ニュース news 24h


銭湯の存続支援へ 神戸市がボイラーなど施設改修費を補助

2017-12-21 09:46:33 | 日記
銭湯の存続支援へ 神戸市がボイラーなど施設改修費を補助
Supporting the survival of the public bath Kobe City subsidizes facilities renovation fees such as boilers





Kobe City decided to start a project to support expenses for renovation of facilities such as boilers in order to support the management of the sento which continues to decrease year by year from next month.
There were about 370 public baths in Kobe City during the Showa 40 's, but due to the damage caused by the Great Hanshin - Awaji Earthquake and the aging of facilities, the number of baths now has decreased to 39. However, in the event of the earthquake disaster, it became a valuable place to allow the victims to take a bath, and it is hoped that it will be a place for exchanges beyond generations from the elderly to the children in the future, Kobe City is a public bath I decided to support it so that I can survive.

Specifically, we will upgrade 1.5 million yen to the cost of refurbishing boilers and bathrooms, installing slopes and handrails to make barrier-free. This project is to start from next month, and the supplementary budget for this fiscal year included a project cost of 15 million yen. Mr. Maruoka, Chairman of the Kobe City Baths Association Federation, who runs the 'Tachibana-no-yu' in Hyogo Ward, said, 'Since replacing boilers costs a lot of money, let's continue with such assistance I think that the number of executives will increase, I want to boost Sensebo culture again. '
