
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Howl's Moving Castle

2006年10月18日 | Weblog
I was so moved by Howl. He was so cool!!....Yes, today I watched the Japanese famous movie “Howl’s Moving Castle” as an activity of Japanese club. The movie is the second latest movie by Hayao Miyazaki, and I have never seen it. So it was the first time to see it.

Some of my friends in Japan said, “The movie is not so good,” or “I couldn’t understand the story at all.” So I didn’t have high expectation of the movie before I saw it. However, I was so moved and impressed by Howl’s coolness. He is very cute guy, though he might be narcissist a little. The fact Howl’s voice is acted by Kimu-Taku also let me involved in the movie.www

On the other hand, I can a little agree with some of my friends who didn’t like the movie as I mentioned earlier. I like the whole story of it, but I don’t like ending part of it. During watching the movie, I was always waiting for a scene Sophie can return into her original figure. I really wanted her to return into her original beautiful figure instead of keeping her an old woman…Is it happy ending? I was not sure. Are you really happy even if you are still an old woman, Sophie?? And there is another reason I don’t like the ending part. The war was treated too lightly in the movie. A lot of people were killed by the war, and Howl was also hurt by it. But finally a woman who is a president of magic school said laughing, “I had better stop our war,” or something like that, though I couldn’t explain correctly in English. Anyway, the war was too light thing in the movie.

But after all, I like this movie. If someone hasn’t seen it yet, I’ll strongly recommend him or her to see it. Especially if she is the girl who is falling in love with someone else.www Howl’s Moving Castle came into one of my favorite movie just now.