Let's see if we're going to have any customers before we go ahead with production.
昨日のアルクのメルマガの問題文だったのでご覧になったかたも多いかと思います。withのところを埋める問題だったのですが、お恥ずかしいことに僕は Let's see if ... という言い回しと、before を前置詞でなく接続詞として使えるということをはじめて知りました。驚きのあまり目をひんむいたくらいです。
goo blog おすすめ
- Black Mirror
- That's pretty much it.
- think of iCloud as the new iTunes.
- Reasons stop mattering.
- The boy grew up to be a great writer.
- You spoiled everyone else.
- Japan restarts Monju nuclear reactor after 14 years.
- Ever since you turned 40
- The house the roof of which is green is his.
- Let's let him eat the cake ...
- フレーズ(36)