English Collection


a gammy leg

2009年02月19日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
17日に丸の内カフェで開かれたESUJのEnglish Clubに参加した際にESUJ理事のSusanさんにサイデンステッカー氏の手紙文コピーを渡し “a game arm” について訊きました。彼女は直ぐには分かりませんでしたが、翌日次のメールが彼女から届きました。
A game arm”: I did not know that expression, but I have heard my (English) husband and his father use the expression “a gammy leg”. I did not know the spelling. I had to look that up as it was pronounced a “gamey” (like game, not gam) leg, as I recalled. But ‘gams’ is slang for ‘legs’ you may be surprised to know. It usually refers to well-shaped women’s legs, eg, “Nice gams!” (a boy might say to a girl he wanted to talk to).
Anyway, a “gammy” leg is a “bad” leg, one that may need surgery to repair something and causes you to use a cane or walk with a slight limp.
そうですか、イギリス英語で “a gammy leg” なる表現があるのですね。 早速辞書で確認します。
・Compact Oxford English Dictionary: gammy: Brit. informal (especially of a leg) unable to function normally because of injury or chronic pain.
ORIGIN dialect form of game: (of a person’s leg) lame.
・Cambridge International Dictionary of English: gammy leg or other body part is damaged or does not work correctly: Ex. I've got a gammy knee.
ふむふむ、もしかすると米語では "gammy leg" を "game leg" と言うのではと推測し、いつも使う米国系の辞書を見直すと、ありました。
The American Heritage Dictionary: game: Crippled; lame: a game leg.
Dictionary.com: lame: a game leg.
ところで "weather arm" の方は推測通りでした。 Susanさんのメールに、"As for “Weather arm”, I think that is an expression that is made up but it must mean that Seidensticker’s arm hurt when it rained, or some such." とありました。
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2009年02月19日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム
Seidensticker氏が東京をこよなく愛していたのは、晩年はハワイに住んでいたにも関わらず生前に自分の墓地として東京の下町を選んでいたことからも分かります(Ref.inter http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/140558 )が、次に引用する手紙でも明らかです。
Honolulu, February 2004. I come to think more and more strongly that when the time comes to choose a final abode it will be Tokyo. That is the place upon the planet where I feel most at home. Certainly I have no thought of going back to Colorado, and Honolulu comes to seem phonier and phonier the longer I live here. Tokyo has many idiosyncrasies, but phoniness is not among them.
"idiosyncrasies"(単数形は "idiosyncrasy") は:
OneLook Quick Definitions: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
Dictionary.com: a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.
"phoniness" は形容詞の "phony" で調べます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
Dictionary.com: not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: a phony diamond.; false or deceiving; not truthful; concocted: a phony explanation.
東京生まれの東京育ちですが "Tokyo has many idiosyncrasies" と言われても肯定するしかありませんが、"Honolulu comes to seem phonier and phonier the longer I live here" の件はハワイの人が怒りそうですが、ハワイの人はそんな事は気にしないのでしょうね。
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