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Press conference of the EIA

2013年11月01日 | News&Events


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Emergency press conference announcement at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ) on October 31.

Japan’s unsustainable and irresponsible whale, dolphin and porpoise hunts

ロンドンに拠点をおくEIA( Environmental Investigation Agency「環境調査エージェンシー」) が最新のレポートToxic Catch: Japan’s unsustainable and irresponsible whale, dolphin, and porpoise hunts -----「有害化学物質(に汚染された鯨類の)捕獲:日本の持続不可能で無責任なクジラ・イルカ猟」----を公開し、記者会見で発表しました。


London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) launched its new report Toxic Catch: Japan’s unsustainable and irresponsible whale, dolphin, and porpoise hunts, and held a press conference to present the report. 


This report expresses serious concern over scientifically unattainable catch limits of small cetacean.  It points out that the government of Japan does not use scientifically rigorous method for setting catch limits, displaying its lack of responsibility.  It also raises concern over the Government’s failure to warn on the health damage risks that the hunts would cause on Japanese consumers.




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まえおき(Introduction)...............Jennifer Lonsdale, EIA Director

小型鯨類の保護状況(Our review of the conservation status of small cetaceans)

.........Sarah Baulch,Campaign Researcher at EIA

政府の政策(Government policy)...Sarah Baulch

汚染物質 (Pollutants).................. Jennifer Lonsdale & Sarah Baulch

追い込み猟と捕獲枠の問題点 (Drive hunts and problems with catch quotas)

辺見 栄Sakae Hemmi at Elsa Nature Conservancy

問合わせ先:Sarah Baulch:sarahbaulch@eia-international.org ( +44 (0) 20 7345 7960)


Date and Time:   11:00, October 31, 2013

Venue:                 Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ)




Introduction...............Jennifer Lonsdale, EIA Director

Our review of the conservation status of small cetaceans.........Sarah Baulch,Campaign Researcher at EIA

Government policy...Sarah Baulch

Pollutants.................. Jennifer Lonsdale & Sarah Baulch

Drive hunts and problems with catch quotas............... Sakae Hemmi at Elsa Nature Conservancy

Contact:Sarah Baulch:sarahbaulch@eia-international.org ( +44 (0) 20 7345 7960)

