臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] All You Can Eat

2013-01-13 | Script
Caillou was helping his mommy prepare a picnic lunch.
He and his mommy were going on a picnic with Clementine and her mommy.
I think we have enough celery, Caillou. Why don't you decorate the cupcakes?
Okay, Mommy. Look, Mommy. I'm making a cupcake for Clementine. I made a face.
Caillou, you won't be hungry, if you keep eating like that.
Yes, I will. Oops! Gilbert!
No more snacking, Caillou. You won't be able to eat your picnic lunch.

Clementine look, I made a picnic with my mommy.
Hi, Caillou! I made a picnic with my mommy, too.
Here, Caillou. I made a special sandwich for you all by myself.
Mommy, Caillou's not eating his special sandwich.
Why aren't you eating, Caillou?
I'm not very hungry.
I have an idea. Why don't you and Clementine play for a while? You two can eat later.

You wanna play hide and seek?
No, I wanna play tug.
Okay, you're it!
While Caillou and Clementine were playing tug, they forgot all about the picnic.
I'm gonna get you!

What are you looking at, Caillou?
Look, Clementine, squirrels! Quick, let's follow them!

Looks like we're gonna have two big hungry squirrels running back to our picnic.
Mommy, Look!
Why look at that! This squirrel is gathering nuts for the winter.
Why does he have big cheeks?
He's putting the nuts in his cheeks and then he's going to store them in his house for the winter.
Anybody home? You want to see the squirrel's house? The coast is clear.
Caillou was amazed to see that the squirrel's house was filled with so many nuts.
I'm hungry, Mommy.
I'm hungry, too.

Umm. This is yummy! I made this for you!
Umm. I love cupcakes.
Now that Caillou had his appetite back. He thought this was the best tasting picnic he had ever had.

[SCRIPT] Far Away Home

2013-01-06 | Script
Caillou's mommy and daddy had gone out the evening and Rosie and Caillou were excited,
because Julie the babysitter had come to look after them.
Did you like that story?
Yes, let's play now!
Look inside! I've brought something special to show you.
What is it? Another book?
Yes, this one is an atlas full of pictures of far away places.
Where is that?
This is a desert and those big piles of sand called sand dunes.
I'd like to go there.
What's that?
It's a camel. Look, it's got two humps.
That's right, Caillou, and over there is a palm tree.
And there is another palm tree.
Caillou started to make believe he was in a far way place.
You're right. We must be near the desert. Can you help me find it, Caillou?
Rosie help, too.
I know it's this way.

Caillou decided that the basement would make a perfect pretend desert.
We can make a camel.
Good idea, Caillou! We'll need this.
It needs humps.
More hemppies!
Now for the blanket.
This can be a tail!
Wow! It's a camel! Let's give Teddy a camel ride, Rosie!

This way!
Caillou loved leading Rosie and Julie through the desert like a real explorer.
He felt very brave and adventurous.
Phew! The sun's very hot this desert.
Follow me! It's a palm tree.
That's great, Caillou. Come on, Rosie. Let's go and sit in the shade.
After all this travelling, I think it's supper time for the hungry explorers.

An oasis is cool shady place with lots of palm trees where desert explores can find food and water.
And look! More palm trees!
They sure are! You chose a perfect place for our pretend desert oasis, Caillou!
Oh, looks like our littlest explore needs to turn in for the night.
Come on, Rosie. Time for bed.
Caillou why don't you look at the atlas while I put Rosie to bed? Be back in a second.

Caillou was glad he didn't have to go to bed yet.
He liked looking at the atlas and finding new places to explore.
Caillou tried hard to imagine where a pretend mountain could be. Suddenly, he thought of just the right place.
Julie, I'll show you a mountain place.

See, it's a big mountain. Let's go hurry!
Okay, Caillou. I'm right behind you.
I see the top!
Did it!
Yeah, the famous explores reached the summit. Let's celebrate!
This can be a flag, like in the picture!
Hmm I think it's time for Caillou the tired explore's bath!
Uh-uh. I want to play some more!
Caillou didn't want to go to bed yet. He was having too much fun!

Come on, Caillou!
But I don't want my bath yet!
Don't you want to explode this steamy tropical jungle?
A jungle? Look, a river!
Ready for a river trip, Caillou?

Wow! What's that way over there!
It's a..... I know, it's a water fall! I'm going to explore! Toot Toot!

