


2008-02-13 01:41:38 | 晒し

> Dear PayPal ® customer,
> We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account.
> Protecting your account is our primary concern. As a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive information.
> Paypal features.To ensure that your account is not compromised, simply hit "Resolution Center" to confirm your identity as member of Paypal.
> * Login to your Paypal with your Paypal username and password.
> * Confirm your identity as a card memeber of Paypal.
> Please confirm account information by clicking here Resolution Center and complete the "Steps to Remove Limitations."
> *Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
> Copyright © 1999-2007 PayPal. All rights reserved.

ちなみに、元メール(HTMLメール)では"Reslution Center"にリンクが貼ってあるのだけれど、そのURLはhttp://paypal-secure-check.com/**/log*n.php (一部伏せ字に変更)で、まあ、それっぽいといえばそれっぽい。

差出人は、akst*****----------*****@amerikanaraba.com (一部伏せ字に変更)で、PayPalとは縁もゆかりもなさそうなアドレス。