English Collection



2024年05月15日 | 英単語
Toshikazu Kawaguchiの小説 "Before the Coffee Gets Cold Tales from the Cafe" を読んでいます。

By chance, they entered the same university and became teammates. Gohtaro was a fullback while Shuichi was a fly-half. The fly-half, identified by the number 10 on his back, is the star player in rugby. He is like the fourth player in the batting order or a pitcher in baseball, or the striker in football. Shuichi was amazing as a fly-half, and he earned the nickname Shuichi the Seer because his plays during matches were like miracles – players even remarked that it was as if he could see into the future.

若い頃、三十代の前半までラグビーをしていたし、今でも見るスポーツではラグビーが一番と思っている私ですが、ラグビーの十番は少なくとも日本ではスタンドオフと言い、"fly-half" は聞いた事がありません。辞書を見ます。

・Wiktionary: (rugby) A rugby player who is normally the first receiver of the ball from the scrum half after a scrum; a half-back.
Synonyms: outside half, stand-off half, stand-off, out-half, first five-eighth


Names of positions
The various positions have changed names over time, and many are known by different names in different countries. Players in the flanker positions were originally known as "wing forwards", while in the backs, "centre three-quarter" and "wing three-quarter" were used to describe the outside centre and wing respectively (although the terms are still sometimes used in the Northern Hemisphere) The names used by World Rugby tend to reflect Northern Hemisphere usage although fly-half is still often known as "outside-half" or "stand-off" in Britain, and "outhalf" in Ireland. In New Zealand, the scrum-half is still referred to as the "half-back", the fly-half is referred to as the "first five-eighth", the inside centre is called the "second five-eighth" and the outside centre is simply known as "centre". In America and Canada the number 8 is known as "8-man".

なるほど、しかし日本では、"fly-half" は使われていないですね。ちなみに私は、"scrum-half" でした。
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