While Julie was draining the bath tub, Caillou was planning a surprise for her!
In here! This is my tent!
So I see, but even busy explores need their sleep.
Can I have your flash light, please?
Now you can pretend your sleeping under the stars like a real explore.
Exploring in fun!
Sure is. We travelled to all sorts of far away places, didn't we?
Uh-ha. But I like home, too.
Caillou couldn't wait for morning to arrive so he could tell his mommy and daddy all about his travels.

[SCRIPT] Caillou Goes To The Car Wash

2012-12-30 | Script
Look, Rosie, I draw a happy face.
What are you two up to?
Rosie, you're all dirty and Caillou, you should know better.
But I'm not dirty, Daddy. See? Only my finger.
The car is filthy. You and Rosie need to go and clean up.
Caillou, can you help your little sister?

What have you two been up two? Rosie, you're all dirty.
I'm not dirty, Mommy and I'm going to help Rosie wash her hands.
I think she may need more than just her hands washed.
Our two young artists were drawing on the side of the car.
The car could use a good washing too, then.
Can we wash the car, Daddy?
Caillou loved helping his daddy wash the car, especially on a hot summer day.
I'll get the bucket.
Whoa there! I wasn't planning a washing the car today. I have a lot to do around the house.
Do you think you would have time for a quick run to the car wash then?
And Caillou especially love going to the car wash.
Okay, let's hop to it! We're going to the car wash.
Rosie, too.
Looks like you've already been to the car wash. Come on, let's get you changed first.

All set! You are gonna love the car wash, Rosie.
Rosie had never been to a car wash before. She didn't know what to expect!
Hurry up, Rosie!

Caillou had been to the car wash before with his daddy, so he knew how much fun it was.
You'll see there are a lot of soap and bobbles, and brushes and water. Vroom! And the car comes out clean like new.
Here we are!
Red light, stop! Green light, go!
Rosie was a little nervous as the car wash began. There was a lot of noise.
Look, water!
Everything will be alright, Rosie. It's a little scary, isn't?
I'm not scared, Daddy.
Rosie, look!
Caillou, why don't you try to make her feel better?
Caillou remembered that he had been scared the first time (at which) he went through the car wash, too.
It's the dryer, Rosie, just like at home.

Ready for the rinse cycle?
I want to go to the car wash again.

[SCRIPT] Caillou Tries Karate

2012-12-23 | Script
Vroom! Vroom! Mommy, can we go to the park?
Perhaps a little later, Caillou. I have to take Rosie to her swimming class now.
I want to go swimming, too.
Isn't Leo coming over today?
Caillou had completely forgotten that he had a playdate with Leo.
Yeah, Leo is coming! Leo is coming! Yeah!
Today it was shaping up to be a great day!

I'll get it.
Caillou was very excited. He thought maybe it would be Leo calling to tell him that he was on his way over.
Hello, Leo? Oh, Daddy, it's for you!
Thank you, Caillou. Hello? Oh, hi! No problem at all. I'm glad I can help. Send Sarah over when she's ready. Good-bye.
Is Sarah coming over?
Actually yes, but not to play. Sarah's Mom has a bad cold so she asked me if I could take Sarah to her Karate class a little later.
Karate class?
Ah-ha, Karate!
Karate seemed very strange to Caillou.

Caillou and Leo were very happy to be spending the morning together, but they couldn't wait to start playing.
You're not Caillou.
I'm here, Mommy! We're bears in a cave! Roar!

Sarah, why are you still in your pyjamas?
These aren't my pyjamas. It's called [a] "GY". I wear it for my karate class.
Silly me! I'll be ready in just a minute. Why don't you go show Caillou your Karate-GY?
Hi, Sarah! Caillou is in his room, but beware there are big bears in dark caves upstairs.

Caillou, are you in there?
Hi, I can't stay long. Your dad's driving me to my Karate class. I wanted to show you my Karate-GY.
You wear that for Karate?
Uh-ha. See, ha! I need room to do my Karate moves and my GY is comfortable.
Your dad thought I was still in my pyjamas.
Caillou and Leo were very impressed by Sarah's Karate demonstration.
Sarah, time to go!
I've gotta go, but I can come back after my class and show you a few more moves if you want. Bye!

Karate lesson turned out to be fun for everyone.

[SCRIPT] Shadow Play

2012-12-16 | Script
Caillou had his new neighbours, Jeffrey and Jason over for some hot dogs.
At first the twins seemed more interested in each other (than Caillou).
What's the matter, Caillou? Did you spill some mustard?
It was....
Caillou didn't know whether it was Jeffery or Jason who had squirted him.
I think Jeffery knows what happened. That's why he's going to help clean up. Right, Jeffery?
That's enough helping for now, Jeffery.
Can we play a game with this flashlight, Mommy?
Hide and Seek!
Good idea, Jeffery. You kids can go play in the back yard, but not for long, it's gonna be dark soon.

