


2016-07-13 10:37:26 | 国際
China has lost a key international legal case over strategic
reefs and atolls that it claims would give it control over
disputed waters of the South China Sea.
The judgment by an international tribunal in The
Hague is overwhelmingly in favour of claims by the Philippines
and will increase global diplomatic pressure on Beijing to scale
back military expansion in the sensitive area.
By depriving certain outcrops – some of which are exposed
only at low tide – of territorial-generating status, the
ruling effectively punches holes in China’s all-encompassing
“nine-dash” demarcation line that stretches deep into the
South China Sea. It declares large areas of the sea to be
neutral international waters.
The findings by the Hague tribunal contain a series of criticisms
of China’s actions and claims. The court declares that “although
Chinese navigators and fishermen, as well as those of other
states, had historically made use of the islands in the South
China Sea, there was no evidence that China had
historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or
their resources.
“The tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China
to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas
falling within the ‘nine-dash line’.”
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2016-07-05 06:53:31 | 国際

Today a lot of Chinese people are visiting Japan.
Naturally Chinese literates or scholars and government
officials often visit Japan for inspection.
Sofu ”捜狐” of Chinese media argued "Japanese economy
was hanging over for more than 20 years, but still the
difference between Japan and China was very great.
China should look directly at the difference". 
The article introduces the opinion by the officials of the
China State Council who visited Japan for 21 days for
inspection. As a result of interchange with officials
of the Japanese government, companies, universities, and
research organizations, and visiting the various parts of
Japan, the officials of the China State Council considered
the difference of the two countries.
“While the Japanese economic growth is sluggish due to
the collapse of the bubble economy, the Chinese economy
has been growing significantly in the same period.
Many Chinese think "China exceeds Japan completely soon."
But it is wrong. Even today there is a huge difference.”
Then, what is the "huge difference" between Japan and
China on earth?
First comes the economical force.
"China has been exceeded Japan in the gross domestic
product (GDP), but China's land is 25 times that of Japan,
and the population are also more than 10 times.
Nevertheless, GDP per capita of Japan is nearly 10 times
of China. This concludes that the differences in the
"manufacturing", "finance", "science and technology" are
extremely large. It is the reality.
Second "the level of modernization".
Since the modernization that exceeds a certain level has
been made anywhere in Japan, there is no extreme
development imbalance in urban and rural areas.
In the case of China, Beijing and Shanghai develop
remarkably, but the people are surely forced to
traditional life in the district.
As the third difference, the officials of the China
State Council are mentioning “existence of cleanness
and balanced orderly harmonized society.”
“The Japanese everyone is observing the rules
voluntarily. The good peace and order, the safety, and
fairness are realized in Japan.”
They conclude that there is a huge difference between
China and Japan.
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