


2017年09月07日 | 爺英語

As North Korea pushes ahead with its ballistic-missile technology, Japan has decided to introduce another layer to its defense system.
Japanese Defense Ministry officials plan to request a budget for an air defense system known as "Aegis Ashore." The land-based system is capable of intercepting a missile outside the Earth's atmosphere.
Japan already has two layers of missile defense. PAC-3 interceptors are ready to hit missiles within the atmosphere, and Aegis systems are deployed aboard four destroyers that navigate around the clock. There are also plans to increase that to five by the end of the year.
push ahead with ~を推し進める
ballistic-missile 弾道ミサイル
layer 段階、層
land-based 地上発射の、地上にある
PAC-3 interceptor PAC3迎撃ミサイル
deploy 配備する
around the clock 24時間態勢(体制)で

Daily Vocabulary(2017/09/07)

2017年09月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
20386.in a couple of weeks(2.3週間後に)
See you in a couple of weeks.
20387.It was our pleasure(どういたしまして)
It was our pleasure.
20388.Come visit(何時か遊びに来てください)
Come visit me in Japan sometime.
20389.I'd love to(是非そうしたいです)
I'd love to. I had a great time.
20390.You can welcome back to anytime(何時でも帰って来てください)
You can welcome back to anytime.

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