
katorikku jyohou


2021-08-01 | トラディチオディス・クストデス


In general, doctrine is all Church teaching in matters of faith and morals. Dogma is more narrowly defined as that part of doctrine which has been divinely revealed and which the Church has formally defined and declared to be believed as revealed.

Concerning the Church’s teaching that Mary is the Mediatrix of All Graces, while this doctrine has been divinely revealed, it has not yet been—although could be—elevated to dogma. In Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Dr. Ludwig Ott explains, “The doctrine of Mary’s Universal Mediation of Grace based on her co-operation in the Incarnation is so definitely manifest in the sources of the faith, that nothing stands in the way of a dogmatic definition” (215).



What Is the Difference between Doctrine and Dogma?

Teachings of the Catholic Church can have one of two statuses: doctrin...

Catholic Answers



「司教は司教に、カージナルはカージナルに対立する」秋田預言の様相を呈す 教会が変質するか割れるかすればどちらでもいい戦法 62禁止なら58でいいやん

2021-07-23 | トラディチオディス・クストデス

Is this the unity that Bergoglio sought? "Bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal," the words of Our Most Blessed Mother Mary to Sister Agnes Sasagawa at Akita, Japan.

Bishop Paprocki uses Canon Law to set aside Bergoglio's demonic action against the Holy Mass, But what about Wagga Wagga?


f1使徒書簡トラディチオニス・クストデス 伝統(トラディチオニス)やってはんのは「クズとデス(death)」との上意にござる

2021-07-23 | トラディチオディス・クストデス

In his July 16, 2021, Apostolic Letter, Francis-Bergoglio really did a number on the clueless Neocons, who were demented enough to put their trust in the anti-Catholic Newchurch and its apostate Newpopes.and Newbishops. Just see how the Neocon "bloggers" are now weeping and wailing, although their end was clearly foreseeable -- we TRADITIO Fathers have warned them for decades of the sad end to which they were heading -- foreseeable just as King Baltasar saw the handwriting on the wall, and the next day his Babylon fell to the Medes.

Bergoglio mendaciously and hypocritically named his Letter "Traditionis custodes," whereas he should have named it "Traditionis vastatores," because Newchurch bishops are in fact not "guardians of Tradition," but destroyers of Tradition. This is just one of a passel of lies that the Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio wrote in his Letter, in his attempt to reinvent history and the Catholic Faith.

It is clear that the Neocon Newchurchers, who swore their loyalty to the apostate Newpopes of the last six decades, were played for fools, with the pugilist's classic one-two punch. First, Josef Ratzinger, the ex-Nazi, an Ultra-modernist who played a major role in founding the Newchurch of the New Order at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), was mendaciously recast, under the title "Benedict" as a "traditionalist." He lured the Neocon Newchurchers into believing that the New Latin Mass of 1962 (which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass) was going to be more available. The Neocons bought his 2007 "Summorum pontificum" like syncophant sheep. Then it remained only for Bergoglio to slam shut the trap door on them in 2021. This was no coincidence; it was all planned. The same ploy was pulled by the Modernists, including Ratzinger, at Vatican II.

In addition to the suppression that we detailed in our July 19, 2021, Commentary, take a look at Article 3.5 of the Letter: "[The Newdiocesan bishop is] to proceed suitably to verify that the parishes canonically erected for the benefit of these faithful [the Neocon Newchurchers] are effective for their spiritual growth, and to determine whether or not to retain them." What is being referred to here is the Newparishes run by the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICRSS), and similar "Indult" groups. In other words, Bergoglio has essentially ordered the elimination of "Indult" groups.

In order that the Neocon Newchurchers would have no hope for the future, Bergoglio added an Article 4: Those presbyters installed "after the publication of the present Motu Proprio, who wish to celebrate using the Missale Romanum of 1962, should submit a formal request to the diocesan [New]bishop who shall consult the Apostolic See before granting this authorization." In other words, if you are a young Newseminarian, don't have any hope of ever saying a New Latin Mess. Even if the local Newbishop approves, Bergoglio's Newvatican won't. He made that clear in his recent condemnation of conservative young Newseminarians as "rigid."

In the accompanying letter to his Newbishops, Bergoglio's plan to kill once and for all the New Latin Mess is made crystal clear, he instructs the Newbishops of the "need to return in due time to the Roman Rite promulgated by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II." Benedict-Ratzinger implied the same conclusion in his 2007 "Summorum Pontificum." Newchurch's purpose is clear. The clueless Neocon Newchurchers don't want to see it, so every time Newchurch whacks them across the face, they always wail that they didn't saw it coming.



2021-07-20 | トラディチオディス・クストデス

"A pope would be schismatic... 'if he if he were to change all the liturgical rites of the Church that have been upheld by apostolic tradition'." (Francisco Suárez / Klaus Gamber)

Cardinal Mueller on the New TLM Restrictions - The Catholic Thing

Op-Ed by Top French Philosopher Michel Onfray: "I'm an Atheist, but the Latin Mass is Our Patrimony: Francis is Destroying It; He is Doing What He Was Elected to Do."

RIGID INTOLERANCE: Why Does Francis Hate the Latin Mass?

Op-Ed: "Francis Has Unleashed a War: It Will End With the Full Triumph of Tradition." (Roberto de Mattei)






f1 1962伝統ミサの終焉 B15に気を使って死ぬのを待ってたら自分が死にそうになったので早々にスンモールを監獄にぶち込んで安楽死させとくことに

2021-07-20 | トラディチオディス・クストデス


  1. Greater publicity for the true Traditional Latin Mass (1950) and its contrast to the blasphemous, sacrilegious, and even heretical changes that fabricated the New Latin Mess of 1962, started in 1951 under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, whose stated purpose was to turn the Roman Catholic Mass into a Protestant service -- a goal that he achieved in the Newchurch in 1969.
  2. Virtual suppression of the Half New Order Vatican II New Latin Mass of 1962, also engineered by Bugnini, whose purpose was to "soften up" Catholics just before the Anti-council (1962-1965) for a complete acceptance of the invalid (fake), Protestant New Order Mess of 1969, which, in 2007, the Ultra-Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger declared officially to be the "Ordinary" Mess of Newchurch.
  3. The lie has been put to the Neo-Society's of St. Pius X's efforts to become a part of Newchurch, which now has spurned the "Mess of 1962," which the NSSPX continues to use.
  4. More true Catholics should find their way to the tens of thousands of independent churches, chapels, and oratories around the world. These true Catholics have never bought into the lie of the Newchurch of the New Order as being the Catholic Church, but rather have called Newchurch, together with its New Mess, New "Sakraments," New Dogma, and New (Im)morality, as a carefully-engineered fraud, just another one of the multitudinous Protestant sects -- or worse.


On Saturday, July 17, 2021, one day after the release of “Pope” Francis’ decree Traditionis Custodes, the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X published a scathing but humorous response, in which it accuses the supposed Vicar of Christ of “caging” the Traditional Latin Mass and forcibly administering a “vaccination” against Lefebvrism. In this way, the SSPX contends, he seeks to marginalize Tradition-loving Catholics with the ultimate goal of driving them into extinction.

So far, the SSPX statement has been released in French only, available here. Due to the great urgency and importance of the matter, Novus Ordo Watch is providing the following English translation:

From the Reserve to the Zoo: Society of St. Pius X slams Francis' Decree against Traditional Latin Mass