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The preview of HARU-REKU

2006年03月19日 | Weblog
Today we went did a dry run of the spring recreation, for short haru-reku, which will be held on May 7th as a part of the welcome to new students In the recreation, we plan to have a barbecue and tiny game or play To have failed in the quiz festival of spring training camp motivated us...we have to succeed in the next event harur-reku, all of us thought so
However weather didn't cooperate with us. The wind was blowing so hard that we stoped our preview unwillingly. Oh, no... Barbecue sauce splashed by the wind, cut vegitables were also flown by that, and what's more, we ate cold barbecue by that!! We can never say that this was a enjoyable barbecue. It was a hard baebecue... maybe it was a kind of training.ww After all we stopped it and discussed the haru-reku plan at a near First-Kitchen. Indoor was heaven Warm and no-wind place is best place in everywhere, we thoughtww
Unfortunately the weather got worse while we stayed there. The trains stopped by the influence of the hard wind. Is there kaze-otoko,a man who never comer or goes out without being met by wet weather, among us Anyway it was very very cold... maybe that I wore a polo shirt, which was desighned by ourselves, made me feel more cold that I would feel in normal cloth. Let's be careful for choosing own clothes
The lucky thing was only that I could take the rest of ingredient in barbecue The money for food from tomorrow will get less. Yeah Yeah. I'm getting to feel anziety about the weather of the very day of haru-reku...