Caillou decided he would be it, because he had the flashlight.
One, two, three, four, five.
Caillou was excited about playing with his new friends,
but when he saw how the shadows had begun creeping into the yard,
he felt a bit scared until he remembered his flashlight.
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Hey, you two. You're hiding in a place that Caillou will never come looking (for).
While Jeffery's mommy explained that playing fair meant the twins have to go back outside,
Caillou heard something behind a bush.

Now Caillou started to get really spooked.
He faced his back yard again and with even thicker shadows, it looked like a completely new place to him.
I don't want to play anymore.
I'm sorry, Caillou. I startled you.
Mom, is Caillou a scaredy-cat?
Of course not. In fact he was pretty brave, (to be) out here all by himself.
It's scary out here.

When Mommy turned on the back-yard-light, all the spooky shadows disappeared.
They could even keep on playing a little while.
But this time, Mommy would be it.
No one will find me here.
Can I hide with you?
Are you Jason?
I am.
Quick, come in!
Shhh! We'll get caught.
I'm a scary monster!
Gilbert, shhh! We're hiding.
Caillou didn't want to be found just yet. Thanks to the game, he and the twins were becoming fast friends.

[SCRIPT] Get Well Soon

2012-12-09 | Script
One of Caillou's favorite things to do was play Spaceman with his best friend Leo.
Come back, Spaceman!
Oh, no! He's gone!
Caillou decided that Gilbert could help him find the spaceman.
Leo didn't hear anything and checked to see if the coast was clear.
Oh, no you don't (catch me)!
Pip pop love love
Oh yeah! I win!
Caillou was so happy that he had won. He didn't notice that Leo was hurt.
I want my mommy.
What's wrong, Leo?
My foot hurts.
Caillou didn't know what to do. He felt scared.
Mommy, Daddy, help! Leo hurt himself!

Where does it hurt?
My foot.
Leo's foot hurt him so much that he couldn't even stand on it.
You'd better take Leo home. His parents may wanna have his foot check at the hospital.
Good idea.
The hospital?
Caillou was worry that his friend might have to go to the hospital.
Don't worry, Leo. Everything would be alright.
I want my mommy.

Is Leo okay, Mommy?
We'll find out soon, Caillou, but first he needs to have his foot check at the hospital.
Caillou had never been to the hospital. He was very curious about what would happen there.
What will happen at the hospital?
Well, the doctor will look at Leo's foot and find out what's wrong with it.
He might take a special picture called an x-ray to look at Leo's bones.
I have to call Leo's parents now. Will you please watch Rosie for me?
Okay. Mommy?
Yes, Caillou?
Will Leo be okay?
I'm sure he'll be okay, but he probably won't be running around much for a little while.
Caillou hoped Leo would get better fast so they would be able to play spaceman again soon.

Maybe that's Daddy calling about Leo.
Hell, uh-ha. Alright. See you soon! Bye!
Was that Daddy?
Yes, it was and he says Leo was already home from the hospital and he's doing fine.
Do you think he can come over and play now?
I don't think so, Caillou. Leo has broken toe so he'll have to stay off his feet for a while.
He will?
What's the matter, Caillou?
Caillou was disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to play with Leo.
I want Leo to come over. I wanna here about the hospital and play spaceman.
Well, Leo can't come over here, but you can go and visit him.
I can?
Sure. In fact, he asked Daddy if you could come over and see him later.
I bet that would really cheer him up.
Caillou couldn't wait to see Leo and had a great idea to cheer him up.

I'm going to draw Leo the best picture ever!
Caillou wanted to draw something for Leo, but what?
A spaceman Leo loves spacemen.

Can I see it? That's beautiful, Caillou.
Maybe you can also put the finishing touches on the cookies (that) I'm making for Leo.

That one's for Leo.
Leo can't wait to see you.
Me, too. I made him a drawing. Can we go now?
Sure we can.

Hi, Leo!
Caillou was happy to see that Leo was okay.
A spaceman! Wow! Thanks!
Does your foot hurt?
It did at first, but it's okay as long as I don't walk on it.
I forgot to tie my shoe-laces, and I tripped on them and fell.
You went to the hospital?
Yeah, and the doctor took a funny picture of my toes.
You wanna play Space-alien?

I'm coming in for a landing!
The coast is clear.
Caillou and Leo were back to doing what they love best, playing together.

