◯The Fukusima Crisis951Fighting HIRO【SOS】"ヒロ君が戦ってます"医師は前例ない,止血しない乳児,

2016-02-01 10:37:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-02-01 10:14:34 blog.goo.ne.jp/nagaikenji20070927

[SOS] "He's born, and for 1 year and 8 months, Mr. Hiro is fighting." the baby and Fukushima at whom the descent which says that the doctor is unprecedented doesn't stop.
2016-01-28 23:23:53 | Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant and radioactivity.

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nagaikenji20070927/e/02e9174c096482692fb254a5986b523a? utm_source=admin_ranking&utm_medium=realtime&utm_campaign=realtime

This seems to possess emergency by talk of a present progressive form.

The acquaintance who has Facebook reprints a shared article.

The acquaintance who shares it shares it from a different person again, and the different person seems to meet Fukushima's person.

If it's the writing in from which I'd like still to rescue the life of baby, its Fukushima seems.

I don't know the doctor who can do something like such situation, and whether anyone exists in Japan in the present, but I think I shall ask a likely doctor.

The medical expert who decides some handle make a contact, please.

For now, I don't mind by my mail address. nagaikenji20070927@yahoo.co.jp

I check the contents and make a contact to the other side.

I neither know the person who is the father written in, too nor know the person who shares the article first directly, too.

It isn't possible perfectly, but information confirmation is also the fact that a fact is hurried clearly, is various points of view and is the article I want everyone to read, too, so it's carried in a hurry.

It'll be quotation from previous https://www.facebook.com/eiichirou.nakagawa my acquaintance shared everything.

Including a picture. This person seems an acquaintance of child's father.

The contents are a serious one seriously. Please check it (I go to the size of the location where a picture is put in and the letter and the new paragraph with which a letter is colored by my judgement, it isn't altered.)

Further, the information which is a name of disease as "corpuscle donshoku syndrome" as addition was informed about.


Mr. Baba in Fukushima I like very much❗

Mr. Hiro of your son is fighting against a disease now. Please❗ read lower sentences.

A super doctor look for someone, please.

He's born for 1 year and 8 months...
, feel sorry about...
and feel sorry...,....
Everyone in the whole country, please❗ share it.
Thank you,😭😭.

I performed an operation from around 16 o'clock the day before yesterday.

Unfortunately I didn't come to perfect check of the bleeding as of the way later.

I cross doctori for 20 years, but "it's for the first time that a descent doesn't coagulate so much" by a story of Mr. chief of surgery who operated, said.

The one by which the blood which comes out is new blood now or, former, it's said that they can't judge passage observes whether it's collected blood, and not to see the price of the hemoglobin.

It may be leukaemia and, an ingredient may be the one which isn't enough and, it was called.

Genetic test may be done, but it's said that they do and everyone isn't made of the subsidy from the country (sweat).

I think when black and white will be certain, and you'd treat it with a pinpoint.

And I went to a medical college in the evening yesterday.

😰 It passes for only 1 day, and by which a chest has swollen abnormally😰

When it almost swells after performing an operation, it's called, but it's so seen that it isn't ordinary.

Be pitiful, be pitiful and be a tube from the mouth, and enter oxygen, so-called artificial respiration, it's SHI.

That it moves, because it comes off, it's put to sleep.

They keep hoping if swelling pulls it early.

I'd like to disengage early.

Bleeding still seems to continue.

A family doctor of a blood tumor family said.

"It can be said that I'm transfusing blood, and a normal value and a platelet are also increased in the state near the normal value mostly mostly hemoglobin, and it's unprecedented that blood doesn't stop, I'm inexperienced. I don't know when to stop. But treatment method has no choice but to continue the method now.".

Then you think of⁉ of translations which has to be here just as it is all the while, right?

The body temperature stable by about 36 ℃ has gone up to 40 ℃. You're saying that influence of an operation is considered, but the moment it didn't fall tomorrow, intention won't be by intention. And heat rises this morning and the numerical value as ferritin also rises, and bleeding doesn't also stop, and it's said that the lung is foul in white.

A heart seems to turn whether it's that I die or that an expression also lives through a change or😭 in😭 truth and is attributed or doesn't meet because I don't also hear voice and am put to sleep because it depends and isn't talked.

A second opinion, in the view, nyuu, you're advising that the one is preferred. Whether you could tell the super doctor who can help Hirotake to a person all Japan through Facebook is being hoped.

In various meanings, the one considered that these contents are high in importance shares it, and please spread.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Takahama Nuclear Power Plant seems to be operated again to be similar tomorrow in an evening on 29th. I cannot permit it. I want to confirm this some other time again.

2016-02-01 10:14:34 blog.goo.ne.jp/nagaikenji20070927

【SOS】「生まれて1年8ヶ月、 ヒロ君が戦ってます」医師は前例ないと言う、血が止まらない乳児、福島。
2016-01-28 23:23:53 | 福島第一原発と放射能












すべて、僕の知人がシェアしていた先の https://www.facebook.com/eiichirou.nakagawa よりの引用となります。


































〓この項目は、血液中のフェリチンの量を調べる検査です。 フェリチンは、内部に鉄分を貯蔵できる蛋白で、肝臓・脾臓・心臓など各臓器に存在しており、微量ながら血液中にも存在しています。 働きは、鉄分を細胞内に貯蔵して、トランスフェリンとの間で鉄の交換を行なって血液中の鉄分(血清鉄)の量を維持することです。
www.bestmeditec.net › k_protein › ferritin