
katorikku jyohou


2021-03-06 | 伝統派

On February 26, 2021, one of the only four living bishops validly consecrated under Pope John XXIII, Yves-Marie Ramousse, died, just three days after celebrating his 93rd birthday. He was the Vicar Apostolic of Phnom-Phen, Cambodia, from 1962 to 1976, and then again from 1992 to 2001. There are now only three "Johanines" left, aged 99, 97, and 97. All bishops consecrated under Pope Pius XII are dead.

With Ramousse's death there are now only 32 bishops left in Newchurch who were validly consecrated before the end of 1968, when the invalid (fake) Protestantized Novus Ordo New Ordinal was imposed, and the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders was abrogated. This New Ordinal doesn't even purport to consecrate valid bishops, only to "install" them, like Protestant ministers. (A few bishops may have validly consecrated under the traditional Ordinal as late as 1969.) We can say with great probability that there are now fewer than 40 valid bishops left in Newchurch. Most of them are in their 90s. Cardinal Arinze, aged 88, is one of the youngest left.



