
katorikku jyohou


2023-03-03 | 伝統派



アガサ・クリスティ・インダルト(許可) アガサやアシュケナジの抗議にビビった教皇p6はイングランドとウエールズ限定で1971年からトリエントミサを復活併存させた。ポワロファンなら断れないね。

2021-08-01 | 伝統派

in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, Dame Agatha Christie, the renowned writer of detective fiction, added her name to a protest letter to Pope Paul VI. With over fifty other literary, musical, artistic, and political figures, Christie — who’d recently celebrated her eightieth birthday — expressed alarm at the proposed replacement of the old Mass rite, which used Latin and elaborate ritual, with a new rite in English with simpler ceremonial.

Although Christie’s then husband, the archaeologist Sir Max Mallowan, was Roman Catholic, she herself wasn’t. Christie didn’t defend the old rite, nor contest the new, on the grounds that either was good or bad for the Church. Rather, along with her fellow partners in crime, she argued that the old rite had inspired countless artistic achievements, including in poetry, philosophy, music, architecture, painting, and sculpture. These, she contended, made it a universal possession of human culture that the Church had no right to abolish. The letter had a positive outcome, securing an indult allowing the bishops of England and Wales to authorize the continued celebration of the old rite alongside the new. In 1984, a similar permission was granted worldwide.

Agatha Christie at mass | OUPblog

The Agatha Christie indult is a nickname applied to the permission granted in 1971 by Pope Paul VI for the use of the Tridentine Mass in England and WalesIndult is a term from Catholic canon law referring to a permission to do something that would otherwise be forbidden.

Following the introduction of the Mass of Paul VI to replace the former, Tridentine liturgy in 1969–1970, a petition was sent to the Pope asking that the Tridentine form of the Roman Rite be permitted to continue for those who wished in England and Wales. Some English Roman Catholics had an attachment to the Tridentine Mass, as the Mass which had been celebrated by the English Martyrs of the Reformation and by priests in the years in which Catholicism had been subjected to sometimes severe persecution. However, the petition noted the exceptional artistic and cultural heritage of the Tridentine liturgy, and was signed by many prominent non-Catholic figures in British society, including Agatha ChristieVladimir AshkenazyKenneth ClarkRobert GravesF. R. LeavisCecil Day-LewisNancy MitfordIris MurdochYehudi MenuhinJoan Sutherland and two Anglican bishops, those of Exeter and of Ripon.[1]

Cardinal John Heenan approached Pope Paul VI with the petition and asked that use of the Tridentine Mass be permitted. On 5 November 1971, the Pope granted the request. Supposedly Paul had read the letter and exclaimed "Ah Agatha Christie!" and so decided to grant the request; giving the indult its nickname.[2] Between then and the granting of the worldwide "universal indult" in 1984, the bishops of England and Wales were authorized to grant permission for the occasional celebration of Mass in the old form, with the modifications introduced in 1965 and 1967.[3]

Agatha Christie indult - Wikipedia


How Agatha Christie helped to save the Latin Mass - Catholic Herald

An unlikely intervention by England’s cultural luminaries rescued the ...

Catholic Herald




How Agatha Christie Saved the Latin Mass — Born of Wonder

Perhaps it is the changing leaves, the crisp in the air, the cold morn...

Born of Wonder





カトリックの色濃いアガサ・クリスティー作品 でもロザリオを祈った末に私刑犯を告発しなかったのはいかがなものか。

2021-08-01 | 伝統派

ポワロ マドマゼル、あなたカトリックですか。

女性 まさか、カトリックのために祈る側ですよ。彼らは間違ってますから。

ポワロ どう間違ってるんです?

女性 カトリックの償いと赦しは間違ってる。そう思いませんか。

ポワロ (しばし沈黙して)神さえお赦しにならない罪があるということでしょうか。

女性 はい。

ポワロ たとえば神の教えにそむくこと?

女性 はい。

ポワロ 子供に対する暴力も?

女性 はい、子供に対する暴力もです。あの男が死んだのは神の赦しを得ることができなかったからかもしれません。

ポワロ 信仰心は長くお持ちですか。

女性 イエス様を見ました。私を守ってくださいます。私が子供を守るように。五年になります。五年前からイエス様とともに。(5年前から正義の私刑を計画していた)

MHK BS  名探偵ポワロ 「オリエント急行での殺人」より 


2021-03-06 | 伝統派

On February 26, 2021, one of the only four living bishops validly consecrated under Pope John XXIII, Yves-Marie Ramousse, died, just three days after celebrating his 93rd birthday. He was the Vicar Apostolic of Phnom-Phen, Cambodia, from 1962 to 1976, and then again from 1992 to 2001. There are now only three "Johanines" left, aged 99, 97, and 97. All bishops consecrated under Pope Pius XII are dead.

With Ramousse's death there are now only 32 bishops left in Newchurch who were validly consecrated before the end of 1968, when the invalid (fake) Protestantized Novus Ordo New Ordinal was imposed, and the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders was abrogated. This New Ordinal doesn't even purport to consecrate valid bishops, only to "install" them, like Protestant ministers. (A few bishops may have validly consecrated under the traditional Ordinal as late as 1969.) We can say with great probability that there are now fewer than 40 valid bishops left in Newchurch. Most of them are in their 90s. Cardinal Arinze, aged 88, is one of the youngest left.




2020-08-19 | 伝統派




FSSP ルフェーブル大司教が破門されたのでSSPX退会した人たち 大司教は空位論者だったというが本人が宣言していない以上そうとは言えない

2020-08-19 | 伝統派

Former Superior of FSSP Says ++Lefebvre Was Sedevacantist

 OTTAWA – [Catholic Dredgister] An order of priests that became “like orphans” 30 years ago when it broke away from the schismatic Society of St. Pius X has prospered by observing Church tradition and stressing unity with the Holy Father.

There is no possibility to get to Heaven without being united to the Pope,” said Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, the recently-elected Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical right that celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass. 

Bisig said the unjust suppression of the flourishing seminary, which had 120 seminarians by 1977, and Pope Paul VI’s subsequent suspension led to a change in Lefebvre’s attitude towards Rome, and his language became increasingly “polemical.” Lefebvre began to entertain sedevacantism, the idea that Paul VI was not the real pope, and thus the Chair of Peter was vacant, Bisig said. But the archbishop kept this opinion largely out of the public realm because most priests in the SSPX would have been scandalized.

“Until then it was forbidden for us to be critical of the Holy Father or Rome,” Bisig said.

The founding members of the FSSP only split with Lefebvre after Lefebvre ordained four bishops in 1988 against the will of Pope St. John Paul II, leading to Lefebvre’s excommunication. The SSPX, then numbering some 60,000 followers, was deemed schismatic.

“It was clear we had to leave the Society because of this rupture with Rome,” said Bisig, one of 12 priests, one deacon and 20 seminarians who left.

“We did not want to leave the SSPX,” he said. “We were forced to do so. Our superior became schismatic. We felt like orphans abandoned by our father.”

Bisig, who became the first Superior General of the FSSP, is now rector of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. 

Over the past 30 years, the FSSP has succeeded in forming a Society that is in unity with the Pope as it continues to offer traditional liturgy and formation. Bisig says this demonstrates that “it is possible to be in the Church with traditional liturgy and traditional priestly formation.” 

