


2024年05月08日 | 爺英語

A trial has begun here in Tokyo involving three foreign-born residents of Japan who are seeking compensation over alleged racial profiling by police.
A court hearing opened at the Tokyo District Court on Monday for a lawsuit against the state and local governments filed by the plaintiffs. They say they've been repeatedly stopped by police officers for questioning.
The three say they've been questioned due to factors such as race, skin color, and nationality. They say this questioning is an act of racial discrimination and violates the Constitution. They're each seeking more than 3 million yen, about 20,000 dollars, in damages from the central, Tokyo Metropolitan, and Aichi prefectural governments.
After the hearing, one plaintiff said the lawsuit is aimed at fostering mutual recognition and cooperation.
Racial profiling is a problem worldwide. A United Nations committee has recommended guidelines be established to prevent race, skin color, national origin, or other factors being used as the basis for questioning or investigation by police.

racial profiling 人種や肌の色、国籍などを理由に相手 を選んだり判断したりすること    
national origin 出身国

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/08)

2024年05月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32261.lining (裏張り、裏打ち、裏付け、(衣服などにつける)裏、裏地 )a piece of material that covers the inside of something, especially a piece of clothing → lined 
I'd like to replace the lining  of this coat
32262.splash (はねかす、飛び散らす、(…に)はねかける) if a liquid splashes, it hits or falls on something and makes a noise 
The car splashed water on me.. 
32263.authentic(本物)done or made in the traditional or original way 類義語 genuine 
This is so authentic, I want to know how make it.
32264.evolution (進化)the scientific idea that plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of time 
 Penguins lost their ability to fly in the course of evolution..
32265.Antarctic (南極)the very cold most southern part of the world 
Penguins live in the Antarctic but in the arctic..