◯ "Utopia Collapse"安保法成立、スイス報道「軍事力に依存しない平和主義のユートピア崩壊」

2015-10-05 13:48:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2015-10-05 13:48:20 swissinfo.ch

Press review

Security way formation and Swiss media will be reported big, "utopia collapse of pacifism for which I don't depend on the military power"



2015-09-21 17:51
The demonstration which opposes security formation of related bills for several weeks continued in front of the Diet (Keystone).
The demonstration which opposes security formation of related bills for several weeks continued in front of the Diet.

That a security relevant law was concluded in dawn for 19 days was received and media in Switzerland French area were also reported big. Such as sending a report reporter to Japan in particular, it's being done and a more detailed analysis is being tried. When there are also media I disqualify for the young's counter exercise, there are also media thought "the natural course by which security way formation can't resist such flow" in the flow of the militarized world. (Le Temps)on main paper, "An utopia of pacifism where Japan doesn't depend on the military power which has taken the lead collapsed.", I grieved.

"Young people stand up to the bellicose posture of Japan." I focus on the young people who oppose, and daily newspaper (24 Heures) which gave the title is reporting the security way concluded in spite of 60 percent of national opposite. The word to which 1 person of college student's urgent behavior group SEALDs says "He has not been born to kill a person to fight a war." is also quoted.

I explain "It's apart from young people's politics, I showed "startling reaction" by young people in Japan I was advancing. It's by the demonstration which tries to correct and bring the hip hop-like pleasure into politics, not demonstration in the old time. When saying in a word, I'm never aiming at "revolution"."

I press down on one step and refer to Mr. Eiji Oguma's analysis of a sociological person. "It's because Fukushima's nuclear accident made Japanese consciousness come to its senses ultimately, that young people's consciousness rose according to Mr. Oguma. A government kept doing nothing to this crisis and lying. That former financial development can't be reorganized again also became clear."

A process to a scrapped bill continues.

Daily newspaper Tribune DO Geneva where I gave the title as "scale expansion of Japan Self-Defense Forces which protest" and reported security way formation big. After explaining a background objectively including the viewpoint of Abe political power, "for the first time, the force will be used with USA and other country military overseas after the Second World War", and, I accentuated.



Abe government meets with the large-scale opposition from the country to the said bill and also falls to an approval rate of political power. When tens of thousands of people were uncommon to opposite demonstration of the scale in Japan in particular, the said paper was continued.

Formation later and various declarations of the gist to which I say "That isn't it. All ways are used to bring this bill into a scrapped bill." from opponent's congressman, Japan Federation of Bar Associations and citizen group are introduced. In particular, Chairperson Susumu Murakoshi's following remark of Japan Federation of Bar Associations was put. "A bill violates a peaceful constitution.... A stigma is also left on this democracy's national history of a constitutionalism principle. The legal process to drive this into a scrapped bill from now on is being advanced."

Reaction of an other country

Japanese Japan Self-Defense Forces should be a support army smaller in scale than an other country army and even if they admitted constitution interpretation, after the Diet took part in a strict index, prescribed the scale of "support" and put the comment which would have to make sure that it'll be a minimum support army, a reaction of an other country was also put. One is the word to which the Australian jury bishop Minister of Foreign Affairs says " (Formation of a bill.) Japan would contribute to international peace and stability from now on." Next the reaction to which China says "Notice should be taken of anxiety in a neighboring country in security." was also lined up.

An utopia collapsed.

"Japan was the free Hajime horn country which prohibits a war in the major power on the earth. It was also the country you advance in the van of the "movement of" the innovative world which tries to build peace by reducing the scale of the army a little. But an utopia of this pacifism has collapsed." and, it's RU tongue paper to grieve and catch this security way formation in the movement of the world objectively.

And I concluded that this applied accurately in the context of the world order militarized increasingly pessimistically. "And who can criticize Japan added to the flow for military in the flow now which tries to be a war and be in order of the world?" "Much of a lesser power of about 30 in the American subsidiary is just reducing military. The choice which parts from Japanese pacifism is only one cut movement in the flow of the world militarized increasingly."






2015-10-05 13:48:20  swissinfo.ch




2015-09-21 17:51
国会前では、数週間にわたり安全保障関連法案成立に反対するデモが続いた (Keystone)




















◯ U CanSee (ISS) "Kibo" 今夜は「きぼう」を見るチャンス!

2015-10-05 07:19:00 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-10-05 07:19:00   tenki.jp/forecaster/. (JAXA)


国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)の「きぼう」の船外装置で宇宙空間 ...




The chance from which tonight will judge "Kibo"!

October 4, 2015 15:16



Around 6:30pm today's, International Space Station (ISS) "Kibo" passes the Japanese sky. The chance judged by a naked eye at the wide reach of Kyushu from the northeast. What would happen to the worrisome weather?

The course where the time is seen around 6:30pm?

The laboratory where about 400 km of International Space Station (ISS) was constructed in the sky from the ground. ( "Kibo" is the name of the Japan experimental ridge in it.) When having complete set of the condition very brightly because the size is about a soccer stadium and a solar cell paddle is installed, it's possible to judge by a naked eye from the ground.

October 4, today's is the chance to see "Kibo" in the Japanese wide area. (Refer to a lower figure for the process expected that "Kibo" is seen.).
According to JAXA and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the time is around 6:30pm. For the biggest angle of elevation (with the angle of elevation, the angle from the horizon) to become more than 45 times at the wide reach of Kyushu from the northeast, it's said that it's easy to see. The biggest angle of elevation is low and Hokkaido may be a little difficult to find. To see would be difficult this time in Okinawa.

The direction looked in is different depending on areas. The direction looked in at a main spot was gathered.

★ Fukuoka Around 6:30pm Southeast.
★ Osaka Around 6:31pm South-southeast.
★ Nagoya Around 6:32pm Mostly, right above.
★ Tokyo Around 6:32pm Northnorthwest.
★ Sendai Around 6:33pm The south.
The process expected that Kibo is seen ( (C) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA))
The process expected that Kibo is seen ( (C) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA))

The point when finding it?

Light light is seen by the image I'm moving with SU. Light flashes on and off, and red and the blue occasion are an airplane, so be apparent.
It looks lighter than a star of Venus and Jupiter, so when clearing up, it's also possible to enjoy itself at downtown.

The worrisome weather?

It's Kyushu, Shikoku and China to be thought to be refreshed relatively. Cloud spreads a little, but Kinki area and Tokai are the possibility which clears up for the most part.
There is also a lot of cloud the northeast and Hokuriku area, but there would be a chance to be looked in.
On the other hand, a possibility cloud tends to be spread in Kanto area from the evening, and which is a shower here and there at the south. It may be difficult this time, but I'll look up at the sky with "Kibo".

When the sun also sets with all part, it's chilly, so please go out with the one which puts one in case of observation on.
(October 4, 2015 15:16)




 2015-10-05 07:19:00   tenki.jp/forecaster/. (JAXA)


   2015年10月4日 15時16分


時刻は午後6時半ごろ 見える方角は?




★福岡 午後6時30分ごろ 南東
★大阪 午後6時31分ごろ 南南東
★名古屋 午後6時32分ごろ ほぼ真上
★東京 午後6時32分ごろ 北北西
★仙台 午後6時33分ごろ 南
きぼうが見られると予想される経路((C) 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA))

きぼうが見られると予想される経路((C) 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA))







(2015年10月4日 15時16分)

 石上 沙織石上 沙織