[SCRIPT] Three's a crowd

2012-12-02 | Script
Caillou, we're leaving now. Where are you?
Roar! I'm playing dinosaurs.
You and Rosie have been inside all day.
Let's go out and get some fresh air.
Can I bring my dinosaur?
Why don't you bring your bucket and shovel instead? Then you can play in the sandbox.

Caillou was happy to see that Leo and Clementine were at the park, too.
Hi, can I help you with the sand castle?
Watch out, Caillou!
Look what you did!
You broke my bucket!
We don't wanna play with you! You break everything!
Caillou didn't meant to break Clementine's bucket. He felt very badly.

What's the matter, Caillou?
Leo and Clementine don't wanna play with me.
Did you tell them you wanted to play with them?
Caillou didn't tell his mammy that he had broken Clementine's bucket.
He was sad and angry all at the same time.
I don't want to play with them anymore. I don't like them. I wanna go home.
But we just got here, Caillou.
Rosie's awake.
Why don't you play for a little while longer, okay?

Leo, Clementine, come play on the slide with me!
Leo and Clementine were so busy playing. They didn't even notice Caillou.
Caillou didn't find that was as much fun siding along. He really wanted his friends to play with him.

Mommy, can you push me a swing, too?
Aren't you a little big for the baby swings, Caillou?
Can you push me on the big swings, Mommy?
Caillou, I can't push you on the big swings right now. I'm pushing Rosie.
It was no use Caillou tried and tried, but normally mommy or his friends were pushing to get started.
But there was one thing that Caillou could do by himself, "climb the monkey bars".

Mommy! Wow!
Why don't you go and play with Leo and Cementing, Caillou?
Leo ?wants me to play with them anymore, because I broke Clementine’s bucket.
Well, why don't you lend her your bucket?

Here, Clementine, you can have my bucket.
Thanks. It's a nice bucket. A lot bigger than mine.
Can I play with you?
Sure. Sit over there. You can help me.
Caillou knew that Leo and Clementine were once again his best friends in a whole wide world.

[SCRIPT] Leo's Hamster

2012-11-25 | Script
You're lucky to have a hamster.
Yeah, he is a lot of fun to play with.
Caillou was very excited. He was going to take care of Leo's hamster for the weekend while Leo was away.
That's his food and water. You have to change it everyday.
Hiya , Baddie!
Caillou was a bit nervous. He wasn't very familiar with hamsters and it was a big responsibility.
See, you can hold him like this.
Does he bite?
No, but you have to be very gentle. But you can do tricks, too. See.
Can I try?
Don't move!
It tickles!
He ate a whole carrot.
No, he's just hiding it in his cheeks.
You can pet him on his tummy like this.
Want to play, baddie?

Come on, boys. Time for Caillou'll bring Baddie home.
Leo, be careful with your hamster. He is your pet. He's not a toy.
Caillou was looking forward to bringing Baddie home and taking care of him.
Here's the list for your dad, Caillou.

Here we go.
We have to make sure that Gilbert stays far away from Baddie.
We want the room to be safe for him.

Let's see what we have here.
Leo said I have to check his food and water.
Everything looks fine.
Can I play with him now?
Baddie is sleeping right now, Caillou. You should let him rest for a bit.
I'm sure he will wake up soon, okay?
Caillou watched Baddie very closely. He wanted him to wake up so (that) they could play.
Baddie, are you awake?

Are you still sleeping?
Caillou thought Baddie had slept enough, and he really wanted to play with him.
Come here, boy! Do you wanna play?
Caillou wasn't sure what Baddie was doing.
He was crawling all over him and it was making Caillou nervous.
Baddie, no!

Daddy, Baddie is hiding and I can't get him.
Did you take him out of his cage?
We'd better get to Baddie before Gilbert does. Come on!
He ran behind here. I can't see him.
We'd better lock Gilbert up in his cage until we find him.
You look for Baddie, okay? I'll be right back.
Caillou looked and looked everywhere but there was no sight of Baddie.
Any luck?
I can't find him.
He's gotta be here somewhere.

Not here, either. Don't worry, Caillou. He can't be far.
We'll find him.

Caillou, there's something small and furry in my kitchen.

Mommy, why are you standing on the chair?
Me? Oh, no reason.
Where is it, Honey?
It ran under the fridge.
Here Baddie, come out!
Keep an eye on him, Caillou! I'll go get his cage.
Baddie, come!
Caillou wished that Baddie would come out. He wondered what he could do to coax him out from under the fridge.
Maybe he'll come if I give him a carrot.
Smart thinking, Caillou!
He loves carrots. Watch this, Mommy!
Here, Baddie. Come and get the yummy carrot!
How's he going, Caillou?
I think he's coming out.
He's out!
Okay. Let's put him back in his cage now.
I'll put him back.
Good job, Caillou!
But how did Baddie get out?
I only wanted to play with him.
Playing with him is fine, but you have to make sure that he goes right back into the cage next time, okay?
That's right, sweetie. You're responsible for him. It's your job to keep him safe.

