

Bordeaux 2011: merlot succeeds in 'unpredictable' year - China Solar Powered Battery Chargers

2012-07-29 12:33:23 | 日記
The first London tasting of 2011 right bank wines has confirmedoenologist Denis Dubourdieu's comments that the vintage is asvaried as the bizarre weather patterns that produced it. St Emilion: Merlot on limestone and clay 'delicious' In his annual report the renowned consultant talks about the unpredictable consequences of the incredibly hot spring, coolJuly, rainy August and Indian summer. Winners this year are Merlot-based wines on clay and limestonesoils, Cabernet Sauvignon on gravel and clay-gravel, the botrytisedsweet wines of Sauternes and Barsac, and the whites of Pessac. Cabernet Franc, when it worked, was exceptional, Dubordieu said. Producers from St Emilion and Pomerol and their neighbouringappellations, in London yesterday for the Cercle Rive Droite 2011tasting, agreed. Flashlight Solar Charger

It was the best year ever for Cabernet Franc, Paul Goldschmidt,owner of St Emilion Grand Cru Classe Chateau Le Prieur said. One of the oddest factors in the ripening cycle, across Bordeaux,was the spring, which saw temperatures in the high thirties true summer weather as Dubourdieu calls it. Then came a summer characterised by persistent drought ,including a heat spike of 40C for two days in June which roastedgrapes on the vine. Up to 20% of the Cabernet crop was lost, theMerlot faring better, possibly because its wide leaves providedprotection. China Solar Powered Battery Chargers

August rain then swelled grapes, diluting the flavours in someareas, followed by ferocious hailstorms at the beginning ofSeptember, devastating vines in St Estephe especially. This was followed by an Indian summer, with a spectacularly dry September. On the right bank, in areas where clay and limestone predominates,producers are pleased with their Merlot Dubourdieu recalledtasting delicious Merlot grapes from clay and limestone soils . But, he warned, Merlot grapes from gravel soils were not nearlyas good, and those from sandy or silty soil were downrightdisappointing. Mini Solar Flashlight Manufacturer

Right bank producers say it was a difficult vintage to ripen, andone requiring a good deal of work in the winery, extensive sorting,and the powerful tannins needing particularly gentle extraction. Those that tried to extract more flavour ended up with dry,astringent wines, Alain Raynaud, who consults for some two dozenproperties on the right bank, said. It was a winemakers vintage, Hel旦ise Aubert fromVignobles Aubert, owners of eight properties including St EmilionGrand Cru Classe Chateau La Couspaude, said. The Merlot was verysuccessful but you had to have a very smooth extraction to begentle with the tannins.

Raynaud added, It was a very strange year. At the beginning ofsummer we seemed to be on the verge of disaster, our grapes burntby the sun. But those berries that were left gained in intensity.