ShogiBase for Shogi Lovers

将棋普及データベース         (日本将棋連盟後援)

ESCベラルーシ大会に参加して 2

2014-02-28 | Europe3

(新関 満 2012-02-28)

Participation in the ESC in Belarus 2

2014-02-27 | Europe3

(Beautiful city, Minsk) The championship was held in Minsk, the capital of Belarus Republic. I could not imagine the city of Russian region, but I was astonished when I entered the city. Flower gardens with various shapes and green belts were located on the promenades along the boulevards. To my astonishment, there was no dust on these roads.
I was impressed by the beautiful city, Minsk.
(Mitsuru Niizeki 2014-02-27)

Support by Japan Shogi Association

2014-02-26 | From the Editor

This blog "ShogiBase for Shogi Lovers(SB-SL)" has been granted by Japan Shogi Association(JSA) as one of the useful sites for spreading Shogi around the world.
Aono 9 dan, Senior Vice President of JSA, and I will talk about efficient ways to pursue our common objectives of spreading Shogi around the world by utilizing the partnership between JSA and SB-SL. (Ozekia 2014-02-26)

このブログ「将棋普及データベース ShogiBase for Shogi Lovers(SB-SL)」は、日本将棋連盟により、将棋の世界普及に役立つサイトの一つとして認定されました。
青野九段(日本将棋連盟専務理事)と私は、JSAとSB-SLとのパートナーシップを活用しながら、将棋の世界普及という両者の共通の目標を達成するための効果的方法を協議してまいります。(Ozekia 2014-02-26) 

ESCベラルーシ大会に参加して 1

2014-02-25 | Europe3

(新関 満 2012-02-25)

Participation in the ESC in Belarus 1

2014-02-24 | Europe3

(Preface) I had been dreaming of playing Shogi in foreign countries when I would retire. My dream came true when I found ISPS and I joined ISPS.
I was deeply impressed by the articles in the “Kakehashi” of ISPS stating the championships in Ukraine and France when I found in the articles that many European Shogi players are enjoying Shogi, one of the Japanese traditional cultures. And, I participated in the championship in Germany in the year before the last year. Since then, I have joined the championships every year. This is the third Shogi trip in Europe following the last trip to Poland. I would like to convey my impression to the readers and I hope that many of the readers plan to participate in the championship. (Mitsuru Niizeki 2014-02-24)