Caillou, what do you say, we let Baddie really get some rest now?
Okay, Daddy.

Okay, Gilbert. You can come out now.
But you have to stay quiet because Baddie is resting.

Hello, come on in!
Hi, Caillou! Hi, Gilbert!
Hi, Leo! Baddie ran under the fridge, but I saved him.
How did you get him out?
With your carrot trick!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Big Chill

2012-11-18 | Script
It was one of the very first days of spring.
The snow was melting, the flowers were growing, and Caillou and his family were outside, enjoying it.
See, there is a flower poking its nose up to catch a few rays of the sun.
Now that all the snow is gone and flowers can grow.
The snow will be gone for a long long time.
Caillou felt a bit sad that all the snow was gone.
He loved playing in the snow and he was going to miss it.

Hi, Caillou.
Look what I found.
That's the last of the snow. It will not be melted soon.
I wish I could keep it.
Well, if you want to keep it frozen, you should put it in the freezer.
Caillou thought that was a great idea.

No room!
I know where.
Caillou thought about a perfect place to keep his snow.
Go bathtub!
Let's get some more.
Caillou and Sarah brought up pail after pail of snow until the tub was filled with Caillou's very own snow.

What do you want to make with it?
A snowman.
My hands are cold.
Mine, too.
We need mittens.

Now we just need some eyes and a nose.

Hi, kids! Sarah, your mom was just calling you when for lunch.
Okay. Bye, Caillou. Have fun with the snow!

Can I have a carrot, Mommy?
Go ahead, honey. Lunch would be a little while.

Caillou thought his snowman looked absolutely perfect.
Caillou, wash your hands! Lunch will be ready in a minute.

After Caillou had lunch, he helped Daddy wash the car, and he helped Mommy with supper.
Before he knew it, it was time to get ready for bed.
Hey, where did my snowman go?
A snowman in a bathtub?
I wanted to keep it until winter.
But it's time for the snow to make room for grass and flowers.
Spring is a lot of fun, too.
We can ride bikes and climb trees.
I like riding my bike.
Caillou was missed the snow but when he thought about it, there were a lot of things he liked about spring, too.
Bye, Mr.Snowman, see you next year!

[SCRIPT] I want to grow up

2012-11-11 | Script
I want a cookie, Mommy.
Caillou, cookies aren't for breakfast.
Caillou wished he was tall enough to get his own cookies.
But he just couldn't reach the cookie-jar.
Come on, it's time to get ready for the park.

Look, it's Andre!
Caillou hadn't seen his friend Andre in a long time.
Hi, Caillou, come play with me!
Caillou wanted to do all the things Andre was doing.
It's new. My other bike got too small.
You wanna try it?
Well, okay.
You're too small, Caillou.
Caillou wished he was big enough to ride Andre's bike.

Hi, Caillou! Did you have a good time at the park?
I want to be like Andre.
How come?
He's bigger than me. He can ride a big bike.
Caillou, Andre is a little bit older than you.
Besides, you've been growing, too, you know.
I have?
Let's take a look!

See, you're a whole inch taller than the last time.
An inch? How big's an inch?
That's quite a lot growth, Caillou.
Caillou was happy that he was bigger than before.
Rosie now.
We'll measure you, too, Rosie.
Oh, you've grown, too.
See, you used to be that big. Now you're up here!
And that's Caillou.
Ah, big!
Caillou was proud to be Rosie's big brother.
If you keep growing this fast, Caillou,
you'll be as big as Andre in no time.
Caillou couldn't wait to be as big as Andre.
How can I grow big faster?
The only way to grow big and strong is to eat well and get lots of sleep.

That night, Caillou ate a lot more than usual.
More, Caillou? I thought you didn't like meatloaf.
I want to eat a lot, so I can grow bigger.

Time for desert, Caillou.
Now you can have the cookie you wanted for breakfast.
I'm too full!
Come on, Caillou. You can work off all for that food by helping me with the dishes.
Humm, looks like the problem with the pipes again.
I'll look at it in the morning.

Caillou thought if he went to bed extra early, he might grow faster.
You're getting ready for bed already?
It's not even your bed time yet.
I want to get lots of sleep.
Look, Caillou, I found an old picture of you.
See how small you were then?
I was little!
That's right, Caillou.
Now you're a big boy.

