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TOEIC in Osaka

2013-07-20 | TOEIC
Tomorrow I have a lecture in the morning for future English teachers to elementary school students. This is 第69回 in the series. It will be held in Osaka. After the lecture finishes, I will head to the TOEIC testing center. I am excited to take the test tomorrow for two reasons:
1) The test is in Osaka. This will be my first time to take the TOEIC in Kansai. I'm looking forward to observing the testing environment. I imagine it will be indistinguishable from those testing centers in Kanto, but it will be good to see it with my own eyes.
2) I'm going to be checking again how much of the oval needs to be blackened in order for the machine to read it. I discovered some interesting things back in May. Together with my colleague, I'm going to try to repeat the experiment.

Wish me luck for both my lecture and the TOEIC!



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Unknown (Junko)
2013-07-22 16:49:05
I took your lecture in Temma yesterday.
It was awesome. I was really supported, and it was a good opprtunity to start learning 異文化コミュニケーション. I'll check your books at the book store. Thank you so much.
