


2017年07月06日 | 爺英語

Struggling Japanese airbag maker Takata has filed for bankruptcy protection at a Tokyo court, following massive recalls of its products around the world. The firm's U.S. unit also filed there under Chapter 11.
The chairman and CEO has announced he will step down to take responsibility. Takata has agreed to transfer its operations to U.S. auto parts maker Key Safety Systems for about 1.6 billion dollars. Takata's main creditor, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, has set up a new line of credit to help with operating costs.
Takata posted a net loss of more than 700 million dollars in the last fiscal year. The company's liabilities exceed one trillion yen, or about nine billion dollars, making it the largest corporate failure ever by a Japanese manufacturer.
bankruptcy protection 破産保護、民事再生法の適用
step down 辞任する、辞職する
creditor 債権者、融資者
line of credit 信用供与限度額、融資枠、融資限度
post (利益・売り上げを)計上する
liability (通例は複数形で)負債、債務
corporate failure 企業倒産、企業の破たん

Daily Vocabulary(2017/07/06)

2017年07月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
20081.in the picture(最新情報を与えられている)
When people are confident they're being kept in the picture.
20082.harp on(くどくどいう)
I hate to harp on about the pace where i used to work.
20083.climate survey(従業員意識調査)
Employees were complaining in climate surveys that they were being prevented from doing their best work.
20084.office politic(社内駆け引き)
They tend to focus on their work and spend less time gossiping and engaging in pretty office politics.
20085.turn the page(改める)
We've turned the page on that, fortunately.

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