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T900 Seminar Completed

2013-10-15 | TOEIC
Over the 3-day holiday weekend, Hiro Maeda, Yokogawa Aya, and I conducted a TOEIC 900 seminar in Ochanomizu. It was attended by around 30 people, all of whom already have very high TOEIC scores. People came from as far away as Akita, Hyogo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, with about half of the participants coming from outside the Kanto area.

It made me realize again how important it will be in the future for people to continue to improve their English, even after achieving their initial target score of 730 or even 860. I've made this comment many times, but for Japan to really compete globally and for Japanese people to really display their true business skills, a strong control of sophisticated English will be necessary. That means a TOEIC score over 900.

Thus, I was very pleased to see such an excellent turnout of highly motivated participants this past weekend.
