

Tripid wants to solve traffic problems in southeast asia - China DMV Traffic Signs

2012-07-06 12:31:18 | グルメ
Tweet Tweet Tripid's CEO took the stage at Startup Arena to address whathe calls an "endemic problem" in Southeast Asia:traffic. Jakarta's traffic is certainly quite miserable.Tripid tries to help resolve this by creating a "safe,community driven route-sharing platform" that matchescommuters and drivers on the web and on mobile. In a brief demo, we met "Sam" and "Mike."Sam has a car and wants to share, and Mike is looking for a saferide. Sam can use her browser to sign into Tripid and add a newroute, including times, prices, seats available, and more.

Mike canuse his mobile device to search for routes, sees her route, andbooks it. Both users have ratings on the service to showthey're trustworthy. At the end of the trip, they press the"end" button and money is deposited into Sam'saccount. Then they can rate each other. The trip also generates a"trip ticket" that's viewable on social media.

The market for transportation just in Manila is quite large: $15million. Tripid wants to take a small piece of this, and enablepeople to meet up based on lots of different factors

Republican congressman just wants people to say the c-word already - Infrared Surveillance Camera

2012-07-06 12:26:18 | グルメ
Congressman Randy Forbes, a Republican from Virginia, is tired of defense analysts,reporters, and policymakers skirting around the C-word. That would be China . The representative, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, feels that the national security establishment has refused tospeak openly about the reason why we're shifting the axis of the United States Military into the Pacific. He's tired of dodging the issue. Namely, a certain "competitor" which has created a series of investments into military technology, armament and forces, a region which is worthy of some oversight and monitoring. Infrared Surveillance Camera

That, in Forbes' opinion, is euphemistic national security-speakfor China, and he just wants people to come out and say it already. He refers to remarks by Naval War College professors which compare the national security establishment's handling ofChina to the character Voldemort of Harry Potter renown. An adversary whose name cannot be spoken, lest direconsequences occur. And the other day, he came out strongly for discussing Chinaopenly. Infrared Surveillance Camera

He rails, in a column for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), against a defense establishment which refuses to mention thePeople's Republic of China (PRC) even when policy is developed torespond to only China. You can read Forbes' entire piece here For instance, he refers to recent developments in air-sea battleconcepts designed to respond to anti-access/area-denialcapabilities. You know, like the ones that the PRC is developing. Even when discussing those concepts and the cause of theirdevelopment, Forbes says that "Pentagon officials have gone to great lengths to insistits development is not about China. " Forbes does insist that he doesn't mean to imply that conflict isinevitable with the world's largest country. China GSM Alarm System

He just believes thatChina has a "clear intention to focus on undermining traditional US militaryadvantages." It's understandable, then, that the Chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness argues that the "best way to avoid great-power conflict is toremain vigilantly prepared." Now: Check out what's next in drone warfare.