
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年03月16日 | Weblog
 今日は一週間ぶりのサークル 春休みということでみんなどこかでかけているのか、人数は少な目 昨日一緒に鍋した子の一人は、昨日の夜、ココナッツサブレの食べすぎでお休み(笑)

 もうすぐ新歓かぁ、かわいい一年生、イケメン一年生たっくさん勧誘しよっと ってか今の一年生(もうすぐ2年生)もほんまにみんなかわいいわ~ 年の差一才とか、もしくはタメやったちとか、あっあと年上の子もいるか(笑) けど全然学年一つ違うだけで若い雰囲気かな いいな~ ふふっ、でももうすぐ新1年生が入ってくれば、君たちももう精神的に若く感じないぞ~ ってなんかイヤな先輩 自分だってもう3ババですがな 時がたつのって早いもの。。。

 とにかく新歓頑張らんと 今年も教育学部の子たくさん入れて、もっと教育会を盛り上げようではないか ひそかな野望


NABE Party

2006年03月15日 | Weblog
Nabe party was held at my senior's house!! I haven't eaten nabe for a long time, I was very glad to go there.

What kind of nabe we ateww I can't answer...because it included tofu, tebasaki, pork, Vienna sausage(uinna-), fish ball(tukune), cod fillets(tara), oyster(kaki), hackberry(enokidake), maitake, napa cabbage(hakusai), Welsh onion(negi), sirataki, and a strange mushroomww Besides we used two kinds of soup stock, salt taste and miso taste... Is it delicious....Of course. It was very good. The harmony of them was great without losing each tastes. The strange mushroom was also good taste.

When we had gone shopping the ingredient in a supermarket, we thought that we might buy too much to eat. But actually soon we finished eating them. Nabe is easy to cook, nabe promotes conversation, nabe is fun.

By the way, the most favorite kind of nabe is...yami.ww

My bicycle

2006年03月14日 | Weblog
My bicycle had been kept in a park since a month ago because I left it in front of the station...

The tragic day was the day of the so-ke-sen In the morning, I overslept a little, though I had to go earlier than usual to the gym where the badminton competition was held. So in order to catch the as early train as I could, I rode the bicycle and left it there. In fact I was too upset to imagine what would happen to my bicycle then And, of course, unfortunately the bicycle which was in the way of a lot of pedestrain disappeared when I came back to it late at night Oh my gosh This was the happening in the day of the so-ke-sen

Today, about a month later, I went to a park where many illegally parked bicycle had been kept at last I was a little nervous whether I might be warned about that I left it near the station or not. And it is also a fact that the thought prevent me from going to the park

However, my image was quite different There were two middle-aged men relaxing by talking or wathing TV. They looked kind...and actually they were They always smiled and took me to my bicycle kindly(though they cleverly took 2000yen, of course...ww) Then at the end, they said,“Be careful not to make the same mistake again, your father will cry if you do again He is woeking hard and making money!!”They said a good thing, I felt inwardly I'll never do so again I can eat delicious dinner if I have 2000yenww What a waste

Anyway now I can use my bicycle freely anytime & anytime I'm glad to that I can go to work by it, I can go to my friend's house by it, I can go shopping at a little far area by it, and so on I feel vaguely that my love of my bicycle became bigger than used to be It was very cheap, maybe about 6000yen but now it became worth 8000yen by adding this 2000yen fine

In the near future, I wanna go somewhere by it.


2006年03月12日 | Weblog
今回は西武線沿線に住んでいる先輩の送別会 同じ線に住んでいることもあって本当にお世話になった4年生ばかり・・・もう今年の4月からそんな先輩たちが近くからいなくなっちゃうのが寂しい もうサークルの練習の後とか飲みの後とか一緒に帰ることもないんか・・・ しゅん。

先輩たちも、これが最後の機会だと思ったのか、うちら幹事にかなりダメだし、いや、アドバイスをたくさんくれた やっぱり先輩たちのサークルにかける思いって本当にすごい 思いは重い(笑)。。。ごめん、スルーして ほんとこんなふざけてる場合じゃないわ 『俺らのまねをしてるだけじゃあかん、俺らを超えようと思う気持ちがないと』そう熱く語ってくれた先輩たち、まだまだ先輩たちの存在は大きすぎるなぁ 私にとって幹事生活は人よりも短いけど、短い分、濃く深く頑張っていかんとね 所詮サークルって思う時もあるけど、せっかく同じ時間やるならね、やらないとね、後悔するよね と思ふ今日この頃・・・

ま、もちろんサークル裏話も満載 いやぁ、ここはいろんな意味ですごい場所ですわ(笑)


