English Collection



2020年11月04日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 'Surprising Facts About the U.S. Army' からの引用です。
Marshall had a sweet spot for his soldiers. On behalf of Eisenhower, he sent a telegram in 1943 from Allied headquarters in North Africa to the Coca-Cola Company, rqquesting the soft drink for the troops. Within months, 148 Coke representatives filled the ranks with the official title of technical observing, though they were nicknamed Coca-Cola Colonels. They wore fatigues and were paid as commissioned officers, but they had one responsibility: getting Cokes to American GIs.

疲労の意味の "fatigue" は知っていますがここでは複数形の "fatigues" で身に着けている物ですね。 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Loose-fitting clothing, typically khaki, olive drab, or camouflaged, worn by soldiers.: ‘battle fatigues

・Collins Dictionary: Fatigues are clothes that soldiers wear when they are fighting or when they are doing routine jobs.: He never expected to return home wearing U.S. combat fatigues.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a loose, brownish-green uniform worn by soldiers: army fatigues
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