○ The Fukushima Crisis 293; The retrofire as Mad action by PM, started. 福島危機293. .逆噴射した.

2012-06-17 05:25:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/16/2012Sat. LeMonde.fr & AFP. Prime Minister Noda . Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano.
Re-operation of two nuclear reactors in the Oi nuclear power plant has been ordered for the first time since the occurrence of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in which a command / French daily Le Monde (June 16) pm Noda occurred re-operation of the nuclear power plant on June 16 and March 11, last year since Prime Minister Noda and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
"We determined re-operation.
Now, the preparations for suitable re-operation are made. "
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano stated in this way at the press conference.
This re-operation was determined without waiting for inauguration of the nuclear regulation agency which is newly due to be installed.
About the determination of this time [ pm Noda ], "in order to protect economy of Japan and people's life", re-operation performed justification with necessity.
June 15 the previous day and Kenzaburo Oe, the Nobel Prize for literature winner, handed the government the about 7 million-person signature for which it asks so that nuclear use may be stopped to the Japanese government with other celebrities and thousands of citizens.
On the other hand, Minister Edano,
"Although it agrees that opinions are divided among people, a politician's duty is deciding, even if all people's do not agree."
It has stated.
here above..
<ref.>Appearance of the citizens who gather in front of the Prime Minister's official and residence in the evening of June 15, and , and raise voice "reversely [ re-operation ]."
10,000 or more persons gathered with the message of the re-operation contrary of a nuclear power plant on that day (it is a Yutube animation by Mr. tkimura6502).
(LeMonde.fr & AFP, « Le Japon relance deux réacteurs nucléaires, les premiers depuis Fukushima », Le Monde, 2012.06.16)
http://www.lemonde.fr/japon/article/2012/06/16/le-japon-relance-deux-reacteurs-nucleaires-les-premiers-depuis-fukushima_ 1719568_1492975.html

The retrofire as extraordinary action by Prime Minister Noda started.
Ruin action currently watched.


06/16/2012Sat. LeMonde.fr & AFP. 野田首相. 枝野幸男経済産業大臣.










here above.

<ref.> 6月15日夕刻、首相官邸前に集まり「再稼働反対」に声をあげる市民達の様子。この日、1万人以上の人が原発の再稼働反対のメッセージをたずさえて集まった(tkimura6502さんによるYutube動画です)。

(LeMonde.fr & AFP, « Le Japon relance deux réacteurs nucléaires, les premiers depuis Fukushima », Le Monde, 2012.06.16)

野田首相による異様な行動としての逆噴射が始まった。 .

予想されている破滅行動。 pathfinderk