That night, Caillou dreamed he was big and strong.
He could reach the high bar and the jungle gym.
And he could ride Andre's bike.

Caillou, wake up!
When Caillou woke up, he was very happy.
He was feeling much bigger.
What are you doing?
I wanna see.
See what?

Daddy, Daddy, am I any bigger?
Oops! I'm afraid, you're pretty much the same size as yesterday, Caillou.
Caillou was disappointed. He felt like he'd never be as tall as Andre.
No-one grows over night. You've got years to get bigger.
What do you doing?
Fixing the sink. Let's see if it works.
Oh, no!
Well, looks like it's time to call the plumber.

We probably just need to a place start the leaking joint.
Can I see, Daddy?
Sorry, Caillou, but this is grown-up work.

Caillou decided to do some work of his own on the bathroom-sink.
Come on, Teddy. Help me fix the leaky joint.
We may need your help after all, Caillou.
If you aren't too busy.

See, we need to turn off the water for the plumber.
But we're too big to fit in there.
When the plumber give the signal, you'll turn it off, okay?
It's dark in here, Daddy.
I'm right here, Caillou.
I did it!

Thanks, Caillou. I could use a little helper like you more often.
Caillou was very proud that he helped the plumber fix the sink.

Uh-ha! I see you, Andre!
You win again, Caillou. Your dad never find you.
I'm small enough to fit anywhere.

[SCRIPT] Caillou and the Tooth Fairy

2012-11-04 | Script
Mommy, Sarah is here!
Wee! Look, Caillou, I can go really high!
Sarah, look at me!

Pass me the shovel, Sarah?
Sarah, what are you doing?
Why is your tooth so wriggly?
My baby teeth are falling out because I'm a big girl now.
I'm gonna put it under my pillow then the Tooth Fairy will come out at night and leave me a present.
Caillou had never heard of the Tooth Fairy before.
It's a magical fairy that comes when you sleep.
She looks under your pillow to see if there is a tooth and if she founds one,
she leaves your presents and sometimes money, too.
Caillou wished that he had a tooth to leave under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy.

Here is your juice, Rosie.
Now eat your snack, Caillou. Then we can go outside and play until Mommy and Daddy get home.
It looks like you just lost your tooth, Caillou.
I'm missing a tooth, too.
This one right here isn't real and comes out every night.
Do you put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy?
Gosh, no. I don't want the Tooth Fairy to take this tooth away.
Hi, we're home!
Mommy, Daddy, I wanna get a present from the Tooth Fairy just like Sarah.
You have to wait until you lose one of your teeth before you can get a visit from the Tooth Fairy, sweetie.
Can I put Grandpa's tooth under my pillow?
I'm afraid I need my tooth, and besides I think the Tooth Fairy would know it was mine.
Caillou was discouraged. He really wanted the Tooth Fairy to come and pay him a visit.
He thought maybe if he wriggled his teeth enough. They would looson.
Hey! This one's loose.

Mommy, Daddy, look! My tooth is loose.
Phew, it seems just fine to me, Caillou.
It's not loose at all.

Hi, Caillou. Here, I took your shovel home by mistake.
Wow! Sarah, your tooth is gone!
Uh-ha. Bye!

Caillou was upset that the Tooth Fairy wasn't going to visit him, unless....
Hey, this looks just like a tooth.

Caillou was hoping the Tooth Fairy would mistake the pebble for a tooth and leave him a present.
Good night, Caillou. Did you brush your teeth?
The Tooth Fairy's gonna come tonight.
Huh. I don't think you can fool the Tooth Fairy,
but why don't we leave it here, and maybe she'll come and visit you while you're sleeping.
But she probably won't leave your present. Is that okay?

[SCRIPT] Caillou Cleans Up

2012-10-28 | Script
Hi, little birdie!
Caillou was very excited. He'd seen the cardinal before but this morning he saw something extra special.
A bird's nest and its egg!

Mommy, Daddy, I found a bird's nest!
Come and see!
In a little bit, Caillou. Right now we have an important job to do.
It's Spring Cleaning time when we clean our house from top to bottom.
Can I help?
Caillou wanted to help his mommy and daddy and got straight to work lending a hand.
Hi, Grandpa!
Hello, Caillou!
I've come to look after you and Rosie.
How about we go and play outside?
In a little bit. Right now I have an important job to do.
Okay, Caillou. You can come outside with me and help me clean the windows while Mommy gets a start on the kitchen.

Look, Caillou! A cardinal.
Is that the nest (that) you saw?
There's an egg inside, Daddy.
There is? Well, we have to keep an eye on it, then.
Okay, Daddy.

