
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年10月31日 | Weblog
What a wonderful!! “Trick or treat!!” if you say this phrase, you can get some candies for free.

Today I was invited to come to my Friendship-family's house to celebrate Halloween together with them. Soon after my last class ends, my host-mother and one of her daughter picked me up here by car, and we headed toward their house. This was the second time for me to visit it. They spoke a lot to me in the car to the house. Especially the daughter, Hannah, was talking to me about her costume and her hurt she received a couple days ago. She is always talking a lot of things to me, though she is very young, like 7 years old. And she is always smiling to me even if I couldn’t follow what she said.

Anyway, we arrived at their house. On arriving there, host-mother started cooking dinner, and Hannah started being interested in my electronic dictionary. She looked up some English words “Halloween” “”ice cream” and so on in it, of course I changed the regular mode into English-English dictionary before handing it to her though. Surprisingly the person who showed interest in the dictionary was not only her but also someoneone else; another daughter, Peige, and a son, Eric. It must be an unusual instrument for them, I realized.

After eating delicious dinner made by host mother, now it’s time to go trick or treating!! This is the main event of Halloween. Children began to change their clothes into their own Halloween costume, and surprisingly they had prepared for my costume, too. So I also changed into the costume; a pink hat, glasses with a plastic nose, a tie, and a khaki colored coat. I didn’t know what the theme of the costume is, but anyway I could be one of the members of trick and treating children, I hope so….even if I am real 21 years old. It’s ok if I have a young feeling. Changing into costumes was done. Taking a group picture of all children and me was also done. And then, let’s go trick and treating!!

It was so cold in the night, but nobody cared about that. We walked around neighborhood. When we found a house having a light on and putting a pumpkin in front of the entrance, we headed torward the house, and knocked the door. Then at the moment a person who is living in the house opened the door, we said together, “trick and treat!!” And finally we can get some candies from the person. I felt a little guilty. I know it is so cute that children say “trick and treat!” and get some candies, but how about 21 year-old person? I was kind of sorry for getting a lot of candies with other children. But it might be the first Halloween and the last Halloween for me, I thought. That’s why I went trick and treating by trying to pretend to be younger person than I am, though maybe my real age came out. By the way, my host-mother was always laughing at me. I’m a real entertainer!! Haha

Halloween didn’t end here. After coming back to their house, there was a kind of trading a lot of candies each other. Children were very serious to get their own favorite candies as much as possible by giving the other candies in return. I really wanted to join the trade, but I couldn’t tell which one is better and which one is worse…so only when a child asked me to exchange something he has with something I have, I exchanged.

Believe or not, the amount of candies was beyond description. What a wonderful event!! But at the same time, I thought the candies influence my shape. What a terrible event!! But even if it is a terrible event, I really recommend Japan to introduce Halloween. It was so fun.