

Malaria control and vaccine development aided by new technology - Fruta Planta Reduce Weight

2013-08-16 12:44:11 | 日記
A new technique that accurately determines the risk of infants inendemic countries developing clinical malaria could provide a valuable tool for evaluating new malariaprevention strategies and vaccines. The technique could even help to understand how anti-malarialvaccine and treatment strategies act to reduce malaria, sayresearchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, SwissTropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel and thePapua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research. Professor Ivo Mueller from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute'sInfection and Immunity division said the research team discoveredthat the number of new malaria parasites that infants acquire overtime is strongly linked to the risk that the child will developclinical disease. "It was very clear that infection with new and geneticallydifferent malaria parasites was the single biggest factor indetermining the risk of an infant becoming sick from malaria, morethan any other factor including age, the use of bed nets or therisk of transmission in the area. Herbal Slimming Coffee

We were actually surprised by howclear the correlation was," Professor Mueller said. The molecular technique to genetically differentiate Plasmodiumfalciparum parasites was developed by Dr Ingrid Felger at theDepartment of Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology, SwissTropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland. Professor TerrySpeed from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute's Bioinformaticsdivision helped to develop mathematical algorithms to process thedata. Dr Felger said the researchers used high-throughput screening todetermine the number of genetically-distinct Plasmodium falciparummalaria parasites that acquired by Papua New Guinean children agedone to four over a period of 16 months. Fruta Planta Reduce Weight

The research was publishedtoday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America. "This new research tool is elegantly simple but very powerful, andeasily applicable in many circumstances, without a high level oftechnology or training," Dr Felger said. "We think it could haveprofound applications. This technology will be particularly usefulfor assessing ideal vaccine candidates for preventing malaria, helpto develop better ways of performing future human trials of newpotential malaria vaccines, and identifying the mechanism of actionfor existing vaccines and treatments." Each year more than 250 million people worldwide contract malaria,and up to one million people die. Herbal Sex Pills

Malaria is particularly dangerousfor children under five and pregnant women. Plasmodium falciparumis the most lethal of the four Plasmodium species, and isresponsible for most clinical disease. Professor Mueller said the technology is already being used in thefield, recently helping to explain why people with sickle-cellanaemia are less at risk of malaria infection. He said thataccurately assessing the burden of malaria parasites acquired bychildren in countries where the disease is endemic is invaluable.

"One of our biggest problems in developing useful vaccines,treatments and preventative strategies for malaria is reliablypredicting the distribution and risk of malaria at an individuallevel. There is huge variation in the risk of developing clinicalmalaria within a community or village, or within a particular agegroup, and we now have an accurate way to measure this," ProfessorMueller said. Additional References Citations.

What is neuropathy? neuropathy causes and treatments - Led Spotlight Bulb Manufacturer

2013-08-16 12:39:08 | グルメ
Neuropathy is a collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of theperipheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outsideof the brain and spinal cord) are damaged. The condition isgenerally referred to as peripheral neuropathy , and it is most commonly due to damage to nerve axons. Neuropathyusually causes pain and numbness in the hands and feet. It canresult from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic disorders,and exposure to toxins.

One of the most common causes of neuropathyis diabetes . Neuropathy can affect nerves that control muscle movement (motornerves) and those that detect sensations such as coldness or pain(sensory nerves). In some cases - autonomic neuropathy - it canaffect internal organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, bladder,or intestines. Pain from peripheral neuropathy is often described as a tingling orburning sensation.

There is no specific length of time that thepain exists, but symptoms often improve with time - especially ifthe neuropathy has an underlying condition that can be cured. Thecondition is often associated with poor nutrition , a number of diseases, and pressure or trauma, but many cases haveno known reason (called idiopathic neuropathy). In the United States, about 20 million people suffer fromneuropathy. Over half of diabetes patients also suffer from thecondition. How is neuropathy classified? Peripheral neuropathy can be broadly classified into the followingcategories: Mononeuropathy - involvement of a single nerve. Outdoor Led Flood Lights

Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome , ulnar nerve palsy, radial nerve palsy, and peroneal nerve palsy. Multiple mononeuropathy - two or more nerves individually affected. Polyneuropathy - generalized involvement of peripheral nerves. Examples include diabetic neuropathy and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Led Spotlight Bulb Manufacturer

Neurophathies may also be categorized based on a functionalclassification (motor, sensory, autonomic, or mixed) or the type ofonset (acute - hours or days, subacute - weeks or months, orchronic - months or years). The most common form of neuropathy is (symmetrical) peripheralpolyneuropathy, which mainly affects the feet and legs on bothsides of the body. What causes neuropathy? About 30% of neuropathy cases are considered idiopathic, whichmeans they are of unknown cause. Another 30% of neuropathies aredue to diabetes. In fact, about 50% of people with diabetes developsome type of neuropathy. Flexible Led Strip Lights

The remaining cases of neuropathy, calledacquired neuropathies, have several possible causes, including: Trauma or pressure on nerves, often from a cast or crutch orrepetitive motion such as typing on a keyboard Nutritional problems and vitamin deficiencies, often from a lack ofB vitamins Alcoholism , often through poor dietary habits and vitamin deficiencies Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus , rheumatoid arthritis , and Guillain-Barre syndrome Tumors, which often press up against nerves Other diseases and infections, such as kidney disease, liverdisease, Lyme disease , HIV/AIDS, or an underactive thyroid ( hypothyroidism ) Inherited disorders (hereditary neuropathies), such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and amyloid polyneuropathy Poison exposure, from toxins such as heavy metals, and certainmedications and cancer treatments Who gets neuropathy? Risk factors for peripheral neuropathy include several conditionsand behaviors. People with diabetes who poorly control their bloodsugar levels are very likely to suffer from some neuropathy.Autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis alsoincrease one's chance of developing a neuropathy. People who havereceived organ transplants, AIDS patients, and others who have had some type of immune systemsuppression have a higher risk of neuropathy. In addition, thosewho abuse alcohol or have vitamin deficiencies (especially Bvitamins) are at an increased risk. Neuropathy is also more likelyto occur in people with kidney, liver or thyroid disorders.