English Collection



2023年05月14日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 3/4月合併号の記事 "Lawn Gone" 、サブタイトルは Everyone Loves Their Yard...Except Mother Natureとなっていました、からの引用です。

Lawns: burned out, blond and dead, in the air fryer of August. Lawns emerald green--no, alien green--and kept that way by maniacal vigilance and an elaborate system of pipes and potions, organic and otherwise to defiance of ecology.

"potion" は記録には残っていないのでいつだか不明ですが、このブログ(15年以上前の別のサイト)を始めた頃に取り上げた記憶があります。
大昔に "Love Potion Number 9" と言う曲を良く耳にしましたが、その "Potion" と同じ意味です。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a drink of medicine or poison; a liquid with magic powers: a magic/love potion; (humorous) I've tried all sorts of drugs, creams, pills and potions.
・Collins Dictionary: A potion is a drink that contains medicine, poison, or something that is supposed to have magic powers.: Not all magic is accessed through a wand or potion.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a liquid or substance that is said to cure an illness or a condition, but is not a medicine: Americans are said to spend more on pills and potions than any other nation.
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