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将棋普及データベース         (日本将棋連盟後援)

Report of ESC2013 4

2014-02-16 | Europe3

(WOSC) Champion was Takumi Ito (Japan), the second was Sergej Korchitsky (Belarus) and the third was Artem Kolmietz(Ukraine). All the attendants applauded the boy of 10 years old. ( Left between the adults. Photo: Mitsuru Niizeki)

Throughout ESC and WOSC, the players from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine were outstandingly strong.

(Blitz Championship) This championship allows each player 8 minutes and sudden death. Each player plays 8 games. The champion was Hiroe Nakai (Bishop handicap, Japan), the second was Vradislav Zachrchefski(Belarus) and the third was Jean Fortin(France).
(Ozekia 2014-02-16)