◯ BIG QUAKE WILL COME NEAR. J-GOV.①首都直下巨大地震の確率急上昇!これは絶対に来る!

2015-05-26 07:14:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-26 07:14:58 J-gov. Weekly today. gendai.ismedia.jp. nikkei. com

A big earthquake happens certainly! I suggest a metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock come, is it?
The probability that a big earthquake (metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock) occurs, within 30 years, 70%!! I suggest a metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock come, is it? How should it be done? Shouldn't it be done now? The knowledge useful for such time of a big earthquake was gathered.

Earthquake occurring probability of the latest edition which was casual news and was announced drily. But fear of the disastrous earthquake which creeps upon metropolitan area was reflected vividly there. With the truth of the crisis Japan is put now.

■ After it was calculated more precisely.

The probability that a big earthquake beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 will happen from now on rose 20 % more than before around Tokyo Metropolitan Government in Tokyo and Shinjuku-.

Such, an earthquake investigation committee of a government did the announcement which should be marvellous on December 19.

The one an earthquake investigation committee published on this day is the latest revise of "the whole country estimation of ground motion map". This is the material an earthquake investigation committee which consists of the University of Tokyo seismographic research institute and about 20 researchers of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention has revised and publishes every year since 05 years which' have passed from the reflection you couldn't warn of Hanshin in 95 and Awaji great earthquake with an end of 10 after an earthquake disaster'.

<The probability that a Japanese all part area meets with shaking beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 within 30 years> is gathered on the map.

So event probability of the announced latest earthquake was showing the rise which should be marvellous centering on all part in metropolitan area.

For example Yokohama city office, 78% (last '13 year edition 66%) and Saitama city office, 51% (the said 30%) and Chiba-shi government office are 73% (the said 67%).

Even Tokyo Metropolitan Government described to the beginning is substantial with 46% (the said 26%), increase, and, it was.

Why was it this? Seismography explains professional Musashino academy and Hideki Shimamura tokunin professor so.

"An earthquake investigation committee is giving several reasons, mainly' we assume that it's because the new study results revealed by 14 were

incorporated. The crust of 3, Taiheiyoupureto, the Philippine Sea plate and a North American plate (plate) falls complicatedly at underground in Kanto area. The crust is generally a reason with a lot of earthquakes at the part on which I fall, but Kanto area is also a rare danger zone in the world which says 3 of that's a stack and that about

30,000,000 people live right above it. However how much is the depth of Taiheiyoupureto into which you're slipping under the among 3 crusts and Philippine Sea plate? KA wasn't understood clearly up to now. If it was 30~~40 km, it seemed, I found out that it's shallower than that 10 km and is 20~~30 km. That's also one of

the reason that the probability that metropolitan area meets with big shaking rose more than last assumption,".

Certainly, a rise of event probability of an earthquake at metropolitan area stands out from this revision.

For example an earthquake of 8 classes of M will be connected the near future at huge crack in the crust and Nankai-trough to Minamioki in Kyushu through the Kii-hanto offing and the Shikoku offing from Suruga Bay, and a possibility that the disastrous earthquake which occurs occurs is pointed out.

When the probability in an area that I'd suffer the damage was seen, though it was a high number overall, it was Shizuoka 66% (last 65 %), port 62% (the said 65%), Wakayama 60% (the said 56%), Tokushima 69% (the said 68%) and Kochi 70% (the said 70%) last time mostly in a result of the sideways crawl from assumption.

The result which is this time as expected only in that, clearly.

<Danger is drawing near in Kanto area = metropolitan area.>

It was something to make them feel. Mr. Shimamura continues so.

"It's obtained new knowledge that I made another event probability of an earthquake in Kanto area rise about an earthquake along Sagami-trough which passes through the bottom of the sea in Sagami-wan.

A famous one is Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 (1923) year. A record was often also considered based on this rich Great Kanto Earthquake about an earthquake in Sagami-trough. But, it's said to be whether also not to have a new appreciation in detail about an older earthquake taking the eastern Japan great earthquake as a start, it was.

So it's Genroku Kanto earthquake of one before of Great Kanto Earthquake and 1703 that an investigation was developed once more. As this checks it, I have found out that it was an earthquake bigger than Great Kanto Earthquake more.

For example there is a record a tidal wave reached to Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu in Kamakura by Genroku Kanto earthquake. Even if I also enter 2 km of here in an inland from a coast, a tidal wave has not come there by Great Kanto Earthquake. There are other records that a tidal wave has also come to Odawara, but I have not come by Great Kanto Earthquake.

In other words, there is a possibility that an earthquake slightly bigger than an earthquake in Taisho had happened at Kanto area. When it is, since regarding an upcoming earthquake as the Great Kanto Earthquake degree, next it may be sweet, said, it has been,".

A number, as much as I jumped up, it's event probability of this marvellous earthquake, but investigating another step, and when considering the meaning of the number, the sense by which a back freezes is welling up.

For example a number as 78% in Yokohama. How do you feel this?

I want you to imagine. If this is the rainfall probability of the weather forecast, please.

<The probability that it rains this afternoon is 78%.>

If you say so, many people judge "It rains this afternoon." and go out with an umbrella. That may be called all commonsense behavior. When it is.

<The probability that a big earthquake beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 will happen as of somewhere for 30 years from now on is 78%.>

It'll be sensible that the people in an area who said so judge "Then, we'll encounter a big earthquake within 30 years now." Anyhow even if I live until average life expectancy, the lower generation is the number which will experience a disastrous earthquake certainly mostly at present from 50 years old.

Moreover this flicked assumption incorporates the latest knowledge and that's a result more precise than the former one, you may think, should.

nikkei. com

2015-05-26 07:14:58 J-gov. 週刊現代. gendai.ismedia.jp. nikkei. com

2015年01月11日(日) 首都直下巨大地震の確率急上昇!これは絶対に来る!


大地震は必ず起こる! 首都直下型地震がきたらどうなってしまうのか!!?
大地震(首都直下型地震)が発生する確率は30年以内に70%!! 首都直下型地震がきたらどうなってしまうのか? どうしたら良いのか? 今やっておくべきことはないのか?そんな大地震時に役立つ知識をまとめてみました。


































