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連合会長 「働き方改革」も春闘の焦点

2018-01-02 13:26:59 | 日記
連合会長 「働き方改革」も春闘の焦点
Federation Federation focus on Spring fight 'Working way reform'




In the interview of the NHK, Mr. Kamitsu, chairman of the labor union, said about the focus of the spring struggle of the same year, 'As we expand small-scale companies and non-regular workers' wage increases throughout Japan, they are positioned as' the first year of worker reform. ' I want to realize reforms of working way, 'he emphasized the idea of ​​working on remedying long hours of work as well.
The Union is a policy to require a wage increase equivalent to about 2%, equivalent to 'base-up' to raise basic salary etc. of all employees in Spring Spring Festival. In the interview with

NHK, Kanzu said, 'I think that it is meaningless only for large companies to increase wages.I also raised the flag of' bottoming up spring struggle ', the medium- and small-sized are major at irrelevant rate, I would like to further expand the flow of workers beyond regular employees and spread them throughout Japan. '

In addition, even if a large company can keep downtime overtime by reckless appearance work reform, there is no way that business partners, subsidiaries, and subcontractors will come to us, and it is positioned as 'the first year of working way reform' I would like to realize not only large enterprises but also small and medium-sized enterprises and irregular workers like working as a way to think that they are the protagonists, 'and to review the way of work' correcting long hours work etc. ' I emphasized the idea to tackle. The spring struggle will meet at the end of this month at the top of labor and management, negotiations will start practically
