


2016-03-25 08:49:45 | 日記
China is constructing artificial islands in the South
China Sea and China is building military facilities on the
artificial islands. All of the countries of the region have
accused China.
The U.S. warned that the U.S. will not look the other way
when nations such as China try to restrict navigation or
ignore international rules and standards. The U.S. said,”
China's territorial claims in the South China Sea are
destabilizing the region, and its failure to resolve disputes
with other nations threatens East Asia's long-term progress.
The U.S. will oppose any nation's use of intimidation or
threat of force to assert territorial claims. All nations of
the region, including China, have a choice: to unite, and
recommit to a stable regional order, or, to walk away from
that commitment and risk the peace and security that
has benefited millions of people throughout the Asia-Pacific,
and billions of people around the world.”
Chinese leaders with no self-control should resign.
A harmful leader is a harmful leader all over the world.
What do you think?
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2016-03-24 13:57:53 | 日記
中国 一 3月4日に党系列メディアに公開状

A Beijing-based columnist has gone missing while
on his way to Hong Kong, his lawyer has told the BBC.
No-one has had contact with Jia Jia since Tuesday night
when he was set to board his flight. His wife has reported
him missing.
He is said to have warned an editor friend about
publishing an anonymous letter calling for President Xi
Jinping's resignation. The letter appeared on a state-
Linked site but was swiftly taken down.
The letter in question raised eyebrows when it appeared
on the state-linked news site Watching, also known as
Wujie News, on 4 March.
Addressed to Mr Xi, it called for him to step down,
accusing him of gaining "excessive power" and
creating a "personality cult", and ran through a list of
criticism of his rule ranging from his diplomatic
policies to his economic decisions.

An excerpt from the letter
"On the cultural and ideological front, you [President Xi]
have emphasised 'party-surnamed media' [an official
campaign to get all media to toe the party line],
and have disregarded the citizen aspect of the media,
stunning the whole nation; you supported... low-standard
people to become our literary representatives,
disappointing the workers in the larger literary world;
you have condoned cultural units in directly singing
your praises; your wife Peng Liyuan's sister took over the
producing duties of the CCTV Spring Gala, causing
everyone's beloved and anticipated programme to
become your personal propaganda tool.
Your condoning of a personality cult, not allowing 'rash
opinions of central leadership', creating a 'one voice party'
method - those of us who have gone through the Cultural
Revolution can't help but feel secretly worried - our party,
country and citizens cannot go through yet another
10-year catastrophe!"
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2016-03-23 08:37:58 | 日記
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2016-03-18 08:57:17 | 日記
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2016-03-18 08:54:07 | 日記

さらに節約が続きデフレとなるのか? 我が家の家計は?
As of March 16, people came to finally understand the
fact that the consumption tax increase policy was no good.
When you noticed the big lie of the tax increase power (
=Ministry of Finance, some scholars, and media), they
cannot carry out the second consumption tax increase.
In the first place, this consumption tax increase
discussion dates back to the Great East Japan Earthquake
five years ago. Just after the great earthquake disaster,
the Prime Minister Naoto Kan at the time (the Democratic
Party) planned a reconstruction tax increase in partnership
with President Teiichi Tanigaki of the LDP which was an
opposition party in those days.
These two people should not have discussed makeshift
revival. This plan was found to be a mistake immediately.
There exists a leveling theory of taxation, if the one-time
disaster for 100 years, for example, the government
publishes 100-year bond, and it is a right policy that
the nation bears by a one-100th every year. At the time
of a great earthquake disaster, government should not
cover the financial resources in the tax increase. The
nation must have a painful experience twice. Twice!
Some people and medias promoted a reconstruction tax
increase in defiance of a theory. And Ministry of Finance
was on this back. In that way a revival tax increase
was established. For Ministry of Finance, the revival tax
increase is only the first stage. It was a consumption tax
increase for the next stage.
In the Noda Administration after the Kan Administration,
the consumption tax increase was carried out. Prime Minister
Noda who was under complete control of Ministry of Finance
at the time said, "I will not do what is not written in my
manifesto, and white ant extermination is necessary before
a tax increase". However, Prime Minister Noda forced
the consumption tax increase that was not written in the
manifesto. He did not do the white ant extermination either.
He was an easy-to-use man for Ministry of Finance. Prime
Minister Noda did a general election and should have
asked a consumption tax increase, but he skipped a
democratic process and originally maintained the
consumption tax increase bill.
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