2006年03月10日 | Weblog




2006年03月09日 | Weblog
とにかくおもしろい映画だった 始終ぼけが含まれていて・・・キーワードは、洗顔フォーム(笑)もしやこれ、ネタばれさせてる まぁいいよね、もう劇場公開も明日で終わるし ぎりぎりすぎる それにしても三谷幸喜ってあらためてすごいと感じたな、よくあれを一つの話にまとめるわ 私も、去年までとあるホテルで働いてたことやし、そのつらかった日々を『THE無頂点ホテル』で書くか・・・はい、絶対凹むー。。誰も見ないー。。。始終シェフからの鋭い睨みに耐えるー。。。優しいのは日本食担当の板前さんだけー。。。そしてかわいいのは制服だけー。。。。。裏はドロドロ笑 んん、案外ネタはあるんかな

でも、今回の映画鑑賞の中で一つだけ、心残りが エンディングで“○○役 オダギリ・ジョー” えっ~ あの人、オダギリやったん 気づかんかったし 映画代、半分は損した・・・いやいや人ってわからないもんですな


2006年03月08日 | Weblog
Snowboarding is very very fun!!
This time was the first time for me to try snowboarding But I could slid down some snow-covered hills on a snowboard and finally I became able to turn, though I fell many times I owe my these progress to my company who advised me Perhaps I may have a talent for snowboardingww Incidentally, I strongly remember one word from one of their advices...“You will never be able to do it, if you don't try”“Don't be afraid”...Oops, two words, not one Anyway I was able to try and try without any fear offailure because of them Thank you for your great advices And I also think that these are not only for snowboarding but also for my life itself Don't be afraid of any mistakes To try, to challenge is the most important thing You may feel this to be exaggerated, but actually I felt so through my progress following many fall

Next is about particular things
One of my company hurt last. He crashed against another snowboarder, and his shin was cut deeply. It looked fairly painful, though he didn't feel pain, rather he laughed...ww At the end, he went to hospital to have stitches Of couse without any attendant, by taxi, by himself He was very tough guy, I noticed Anyway be careful about winter sports

JENGA is one of very fun toys Do you know it?? Player have to pull put one block from piled blocks and put it on the top of the blocks by turns It is very simple game, but heated Almost all times to do nothing, we played JENGA Oh, incidentally, I'm a queen of JENGA ....only I feel so..ww

Debt, debt, debt, debt,,,DEBT I fell into the hell of DEBT For I took only a little money with me, and in fact I didn't pay for the last kyouiku-kai and the spring camp even now.. Sorry for everyone lending money to me The amount is nearly 80000 yen (details: 60000spring camp, 11100this snowboarding travel, 2200kyouiku-kai, 1690some foods & drinks during this travel) I wished that there was an ATM on ski ground...

A 'rental' snouboarding wear soaks up water, so underwear is also wet, so chill A pair of 'rental' snowboarding globes smells greatly, so even after taking them off my hands smell... The good point of 'rental' is only cheap cost

Although I have more things I want to write, but I'm tired. So I'll finish today Anyway this snowboarding travel was very very fun I want to go again


2006年03月08日 | Weblog




Badminton with Coworker

2006年03月04日 | Weblog
I haven't written my blog in English for long time...ww
So today I'll do so

Today I played badminton with some coworkers, with whom I am working part-time as a clerk in a clothing store. It was very funny to play it with them, because I am not so friendly with them until now. I felt that they were just only coworkers and usually topics of our conversations were about merchandise of UNIQLO. So to play with them itself was surprising for me!!

Anyway, this badminton plan was successful We enjoyed and decided to play again. ww In my opinion, I was a litele happy to be seen as a person with experience playing badminton not a beginer My badminton skill is still not good, but among this members I could be a coach and teach some skills as my club members taught me some skills One of this members called me "MASTER!!"...ww Thank you, sir

After that, we went to eat Yakiniku at Gyuukaku Very very delicious It was lucky to be able to hear some of inside stories of them. And after all I paid only 75 yen...it was very lucky I was satisfied that.

I could enjoy badminton and Yakiniku very much But the most important thing is not it but to notice that my coworkers were funny and good persons, because until now I haven't much liked them so I built a kind of wall betweem them and me... Following this, perhaps my feeling not to want to go working part-time will decrease...though I can't still like sewing pants by sewing machine


2006年03月03日 | Weblog

今回は、4年生最後の教育会 大好きな4年生の先輩たちがもうすぐ卒業しちゃう・・・。最後だからこそ、いっぱい楽しんでもらって、いっぱい飲んでもらって、いっぱい潰れてもらおうと思ってたのに、自分が潰れて・・・またお金払ってナーイー しかも自分が会計発表したにもかかわらず これ、いわゆるただのおいしいとこどり、ただの目立ちたがり、ただの酔っ払い またウザイ酔っ払いか。ごめんね、みんな・・・

けど、目標だった教育会記念写真撮れた 写真見てても本当にみんないい顔してる 笑顔ってやっぱいい本当にいい 

激しいのが教育会、食べる隙を与えないのが教育会、先輩が最後に「今日は楽しかった」って言ってくれてよかった、最後に教育会開いてよかった、本当に教育でよかった もうこれで、教育会幹事も代替わり・・・今年は4回開いてね(笑)

さ~てと、それにしても最近本気で勉強してないな 気分一新、今日は頑張ろうっと See you tomorrow