ShogiBase for Shogi Lovers

将棋普及データベース         (日本将棋連盟後援)

Members of Tournament in ISF2014

2014-11-04 | ISF2014

46 members(representing 38 coutries/regions) of the tournament in  6th International Shogi Forum was announced by JSA.

Let me cite their name from JSA’s web-site. I added their ELO rating when available.


Asle Olufsen (Norway ELO1559)

Simon Meuller (Sweden 1843)

Mikko Torngvist (Finland)

Steven Cain (United Kingdom ELO1867)

Fernando Batista (Portugal)

Jonatan Ruiz Lazaro (Spain)

Jean Fortin (France ELO2120)

Wouter de Haas (The Netherlands ELO1760)

Frederic Verheyden (Belgium ELO1847)

Yannick Pelletier (Switzerland ELO1761)

Peter Heine Nielsen (Denmark ELO1778)

Andreas Kapsner (Germany ELO1727)

Nicola Caridi (Italy ELO1384)

Jan Docekal (CzechRepublic)

Andreas Diermair (Austria ELO1589)

Adrian Woloczyn (Poland ELO1664)

Michal Morabcik (Slovakia)

Laczlo Abucki (Hungary ELO1843)

Stefanos Mandalas (Greece)

Vladimir Frolochkin (Russia ELO1936)

Sergej Korchitskij (Belarus ELO2107)

Artem Kolomiyets (Ukraine ELO2093)

Karolina Styczynska (Poland, representing Europe ELO2002)

Marco Dietmayer (Austria, representing Europe ELO1976)

Erdenebaatar Genden (Mongolia)

Gu Guanming (Shanghai,China, ELO2173)

Li Pengyu (Beijing,China)

YaoZhibiao (Guangzhou,China)

Pornmungkol Pornpichtwattanakij (Thailand)

Looi Ee Tack (Malaysia)

Toh Teck Wei (Singapore)

Kaiwan Leung (Hong Kong ELO2278)

Chang Ichih (Taiwan)

Toshio Awano (Japan,Representative of Shizuoka in 18th Senior Championship)

Haruhito Takahashi (Japan,Representative of Shizuoka in 39th Elementary School Championshio)

Hana Wada (Japan, Champion of 46th Amateur Ladies Championship)

Lionnel Kouassi (Cote d’Ivoire)

Michael Mackinven (New Zealand)

Colin Ng (Canada)

George Fernandez (United States ELO2274)

Alan Baker (United States ELO2042)

Hector Aguirre Sinagawa (Mexico)

Enver Oruro (Peru)

Christopher Gallardo (ChileELO1496)

James Mann de Toredo (Brazil ELO1718)

Yutaka Okuma (Brazil)

(2014-11-4 updated, Ozekia)

Notification of ISF2014

2014-11-04 | ISF2014

The 6th International Shogi Forum will be held inShizuoka,Japan from December 5 thru 7.

Let me introduce the outlines of the Forum.

1. Welcome Party

Welcome Party will be held at Hotel Associa Shizuoka at 18:00, December 5(Fri.).

Booking information will be noticed at the web-site of Shizuoka City.

Participation is welcome. Booking has started.

2. International Shogi Forum

International Shogi Forum will be held on December 6(Sat.) & 7(Sun.) from 10:00 at Granship Shizuoka.

The Forum will be played by 46 representatives of 38 countries/region by

tournament basis.

Observation and cheering (in silence) are welcome.

3. Commemorative Shogi Tournament for Foreign Shogi Players

In addition to the  International  Shogi Forum,  the Commemorative Shogi Tournament for Foreign Shogi Players will be held on December 7 (Sun.) from 10:00 at Granship Shizuoka.

Booking information is at the web-site of JSA.


   SHOGI KENTEI(a kind of examination on Shogi) for foreigners will be held on December 7 (Sun.) from 14:30 at Granship Shizuoka.

 Booking information is at the web-site of JSA.

5. Charity Auction for Recovery from East Japan Earthquake

Thanks to the donation by the representatives of the Forum, The Charity Auction for Recovery from East Japan Earthquake will be held on December 6(Sat.) at the venue.

6. Friedship Chess Game between Peter Heine Nielsen (GM) and Yoshiharu Habu (Meijin)

7.  Other events

   Many other events are planned.

   Please see the web-site of JSA(in Japanese).

   Simultaneous interpretation into English is available in many events.

(2014-11-4 updated, Ozekia)