How would you like to clean this window, Caillou? It's just right height for you.
I'll do a good job.
The first thing (that) we have to do is get your sponge good and wet.
Okay. Now wash the window with the sponge then put this sponge back in the water.
Caillou wanted to do a good-job, so he took his time and wash the window, just like his daddy told him.
Like this, Daddy?
Good, Caillou! Next we dry the window with the paper towel.
And we're done.
(Do you) Think you can remember all that?
Do you want me to help you with the next one?
No, I can do it.

I'm washing windows, Gilbert!
Hey, where is my sponge?
Here it is!
Caillou tried to remember everything his daddy had shown him about washing windows.
Gilbert, you're all wet.
Caillou thought that Gilbert looked pretty silly.
He wanted to dry him up, but Gilbert didn't like the idea.

Gilbert, you made a mess!
Caillou didn't have time to talk to the cardinal.
Right now, he had an important job to do.
Cleaning up the mess (that) Gilbert made.

Hi, Daddy, look at me, I'm raking!
I thought you were washing windows, Caillou.
I was. Now I'm raking.
I think you've an errand a glass of juice.

Caillou had already helped Daddy. Now it was Mommy's turn.
Look, Mommy, I'm mopping up!

Hi, Daddy!
Caillou wants to help outside again.
Great! Do you know what happened to these paper towels?
Gilbert got all wet from the bucket but I couldn't find him so I raked the leaves and I mopped up.
I want to be a big help.
Caillou, it's very nice that you want to help, but you need finish what you start.
You know, maybe Caillou need his very own chore.
Caillou liked the idea of having his very own chore to do.
That was just one thing trouble in him.
What's a chore?

Caillou's mommy and daddy explained that a chore is a special job that's someone does to help around the house.
And that's how you make a bed, Caillou.
And making your own bed can be your chore.
Can I try it now?
Sure, Caillou.

Here, let me help you.
No, Mommy. I want to do it.
Making the bed was Caillou's special chore and he wanted to do it all by himself.
Okay, Caillou. We'll leave you to do your chore.

Peek a boo!
Rosie, no!
Oh, sorry, Caillou.
Rosie and I are playing hide and seek. Would you like to join us?
No, thanks, Grandpa.
I'm doing my chore.
Oh, I see. Well, I'll make sure Rosie doesn't disturb you anymore, Caillou.
You're busy with important work.

Gilbert. Now I have to do my chore again.
Caillou was proud that he had done such a good job with his chore.
Well, Caillou, you really stuck to this chore and you did very well.

Well, what do you know? A baby cardinal!
He needs to tidy his nest.
His mommy and daddy will help him clean up.
But someday, he'll be old enough to do his own chores.
Just like me!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Clouds

2012-10-21 | Script
Caillou was going for a picnic in the park with Mommy and Rosie.
He was very excited to try out his kite.
This looks like a good spot. What do you say, we have a picnic here?
I'm going to fly my kite.
Okay, but just for a little while. We're gonna have lunch soon.

Why isn't it working, Mommy?
First you have to make sure that the string is long enough.
There, that should do it.
Take a few steps back!
Let go, Mommy!
Maybe try to run a little bit!
Ready, set, go!
Oh, no!
Caillou was disappointed that his kite wasn't working.
My kite is broken.
It doesn't look broken.
There's just no wind right now,
and a kite needs wind to stay up in the sky.
But I wanna fly my kite now!
Well, if we wait a little bit it might just get windy.
Who wants some lunch?

Caillou felt bored.
I wish it would be windy.
One way to tell if the wind has come back is by looking at the clouds.
See how still they are.
Mommy, look! There's a dinosaur in a sky! Roar!
Oh, no! He's coming to get us!
Look over there! That cloud looks like a big bowl of ice cream.
I'm going to eat some! Watch!
Caillou was having so much fun looking at the clouds,
that he forgot all about his kite.
There's a big tree. Look, there is a train! Choo! Choo!
Go get it, Rosie!

Mommy, push me, too.
I'm going to touch the sky. Wow!
The clouds look like bubbles in a bubble bath.
I think it's starting to get windy. See, look at the sky.
The clouds are blowing away.
Bye clouds!
Caillou, I bet this would be a good time to try out....
My kite!

Where did my kite go?
Hey! Come back!
Gotcha! Watch, Mommy!
Let's try to let the kite find a wind on its own!
If we take our time I'm sure it will work.
Look! It's flying!
I want it to touch the clouds.

