
katorikku jyohou

イエズスを殺したのは誰か?  その驚愕の真実 まさにミステリー

2022-04-16 | 燔祭(いけにえ)

Commenting on Romans 8:32, John Piper states so beautifully, “Just as Abraham lifted the knife over the chest of his son Isaac, but then spared his son because there was a ram in the thicket, so God the Father lifted the knife over the chest of his own Son, Jesus — but did not spare him, because he was the ram; he was the substitute. God did not spare his own Son, because it was the only way he could spare us.


So, who killed Jesus? The Romans did; the Jews did; you and I did; and, His Father did. Yet, while this is true, we can also say that no one really took His life, because He gave his life voluntarily. Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd…and I lay down my life for the sheep…I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again” (John 10:14–18).

Yes, it was God the Father who ultimately brought His Son to Calvary, but His Son went there voluntarily. The Son of God willingly agreed to die on the cross for the salvation of those whom God had chosen from eternity past (Eph. 1:4–5).

Who Crucified Jesus? The Romans, the Jews, You and I, or His Father?


犯人は? 直接的にはローマ帝国の死刑執行人、行政的にはポンシオピラト、法的にはローマ法とユダヤ律法、世論的にはユダヤ人(責任も取ると主張)、間接的には人類と堕天使、聖書的には計画殺人(預言成就)、究極的には御父、自発的には御本人(自殺ではない)



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2022-04-17 00:24:52

