○ Killing"Cancer Stem cell"Found「がん幹細胞」の働き抑える新たな化合物発見: 国立ガン研

2016-09-04 10:47:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-09-04 10:47:33 nhk web. National cancer research center research center
The new compound discovery "cancer stem cell" does and suppresses

September 4 4:42.

The new compound discovery "cancer stem cell" does and suppresses
Animation is played.

A group in a national cancer research center found the new compound which suppresses recurrence of colon cancer, the cause of the change and the considered workings of "cancer stem cell". We assume that I'd like to advance practical use such as doing a clinical test by a man in someday and 1-inside in 2.

It's a group of the Tetsuji Yamada field chief of a national cancer research center research center that this study was performed.
A group found that a compound as "NCB, 0846" suppresses a work of a specific protein necessary to "cancer stem cell's" maintaining the life. And when this compound is thrown to the mouse which transplanted a cell of man's colon cancer, I succeed in colon cancer's making the most part of "cancer stem cell" perish, and it's said that it was possible to suppress that cancer increases 90 percent from 80 percent.
It's thought it's difficult for an anticancer drug to be effective and to be producing a new cancer cell one after another, that "cancer stem cell" causes recurrence and a change. 130,000 people every year develop the symptoms in the country, but when a study group can make a practical use of that the relative survival rate is stopping at about 16 % for 5 years by the reality when getting on blood and changing, we assume that there is a possibility that cancer will be a fundamental remedy.
The Yamada field chief, "I found out that I'm very strong in this compound and suppress a work of a cancer stem cell. When I change colon cancer once and recur, treatment is very difficult. I'd like to link it to 1-development of a new curative including a clinical test over 2 from now on.", I'm speaking.


 2016-09-04 10:47:33 nhk web. 国立がん研究センター研究所 






○Walking "NAMUSEUN"/ノロノロ台風12号 特徴と注意点2016年9月3日 18時44分 中川 裕美子

2016-09-04 08:05:13 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-09-04 08:05:13 tenkijp

Number 12 of typhoon warns the feature slow, point September 3, 2016 18:44
Nakagawa Yumiko Yumiko Nakagawa.
[The Japan Weather Association headquarters] a weather forecaster Disaster prevention man Heat exhaustion prevention instructor.
The share (FaceBook)

Late, a movement is moving north through number 12 of typhoon with the rate as a bicycle. When the center of the typhoon approaches, the wet and a wind are strengthened suddenly. Maybe Tokai also becomes heavy rainfall by the aerial influence which became moist from Shikoku away from the typhoon. The feature of number 12 and a careful point.

The feature of number 12 of typhoon

Number 12 of typhoon is "strong" power current as of 5:00pm. Amami area is moving north through the sea in west-southwest in Yakushima by 15 kilometers per hour and speed as a bicycle, and is included in a storm zone. This back will be slow in speed and be gradually, and is thought to move north through the western sea in Kyushu "slowly". Fear of approach and landing is in the Kyushu north while maintaining strong power from the 4th to the 5th for number 12 of typhoon.

The feature of number 12 of typhoon is powerful, and an active rain cloud is that it's gathered and "A movement is slow." around the center of the typhoon. Therefore the area where I undergo direct influence of a typhoon isn't wide, but you can never be careless. When the center of the typhoon approaches at Kyushu, the wet and a wind are strengthened and probably become with high waves suddenly. And there is a fear that a storm (strong wind) and the very intense wet continue long time. "This rain is still OK." and, while seeing how things are, a road would start to be a river suddenly. Such as the way to get off by which it rains confirms the state of the rain cloud and the movement by "torrential downpour radar" etc. of following link, and moves to a safe place at the front more than I peak, please take measures rather early.

Even if it's away from the typhoon, it's in heavy rain.

There are more fears that even the place away from the typhoon will be heavy rain. The air which was warm from the south by Tokai and became moist from Shikoku from the 4th to the 6th is the possibility from which a rain cloud develops into flowing more locally. Influence is prolonged because a movement of a typhoon is slow, and the total amount of rainfall probably becomes a lot. Further, there is also a fear that a typhoon will be close and be the rough weather to 5 days in Chugoku Shikoku by future's course. Please confirm the latest typhoon information.


2016-09-04 08:05:13 tenkijp 

ノロノロ台風12号 特徴と注意点

中川 裕美子中川 裕美子
[日本気象協会本社]気象予報士 防災士 熱中症予防指導員







(2016年9月3日 18時44分)



台風 5日にかけ九州北部に上陸の恐れ NEW!

