○ The Fukushima Crisis 363 ;Super-High price Oil & Mitsubishi corp.バカ高い油と三菱商事.

2012-08-31 14:49:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/27/2012 Lower House Committee on Economy and Industry . Senator Hidekatsu Yoshii . Mitsubishi corp.
'It is indication about a Senator purchase Yoshii LNG price at 9 times of Toden and the U.S.'
Quotation: Japan Communist Party Senator Hidekatsu Yoshii in Lower House Committee on Economy and Industry on the 27th, The Tokyo Electric Power showed the actual condition which has purchased the liquefied natural gas (LNG) for thermal power generation for the 8 to 9 times as super-high price as the selling price for the U.S. from the trading company which the subsidiary of the company established, and merely did the stripes of the posture of the government which approved increase in power rates to the yes-man of Toden.
Quotation: The company in question is Sert (it is in Mitsubishi Shoji Building as the Marunouchi Nakadori) which the subsidiary "TEPCO trading" of Toden and Mitsubishi invest jointly and has purchase and dealership of LNG from Oman.
While the company sells for the U.S. in the 1 millionBTU (English type thermal unit) hit of 2 dollars, it sells to Toden for high 18 dollars also 9 times.
(Track record in 2012)
Quotation: Mr. Yoshii shows that Toden President Naoki Hirose answered "There is confidentiality of information and it does not know" (08/26/2012, the Lower House consumer's issue Special Committees) on this problem, and he criticizes the concealment nature of the company.
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano promised "it investigates [ make / it / have you ] severely" and "I would like to teach so that it may lower."
quotation: the purchase prices of the LNG from Siberia in which Mr. Yoshii is still the more nearly same are different on the Sodegaura base (Chiba pref.), and differ from 74,975 yen also 2 twice 31,719 yen per ton on the Futtsu base (said) -- indication.
"Mitsubishi will make a profit, if it sells to Toden highly.
The price is all consumers. It says that it turns" and asserts reexamination of a full cost system and a fuel cost adjustment system.
Quotation: Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano answered "I would like to change this (system) immediately."
If it is called Senator Yoshii, it will be the Kyoto University nucleonics graduate, and they are the start and す about the Fukushima first from before. He is a lawmaker who has pointed out the brittleness over the earthquake and tsunami of Nuc.power plant.
Then, although seemingly 1 ton is about 50 million BTU(s), when it does so, for the United States, the price is 900 dollars 100 dollars and for Japan per ton.
800,000 tons is written to be 27 billion in case of the Press Releases in 2006 -- things -- the purchase price of Mitsubishi -- that time -- 1 ton 300 dollars or less.
If it changes to 900 dollars when it reaches pro forma Toden.
Since most purchase expenses of natural gas did not go to overseas and it has said the national corporation indeed, natural gas is semi- domestic resources.
(It is not made earnest like) Very sick, when a "medal count" seems "to be meltdown."
Memo: If the bonding means from an in-company network to the Internet is substantially set only to HTTP (HTTPS is included), what do you do?
Although it is fundamental solution that such a company will resign,
... Mitsubishi IR
2012Q1IR data
The amounts of handling of Mitsubishi are 41% of the total volume of import of Japan, and 34 million tons.
Although seemingly energy business annual sales are 4 - 5 trillion yen generally by another data, natural gas, oil, and the other ratio are unknown.

08/27/2012 衆院経済産業委員会. 吉井英勝議員. 三菱商事.

'東電、米国の9倍で購入 吉井議員 LNG価格を指摘'
引用:  日本共産党の吉井英勝議員は27日の衆院経済産業委員会で、東京電力が、同社の子会社が設立した貿易会社から、火力発電用の液化天然ガス(LNG)を対米販売価格の8~9倍の超高値で購入している実態を示し、東電の言いなりに電気料金値上げを認可した政府の姿勢をただしました。
引用:  問題の会社は、東電の子会社「TEPCOトレーディング」と三菱商事が共同出資し、オマーン産LNGの購入・販売権を有するセルト社(丸の内仲通りの三菱商事ビルの中にあります)。同社は米国向けに百万BTU(英式熱量単位)あたり2ドルで販売する一方、東電には9倍も高い18ドルで販売しています。(2012年の実績)
引用:  吉井氏は、この問題で東電の広瀬直己社長が「守秘義務があり、存じ上げていない」(08/26/2012、衆院消費者問題特別委員会)と答えたことを示し、同社の隠ぺい体質を批判。枝野経産相は「厳しく調べさせていただく」「下げるように指導したい」と約束しました。
引用:  さらに吉井氏は、同じシベリア産LNGの買い取り価格が、袖ヶ浦基地(千 葉県)で1トンあたり3万1719円、富津基地(同)で7万4975円と2 倍も違うと指摘。「三菱商事は東電に高く売ればもうかる。そのツケは全部消費者 に回ってくる」と述べ、総括原価方式と燃料費調整制度の見直しを主張。
引用: 枝野経産相は「一刻も早くこれ(制度)を変えたい」と答えました。
吉井議員といえば京大原子核工学出身で、以前から福島第一を始めとす る原発の地震・津波に対する脆弱性を指摘してきた議員です。
三菱商事の取り扱い量は日本の全輸入量の41%、3400万トン。別資料ではエネルギー事業年間売り上げは大体 4-5兆円っぽいが、天然ガスと石油とそれ以外の比率は不明。

