○ Trump Done Effect Stop Fed.District Court //トランプ政権 連邦地裁の仮処分の効力停止申し立て

2017-02-05 11:35:11 | ♪Trump NEWS
Political power of Trump Effect stop statement of a provisional disposition of a federal district court

February 5 10:13. NHK

A government of Trump alleged this as dissatisfaction about taking out a decision of the temporary injunction by which federal district court dictates fast shutdown to the presidential decree I ordered to prohibit 7 countries of person's entry temporarily on the 4th according to more than one American media so that the effect might be suspended immediately in the federal appeal court exposed to a high court.
A president of Trump took out a decision of the temporary injunction to which fast shutdown is dictated by all-America on the 3rd, and criticized this with "frivolous" etc., and the federal district court in the State of Washington about the presidential decree an American president of Trump ordered to prohibit entry of Nakato and 7 African people temporarily indicated the contested posture.
On the 4th, a government of Trump alleged a decision of this temporary injunction as dissatisfaction according to more than one American media so that the effect might be suspended immediately in federal appeal court.

トランプ政権 連邦地裁の仮処分の効力停止申し立て

2月5日 10時13分 NHK


○ Wash.Fed.District Court Prohibits Trump Decree// 入国禁止の大統領令差し止め命じる ワシントン州連邦地裁

2017-02-05 07:21:02 | ♪Trump NEWS
2017-02-05 07:21:02 NHKonline
The State of Washington federal district court which prohibits and commands the presidential decree you can't enter

The State of Washington federal district court which prohibits and commands the presidential decree you can't enter

February 4 19:21.

Federal district court took out a decision of the temporary injunction to which fast shutdown of presidential decree is dictated by all-America about presidential decree of Nakato and the American president of cards who ordered to prohibit 7 countries of person's African entry temporarily. An alleged plan was indicated so that the White House might suspend the effect of this decision immediately in a courthouse about this decision.
An American president of cards took out the presidential decree he ordered to prohibit entry of Nakato and 7 African people temporarily.

On the other hand after we assumed "A recovery caused an impossible damage to a resident in the state and economy, and it was also against the public profit." in the State of Washington, "I promote discrimination based on the race and a religion and violate a constitution.", as the temporary injunction which causes an appeal as well as asks fast shutdown of execution was being represented to the federal district court in Seattle.

Federal district court admitted this statement on the 3rd and took out a decision of the temporary injunction to which fast shutdown of presidential decree is dictated by all-America about this. About a reason of a decision, a courthouse, "Presidential decree has a bad influence on employment, education and economic activity, the damage is important and it also continues now.", it's made etc..

Ferguson Secretary of Justice of the State of Washington stated "Even though he compared and said a president, it wasn't possible to exceed a law. It was a victory of a constitution."

Spicer spokesman, press attache of the White House announces statement on the 3rd about a decision, "The Department of Justice is going to ask to suspend execution of a decision of a courthouse immediately also defend presidential decree. I'm convinced that this presidential decree is legal and is an appropriate one.", as, dissatisfaction was represented to a courthouse as well as the idea that it's alleged was made clear so that the effect might be suspended immediately because the effect of the decision of a temporary injunction had formed already.

American media are telling "The presidential decree into which approval and disapproval is divided failed big." by a newsletter as well as are telling the etc. by which "a decision is received, and what kind of correspondence is performed at a site of an immigration doesn't become" clear.

A movement of filing a suit is successive to State of Massachusetts and State of New York at all part concerning this presidential decree.
An appeal of the State of Washington?
If the State of Washington is constitutional violation, the State of Washington is in the petition by the trial which did and asked fast shutdown, "A recovery causes an impossible damage to a resident and economy, and it's also against the public profit.", a reason of an appeal is being explained.

In particular, about the financial page, "There are Microsoft, Amazon and STARBUCKS COFFEE in the State of Washington, and many emigrants and refugees are employed, when a laborer with high specialty can't secure it, it'll be a heavy blow in management in the world.", it's made etc..

Such as mentioning that close to 100 emigrants commute from 7 countries presidential decree gives, Iran, Iraq and Syria are also made etc. "such student gets back by education and a study by presidential decree, with the danger which suffers impossible damage, crosses a university in the future and loses a student" in University of Washington about an educational face while doing.

On the other hand the federal district court out of which a decision of the temporary injunction to which fast shutdown of presidential decree is dictated was taken is explaining "Presidential decree has a bad influence on employment, education and economic activity, the damage is important and it also continues now." about the reason.

The decision which alleges by the State of Massachusetts and refuses
Presidential decree is received in the United States, and, state government and a citizen group are all part, it's constitutional violation, as the movement about which I file a suit spreads. Among these the Midwest State of Minnesota was added to the trial about which Nishibe State of Washington filed a suit on the 30th last month as a plaintiff later. The State of Hawaii also announced on the 3rd, that the Secretary of Justice of a state had challenged a federal government and had caused an appeal. A muslim group and a group of human rights have caused more similar appeals at Nanbu State of Virginia, east State of New York and east State of Massachusetts. Among these federal district court of the State of Massachusetts took out the decision which refuses the statement of a provisional injunction that prohibition of presidential decree is asked on the 3rd.
Rice media?
I'm telling CNN television the etc. the presidential decree into which approval and disapproval is divided was big, and in which I "failed" about this decision. Leading newspaper and Wall Street journal are an electronic edition, "I won't know immediately this decision is received, and what kind of correspondence is performed by an on-site level.", as, the point of view which isn't certain will be handed down to whether 7 of person's national entry will be resumed immediately.
A protest demonstration participant is voice of a welcome.
The voice which welcomes the decision the federal district court in the State of Washington took out in the evening for 3 days was successive between the citizen who participated in protest demonstration in opposition to the presidential decree I ordered to prohibit 7 countries of person's entry.

Among these the lady who participated in a demonstration march around the White House in metropolitan Washington, "I'm happy.", at the appreciated top, "I'm not saying that a president still withdraws and, a separate person has the family, too, so, we keep coming into action remonstrantly.", I was speaking. A different lady, "I'd like to applaud. Everyone should resist a president.", I was speaking.

A possibility that judicial rivalry forms with polity.
Prof. Yasushi Watanabe of Keio University conversant with American politics, "A prohibited temporary injunction was taken out though it announced pledge from whole election of an emigrant and the president of cards who gets strict correspondence by refugee's entry by the shape as the presidential decree. It'll be the shape that you quiver the root of insistence surely for political power of cards, and there is a possibility that rivalry forms between the administration and the judicial center.", it's being analyzed.

Because we assume that it's alleged so that the White House may suspend the effect of the decision of a temporary injunction, but it's opaque time in detail, "Department of Homeland Security and the situation how that doesn't the airport staff know whether to correspond and is he confused would continue for a while.", as confusion indicated the point of view which continues concerning 7 countries of person's entry for the time being.

2017-02-05 07:21:02 NHKonline
入国禁止の大統領令差し止め命じる ワシントン州連邦地裁

入国禁止の大統領令差し止め命じる ワシントン州連邦地裁

2月4日 19時21分