[SCRIPT] Hide and Seek

2012-10-14 | Script
Rosie play?
Here comes the toe truck.
Rosie! That's mine.
Shh, Rosie. Okay, take it.
Caillou didn't want Rosie to play with his toys,
but he knew that he wasn't supposed to make her cry.

Some flour and eggs and milk and sugar then I stir it altogether.
Flour and eggs and milk and sugar then I stir it altogether.

Oh, hi, Caillou.
Rosie takes all my toys!
Well, she is younger than you, so she doesn't always understand.
Maybe you could share.
Caillou was annoyed that he always had to share with his baby sister.
Why don't you go and play with Rosie?
And then you can come back a little while for the special surprise (that) I'm making
Special surprise!?
You bet. Watch this! I'm a pro.
Need some help?
No, thanks.
It's going to be a surprise.
I'm surprised already.
I'm sure you can find a game (that) you could play together.
Caillou was upset that his daddy wasn't listening to him.
He didn't wanna play with his baby sister at all.

What is it, Caillou?
Daddy says I have to play with Rosie.
Well, that's okay, isn't it?
But I don't want to.
She is your little sister, Caillou.
It would be nice if you could play game with her, please!
Caillou didn't think it was fair.
He felt that no one understood that he wanted to play all by himself.

Caillou'd got the idea that maybe he could find something for Rosie to do and that way she would leave him alone.

I'm making a play-fort for you, Rosie.
You can play in here.
Okay, Rosie. Come and play in the house.
Rosie, are you handing?
Uh, you're playing hide and seek.
Gilbert! Gilbert, where is Rosie?
She is not here.
Caillou thought Rosie was playing hide and seek with him,
so he set out to search for her.

Flour and eggs and milk and sugar then we stir it altogether.
Flour and eggs and milk and sugar then we stir it altogether.
Did you and Rosie find a game to play?
We're playing hide and seek.
I'll give you a hint. She was here, but she just left that way.

Did you see Rosie, Mommy?
Rosie was just here, but she went.

Caillou liked playing hide and seek,
but this was the first time that Rosie was so well hidden.
He was beginning to get a little frustrated with the game.

Daddy, I looked everywhere. I can't find Rosie.
Every everywhere?
Still looking for Rosie?
She is doing a good job of hiding isn't she?
Let's all go look!

Did you look in here?
Shh! got you, Rosie!
Rosie wasn't there either.
but Caillou was having lots of fun looking for Rosie with Mammy and Daddy.

Rosie! Come out, come out wherever you are!
Rosie, where are you?

See, I made a house just for Rosie.
I guess Rosie likes the house (that) you made, Caillou.
Can I play in the house, too? Yeah.
Maybe you two should stick to playing hide and seek.
Can I hide now?
I think your little sister will have a hard time finding you.
We'll go hide downstairs, and you can come and find us, okay?
Oh, no! I nearly forgot my surprise.
Come on, you two! Let's go check out Daddy surprise,
then we can hide and seek.

Ready for my surprise?
You have to go hide now.

One two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Caillou found the game that he and Rosie could play together,
but it was even better playing with Mommy and Daddy, too.

[SCRIPT] Comic Caper!

2012-10-07 | Script
Is it here yet, isn't it?
It should be (here).
Why don't you go and check outside, Caillou?
Every Saturday morning, Caillou and his daddy enjoyed looking at the newspaper together.
Caillou liked to look at the comics and make up his own stories.
Oh, no! Mommy, Daddy help!
What's wrong, Caillou?
What a mess!
Quick! We'd better catch them before they'll blow away.
I caught one!
Good for you, Caillou!
Look, here is another!
Hey, there is my comics!

No, Gilbert!
Daddy, look what Gilbert did!
You know what, with a little tape, it'll be as good as new.
Why don't you go with Daddy while Rosie and I finish collecting the rest of the paper?
Okay. I'll get a tape.
Caillou was relieved that his torn comic could be fixed.
He wanted to tape it himself.

See, you stick it down like this.
Here, you can finish up.
Okay. Oh, it's stuck!
There! Have another go!
I did it!
Ready for our Saturday morning read?

No! Daddy, look what he did!
Now I can't see the pictures.
Why don't we hang it on the cloth-line to dry?
Like the laundry? Okay.

Later Caillou and his daddy went to check if his comic was dry.
There! It's as dry as a bone.
I can see the pictures again.
You'd better hold it tight. We've got a visitor.
No, Gilbert. Stay away!

Are the comics funny, Caillou?
There is a funny cat.
Kind like Gilbert?
I think it's time for someone's cat now.
Gilbert likes comics, too.
Caillou was so happy to have his comics to look at,
that he was no longer mad at Gilbert.