9月4日 8時5分

台風12号は暴風域を伴いながら、九州の西海上を時速10キロで北上中です。5日にかけて九州北部に上陸する恐れがあります。台風の動きが遅いので、...  [詳細を見る]


9月4日 1時53分

九州南部が台風12号の暴風域に入りました。強い台風12号は4日午前1時現在、九州南部の西方にあり、1時間におよそ10キロの速さで北へ進んでい...  [詳細を見る]

ノロノロ台風12号 特徴と注意点

9月3日 18時44分

台風12号は動きが遅く、自転車並みの速度で北上中。台風の中心が近づくと、急に雨や風が強まります。ただ、台風から離れた四国から東海も湿った空気...  [詳細を見る]


9月3日 18時7分

屋久島地方が台風12号の暴風域に入りました。強い台風12号は3日午後5時現在、屋久島の西南西にあり、1時間におよそ15キロの速さで北へ進んで...  [詳細を見る]


9月3日 15時54分

鹿児島県奄美地方の十島村では、中之島、口之島で50年に一度の記録的な大雨となっている所があります。十島村の中之島では午後2時40分までの3時...  [詳細を見る]



○ Dangerous CREATURE!!! The dead cause of the person!

2016-09-04 04:21:26 | ♪ One Short Talk



2016-09-04 03:24:01 matome

[Impact] dangerous creature! The dead cause of the person and an annual rank!


A renewal date: May 23, 2014

About 11 shark (10 people)


Source great-white-shark.etc64.com

A shark isn't the creature who attacks only the person who is often misunderstood. Danger quite bigger than shark exists in a sea in plenty. The number of the person attacked by a shark is quite smaller than the number of the person hit by thunder with water for the thing.

Misunderstanding and the truth to source shark

About 11 wolf (10 people)


Source d.hatena.ne.jp

Anyway wariness is a strong thing, and a wolf is learned about, first, easily, you don't appear in the public.

A children's story of "the Little Red Riding Hood" and the "3 BI mushroom pig" etc. everyone hears around a child is influential for the image's to which a wolf comes to eat spreading.

Source NWJ Is man seized with a wolf? The first part | National Geographic (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC) Japan edition official site.

About 10 lion (100 people)


Source mi84ta.cocolog-nifty.com

It isn't wise to treat a feline large animal like a pet.

Or it "was just too rough of way playing" whether a keeper will be attacked and eaten "", just...

Why is a person seized with source news - an animal - a lion? -National Geographic Formal Japanese site (NASHOJIO).

About 10 elephant (100 people)


Source ja.wikipedia.org

It also becomes offensive far after it for the person who did also to give harm to the group of the elephant before with the high recognition ability.

I'm very afraid of Masai family who killed an elephant. But, I know that even the same Masai group isn't attacked by a lady, so I try to avoid only a man.

Ecology of a source elephant

About 9 hippopotamus (500 people)


Source blog.goo.ne.jp

The hippopotamus is fierce oppositely and the form which seems thick is dangerous existence.
Maybe it's huge and slow, but I'm a swift owner actually and also notify 40km of the best speed per hour.

Source http://woman.mynavi.jp/article/130602-021/

About 8 alligator (1000 people)


Source time-az.com

It's biggest in the alligator that it's called and when a possibility that I attack man and eat is highest, a salt-water crocodile. Average males are 450 kilometers of the 5 meters of body height and weight, but the individual of 7 meters of body height and 1 ton of weight isn't unusual, either.

There was also more than 8.5 meters of body height in a record for the biggest salt-water crocodile left.

Source [the world, biggest] cannibal alligator.. a salt-water crocodile! : Creature


About 7 tapeworm (2000 people)


Source ja.wikipedia.org

I say that there are also a tapeworm, a seed which doesn't influence a human body in particular even if you live, and a seed which also brings death when living.

When a tapeworm grows, the one which exceeds 10m also seems to be here and eat away intestinal wall.

It's attention in a source tapeworm.

About 6 roundworm (2500 people)


Source www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.jp

An infected patient of a person roundworm is guessing 60,000 people a year to die of intestinal obstruction 1,400,000,000 people cause a roundworm by present and the world. The infection rate in Japan was said to be about 40 % until 1955-around 1965. It's thought less than 1 % present, but it seems to tend to be increased.

Source roundworm shou




○ 【衝撃】危険生物!!人の死亡原因、年間ランキング ②

2016-09-04 04:12:51 | ♪ One Short Talk



2016-09-04 03:24:01 matome 



3位  ヘビ(50,000人)




2位  人間(475,000人)

 人を 殺すのは 人



1位  蚊(725,000人)



【衝撃】人間にとって最も危険な生物は何か? 1年間で70万人以上を死へ追いやる超危険生物は意外なアイツ http://rocketnews24.com/2014/05/07/438622/


○ 【衝撃】危険生物!!人の死亡原因、年間ランキング ①

2016-09-04 03:24:01 | ♪ One Short Talk


2016-09-04 03:24:01 matome 




更新日: 2014年05月23日

11位  サメ(10人)


11位  オオカミ(10人)




10位  ライオン(100人)



10位  ゾウ(100人)





9位  カバ(500人)



8位  ワニ(1,000人)





7位  サナダムシ(2,000人)




6位  回虫(2,500人)




5位  カタツムリ(10,000人)


5位  サシガメ(10,000人)



出典サシガメによるシャーガス病の症状は?死亡率はどのぐらい? | 旬とぴっ!

更新日: 2014年05月23日


5位  ツェツェバエ(10,000人)



4位  犬(25,000人)


