so please be careful.
There is also more fear which becomes the rough weather in the wide area by course, so attention will be also necessary to the latest typhoon information from now on.

[Eastern Japan]
A possibility that I undergo direct influence of a typhoon was becoming short as of now in Kanto area and Tokai.
A typhoon would be the aerial influence by which carried tropics-upbringing became moist warmly and be the heat boiled again.
It's the expectation which will be a heat wave day here and there after Saturday, and every day, the highest temperature is also 35 times of expectation from Saturday to Monday Tokyo.
They seem to increase in more unpleasant feelings because it's also humid.
Please be careful about heat exhaustion.

Further, we still have some latitude in course expectation of a typhoon.
Please be also careful about the latest typhoon information and weather information from now on.


The course where number 12 of typhoon is latest and influence to Japan

July 23, 2015 16:10

The fear by which number 12 of typhoon is approach to Okinawa-honto on Saturday. After that the expectation which changes course to northern lay. The latest material, and, influence to Japan, they're diligent with oh, oh, it was done.
Cloud imagery of number 8 of sunflower
Cloud imagery of number 8 of sunflower

Course of a typhoon It's in western lay more than yesterday's expectation.

I'm advancing the south of Japan towards western lay current as of number 12 of typhoon.
It's after that, course was changing to the expectation more developed in western lay until yesterday.
Number 12 of typhoon is quite close to Daitojima area on Friday, and there is a fear that I approach in Okinawa-honto area on Saturday.
After that when I advance the center of the forecast yen, one after Monday advances the western sea in Kyushu on Sunday, and is the expectation towards which I advance the Sea of Japan.
The forecast yen is still big, but when it's compared so far, the width of the expectation is being also small.
Course expectation of a typhoon
Course expectation of a typhoon

Influence to all part

[Western Japan]
A wind is also strengthened at the Kyushu south on Saturday, and there is a possibility that a wind is strengthened at the Kyushu north and a Western part of Honshu to Sunday-Monday.
The air by which the typhoon circumference became moist flows, and it's rain locally, I'd strengthen.
The sea becomes expensive with the welter, so please be careful.
There is also more fear which becomes the rough weather in the wide area by course, so attention will be also necessary to the latest typhoon information from now on.

[Eastern Japan]
A possibility that I undergo direct influence of a typhoon was becoming short as of now in Kanto area and Tokai.
A typhoon would be the aerial influence by which carried tropics-upbringing became moist warmly and be the heat boiled again.
It's the expectation which will be a heat wave day here and there after Saturday, and every day, the highest temperature is also 35 times of expectation from Saturday to Monday Tokyo.
They seem to increase in more unpleasant feelings because it's also humid.
Please be careful about heat exhaustion.

Further, we still have some latitude in course expectation of a typhoon.
Please be also careful about the latest typhoon information and weather information from now on.





2015-07-23 23:43:32  Tenki.jp. 

台風12号 最新の進路と日本への影響

   2015年7月23日 16時10分



台風の進路 昨日の予想より西よりに











