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New Vocabulary Book!!

2013-12-09 | TOEIC
Paul Wadden and I are very happy to announce the release of a new TOEIC 900 vocabulary book!! Thank you, Okumura-san for your dedicated efforts in bringing this book to market.

As you know, the key to successfully crossing the TOEIC 900 barrier is to have not only a grasp of the basic strategies presented in the Hilke Method, but to also have a very strong control of synonyms for the words you already know. Paul and I are confident that this new book will enable you to confirm your understanding of the words you already know and to add important synonyms to your vocabulary.

We hope that this new book will help you to achieve the TOEIC score that you deserve. In addition, we are confident that this new book will aid you in developing the type of sophisticated vocabulary you need to display your true job skills when you are working in English.

All the best,
