

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 崇神天皇 7

『日本書紀』崇神天皇 7

未幾時。武埴安彦與妻吾田媛。謀反逆興師忽至。各分道而夫從山背。婦從大坂。共入欲襲帝京。時天皇遣五十狹芹彦命。撃吾田媛之師。即遮於大坂皆大破之。殺吾田媛悉斬其軍卒。復遣大彦與和珥臣遠祖彦國葺。向山背撃埴安彦。爰以忌瓮鎭坐於和珥武 坂上。則率精兵。進登那羅山而軍之。時官軍屯聚而■■草木。因以號其山曰那羅山。〈■■。此云布瀰那羅須。〉更避那羅山。而進到輪韓河。與埴安彦。挾河屯之。各相挑焉。故時人改號其河曰挑河。今謂泉河訛也。埴安彦望之問彦國 曰。何由矣汝興師來耶。對曰。汝逆天無道。欲傾王室。故擧義兵欲討汝逆。是天皇之命也。於是各爭先射。武埴安彦先射彦國葺。不得中。後彦國 射埴安彦。中胸而殺焉。其軍衆脅退則追破於河北。而斬首過半。屍骨多溢。故號其處曰羽振苑。亦其卒怖走。屎漏于褌。乃脱甲而逃之。知不得兔。叩頭曰我君。故時人號其脱甲處曰伽和羅。褌屎處曰屎褌。今謂樟葉訛也。又號叩頭之處曰我君。〈叩頭。此云逎務。〉


At one point, Takehaniyasuhiko and his wife, Atahime, conspired to rebel, raising an army for a surprise attack. They took separate routes, with the husband advancing from Yamashiro and the wife from Osaka, aiming to assault the Imperial Capital. In response, the Emperor dispatched Isaserihikonomikoto (Kibi Tsuhikonomikoto) to confront Atahime’s forces, successfully preventing the attack in Osaka and decisively defeating them. Atahime was defeated, and her army was annihilated. Additionally, Emperor sent Ohiko and the ancestor of the Wani clan, Hikokunibu, to confront Takehaniyasuhiko in Yamashiro.

The ancestor of the Wani clan, Hikokunibu, led his troops to subdue the sacred vessel used in rituals on the mountain slope, commanding the soldiers to march to Mount Nara. Due to the gathering of government forces, the mountain was covered with mist, leading to its naming as Mount Nara. They bypassed Mount Nara, advanced to the Wakaraka River, confronted Takehaniyasuhiko, and engaged in provocations, eventually naming the area Idomikawa. The current Izumikawa is a distorted form of this. Takehaniyasuhiko questioned Hikokunibu, “Why have you led an army here?” Hikokunibu replied, “You act against the heavens, seeking to overthrow the royal lineage. Therefore, I raise righteous forces to defeat you. This is the Emperor’s command.”

Then, they hastened to shoot each other. Takehaniyasuhiko attempted to shoot Hikokunibu first but missed. Hikokunibu later shot Takehaniyasuhiko, hitting him in the chest and killing him. Takehaniyasuhiko’s forces retreated, and the government forces pursued and defeated them at Kaho, collecting more than half of their heads. Many corpses and bones scattered there, named “Hafurisono” (the place where corpses were discarded).

Moreover, when their soldiers feared and fled, feces leaked from their loincloths. Realizing escape was futile, they discarded their helmets and bowed to the ground, saying, “Wagi” (Please forgive us, my lord). At that time, when someone took off their helmet, it was called “Kawara.” The place where feces fell from the loincloth was called “Kusobakama.” The current term “Kusuha” is a distorted form of this. Also, the act of bowing to the ground and saying “Wagi” is referred to as “Wagi,” and the place is called “Waki no Chi.”


ある時、武埴安彦(たけはにやすひこ)は妻の吾田媛(あたひめ〕と共に、反乱を企て、軍を興して急襲しました。彼らは別々の道を進み、夫は山背(やましろ)から、妻は大坂(おおさか)から攻め入り、帝京(みやこ)を襲おうとしました。この時、天皇は五十狹芹彦(いさせりひこのみこと 吉備津彦命)を派遣して吾田媛(あたひめ)の軍を撃たせ、

和珥臣(わにのおみ〕の遠祖 彦国葺(ひこくにびこ)は山坂上で忌瓮(いわいべ 神祭りに用いる瓮〈かめ〉)を鎮めつつ、率いる兵を指揮し、那羅山(ならやま)に進軍しました。この時、官軍は聚(あつ)まり、山を■■で覆っていたので、その山を那羅山(奈良山)と呼びました。さらに、那羅山を避けて輪韓河(わからかわ)まで進軍し、埴安彦(はにやすひこ)と対峙しました。彼らは互いに挑発し、この地は後に挑河(いどみかわ)と呼ばれるようになりました。今、泉河(いずみかわ)というのは、これが訛ったものである。埴安彦(はにやすひこ)は彦国葺(ひこくにびこ)に問いました。


そして、両者は先を争って射撃を始めました。武埴安彦は最初に彦国葺を射ようとしましたが、命中せず。彦国葺は後から埴安彦を射抜き、胸に命中させて殺しました。埴安彦の軍勢は撤退し、官軍は彼らを河北で追い破り、首級の半分以上を挙げました。多くの死体と骨が散乱し、そこを名づけて羽振苑(はふりその 屍体を捨てた場所)という。


令和6年1月15日(月) 2024

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