

Luka rocco magnotta's travels fuel speculation (with video) - China Freezer Door Hinges

2012-07-09 12:26:39 | グルメ
MONTREAL - The widespread travels of Luka Rocco Magnotta bothgeographically and on the World Wide Web are fuelling speculationhe may have killed elsewhere. Montreal police are working with the Los Angeles Police Departmentabout whether Magnotta could have been involved in the murder andbeheading of a 66-year-old man in California in January. The headof Hervey Medellin was discovered near the famous Hollywood sign bya woman walking her dog on Jan. 17.

A police search turned upMedellin s hands and feet in the area, but the rest of his bodyremains missing. Montreal police confirmed Thursday they ve been in contact withthe LAPD, state media reports, and will be passing on any relevantinformation that surfaces as part of their investigation. Magnotta is the main suspect in the murder and dismemberment ofChinese student Lin Jun in Montreal. Lin s torso was discovered ina suitcase behind Magnotta s apartment building on May 29, and hishands and feet were mailed in separate packages to two politicalparties.

Similar packages sent to two Vancouver-area schools arebelieved to be related. His head remains missing. Montreal police said Magnotta, a porn movie actor and male escort,may have been in Los Angeles at the time of the murder of Medellin.Sun UK news reported a Los Angeles pimp claims to have hiredMagnotta around that time, and that one of Magnotta s Facebookpages offered his services as a masseuse in Los Angeles weeks afterthe murder. The L.A. Times, however, cited a police source who said Magnotta isnot believed linked to the crime. Freezer Door Hinges

The fact that Magnotta maintainedat least 70 Facebook pages under various identities has made itdifficult to be certain of his true whereabouts. Online glimpses into Magnotta s self-obsessed world continue tosurface. The latest discovery is a tape of Magnotta auditioning for a plastic surgery reality show on Canadian cable network Slice. In the video, obtained by Global News, a producer asks him: Whatdo you see when you look in the mirror now? Magnotta replies that he see all the little flaws, then says this might sound really weird, but he wants two small bumps herefers to as devil s horns removed from his forehead. China Freezer Door Hinges

He adds thatno matter how much cosmetic surgery he has, he will probably neverbe satisfied with his appearance. Magnotta, 29, has been held in a Berlin prison since he wasarrested there Monday. German prosecutors said Thursday he willlikely be extradited back to Canada by the end of June. In Montreal, the mayor s office said a moment of silence will beheld Monday before the monthly city council meeting in honour ofthe memory of 33-year-old Jun Lin. Aluminum Extrusions Profiles Manufacturer

Mayor G rald Tremblay hasextended his condolences to Lin s family, who arrived in MontrealTuesday to retrieve their son s body. Memorials have cropped up atthe d panneur where Lin used to work, and at a statue of NormanBethune near Concordia University s downtown campus. Concordia sChinese Students Association has organized a fund the Lin JunRest in Peace Foundation to pay for the family s expenses whilehere. Donations can be made at With files from Agence France-Presse.

Why the u.s. won’t give up on kofi annan’s syria plan - China Cigarette Making Machines

2012-07-09 12:21:32 | 旅行
Senator John McCain may be cranking up the political heat on the Obama Administration over Syria amid reports of a new massacre at Hama , but don't expect Secretary of State Hillary Clinton toberate Kofi Annan over the failure of his peace plan when she meetsthe U.N. special envoy in Washington on Friday. Clinton knows better than the pundits and politicians bashingAnnan that his mission is not an obstacle to more decisive action it's a product of the limited leverage and poor optionsavailable to Western powers to bring about regime change in Syria.The Administration is sticking with Annan's failing planbecause the alternatives seem even worse. Still, it's also asafe bet that Clinton won't like the special envoy'smessage about what needs to be done to implement a viablenegotiated solution.

Annan is more acutely aware than any of his critics why neitherSyria's regime nor its opponents have implemented the six-point peace plan to which they signed on in April . There's no real "or else" option becausethe Western powers are unable or unwilling to go to war in Syria.The fact that Russia and China will block any U.N. authorizationfor foreign military intervention provides a convenient excuse foravoiding military action, but that camouflages a deeperapprehension among Western powers about being sucked into a potential quagmire in the Levant . ( MORE: Talking to Iran About Syria ) Annan's mission, then, wasn't to deliver ultimatums toSyrian leader Bashar al-Assad, but to find ways to bridge the vastchasm between the Western and Arab powers aligned withSyria's opposition, and those like Russia, China and Iraneither actively or passively backing the regime.

And despite therhetoric in Washington, it ought to be noted that the StateDepartment sharply criticized the recent announcement by the rebelFree Syrian Army that it would no longer abide by Annan'scease-fire plan. Still overwhelmingly outgunned by the regime, therebels appear to be hoping that, sooner or later, the regime willunleash a bloodbath so appalling, it will force Western governmentsto use their own military power to finish off Assad. That'san expectation the U.S. is clearly seeking to discourage. The focus of recent U.S. Cigarette Production Machine

and European diplomatic exertions has beenon cajoling Russia into abandoning Assad, but those have thus farproved fruitless. Although the optimistic spin in Washington onceagain holds that Russia can be pressed to break with Assad,it's hard to detect any substantive shift in Moscow'sposition despite its reiteration that the Syrian leader is notpersonally indispensable. "We have never said or insistedthat al-Assad necessarily had to remain in power at the end of thepolitical process," Russia's deputy foreign ministerGennady Gatilov said Tuesday. "This issue has to be settledby the Syrians themselves." This is not a new position. China Cigarette Making Machines

Itleaves Assad in charge of the country at the beginning of such aprocess a position accepted by the Obama Administration,which sees his ouster as an endpoint rather than a precondition.But Russia blames the opposition and its foreign backers for thefailure of the political process to get off the ground. ( MORE : How Can a Sectarian Civil War Be Stopped? ) And while much of the Western diplomatic focus has been on Russia,Iran's support is even more essential to Assad, leading someanalysts and the U.N. envoy himself to suggest that Tehran be drawn into negotiations over Syria . Annan is reportedly proposing the creation of a"contact group" on the Syria crisis comprising theU.S., Britain, France, Russia, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,possibly Qatar and Iran. China Cigarette Packing Machine

The purpose of this group, accordingto The Washington Post