

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 崇神天皇 4

『日本書紀』崇神天皇 4




On the seventh day of August, the three deities—Yamatohaya KamuAsajihara Makuwashi-hime, Oomikuchi no Sukune, the ancestral deity of Hozumi no-omi, and Ise no Omi no Kimi—had the same dream and presented to the Emperor.

They reported, “Last night, a noble figure appeared in our dreams, instructing us: ‘If you consecrate Ōtataneko-no-mikoto as the main deity for the ritual of Ōmononushi-no-kami, and enshrine Ichishi no Nagaochi as the main deity for the ritual of Yamato-no-Ookunitama-no-kami, surely peace will prevail throughout the realm.’”

The Emperor, elated by the dream’s message, announced it across the realm and sought Ōtatane-no-mikoto. Eventually, this deity was found in the village of Sue in Chinu Province.

The Emperor personally visited the sacred Asajihara, gathering numerous sovereigns, ministers, and leaders of various clans, and inquired of Ōtata-tane-no-mikoto, “Who are you, indeed?”

Ōtata-tane-no-mikoto replied, “My father is the great deity Ōmononushi-no-ōkami, and my mother is Ikutama-yorihime, the daughter of Suetsumimi. In other accounts, she is a daughterof  ‘Kushi-hi-kata-amatsu-hi-kata Takechi-nu-tsumi-no-mikoto.’”

The Emperor exclaimed, “Ah, I am surely destined for prosperity!”

Subsequently, a divination was performed to assign Ikagashikoo, an ancestor of the Mononobe clan, as the officiant for the ritual. The outcome was auspicious. However, when divining for other deities, the omens were unfavorable.

On the thirteenth day of November, Ikagashikoo was ordered to present numerous flat vessels as offerings for the deities. Ōtatane-no-mikoto was consecrated as the main deity for the ritual of Ōkunitama-no-kami, and Nagaochi was consecrated as the main deity for the ritual of Yamato-no-Kunitama-no-kami. Afterward, divination for other deities turned out to be favorable. Consequently, eighty thousand myriad deities(Yaoyorozu no Kami) were separately enshrined.

With this, the locations of heavenly shrines, national shrines, divine grounds, and god’s abodes were established. The epidemic finally abated, tranquility returned to the country, the five grains flourished, and the people prospered.





天皇は神浅茅原(かんあさじはら)に自ら出向き、多くの王卿(王や公卿)や伴の首長を集め、大田田根子に尋ねました。「お前は一体誰の子か?」 大田田根子は答えました。父を大物主大神(おおものぬしのおおかみ)、母を活玉依姫(いくたまよりひめ)といいます。陶津耳(すえつみみ)の女(むすめ)です」。他の言い伝えでは「奇日方天日方武茅淳祀(くしひかたあまつひかたたけちぬつみ)の娘」とも言われている。

天皇は「私はきっと栄えるだろう」と言われた。そして物部連(もののべのむらじ)の先祖の伊香色雄(いかがしこお)を、神班物者(かみのものあかつひと 神に捧げるものを分つ人)としようと占うと吉(よし)と出て、またついでに他神を祭ろうと占うと吉(よ)からずと出た。





そして、天社(あまつやしろ)、国社(くにつやしろ)、神地(かむところ)、神戸(かんべ 神社の用に充てられた民戸)を決めた。

令和6年1月11日(木) 2024

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