Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

White Fronted Geese in MIYAGI

2007-10-28 11:53:10 | Reading
White fronted geese make the long migration to Japan from Siberia

White fronted geese have begun to migrate from Siberia to a swamp in northern Miyagi Prefecture to pass the winter.

Thousands of the geese sleep on the Izunuma swamp -- located near the cities of Kurihara and Tome, and protected under the Ramsar Convention -- at night, and fly to rice paddies to look for food during the day.

Experts say about 90 percent of white fronted geese that pass the winter in Japan are concentrated in northern Miyagi Prefecture, adding that they usually stay there until the next February.

So far, about 50,000 geese have flown to the area from Siberia, and that number will increase to 100,000 by next month.

goose : ガチョウ、ガン →geese(複)
white fronted goose : マガン(鳥)
migration : 移住、移動、鳥の渡り
migrate : 移動する、移住する
swamp : 沼地、湿地、たまり場
sleep : 眠る、泊まる
Ramsar Convention : ラムサール条約、国際湿地条約
rice paddy : 水田、田んぼ →rice paddies(複)
during the day : 昼間に、日中に
concentrate : 集中させる、集中する、一点に集める
add : 加える、言い足す
until : -まで
So far : 今までのところ
flown : flyの過去分詞
by next month : 来月までには
increase : 増える

Hillman said Japanese baseball equal to MLB

2007-10-27 12:31:51 | Reading
Trey Hillman dismissed suggestions he may not be ready to manage in U.S. Major League Baseball because he never played or coached at American baseball's premier level, equating the Japanese big leagues with the United States.

"It all depends on what you believe is major league baseball," the new skipper of the Kansas City Royals said Monday, somewhat defensively."In my humble opinion, I've been a major league manager for the last five years. We get after it in Japan."

After being introduced on Monday as the Royals' 15th full-time manager, Hillman got ready to return to Japan to manage the Nippon Ham Fighters in their defense of Japan Series championship.

A veteran of 13 years managing in the New York Yankees minor league system, the 44-year-old Hillman has built the Fighters into a dominant team in Japan. He has managed in Japan for the past five years.

Hillman: Japanese baseball equal to American major leagues

And it's not as though he is a stranger to American baseball. After playing college ball for the University of Texas-Arlington, Hillman spent several years as a second baseman in the Cleveland Indians system, getting as high as Triple-A.

Nevertheless, for a U.S. MLB manager never to have been a player or coach in MLB is highly unusual.

"On many levels and on any given day, the quality of play (in Japan), I believe, is as good as it is here in the United States at the major league level," Hillman said.

His inexperience in U.S. MLB, he said, is not something he views as an issue.

"I have no anxiety about that because the game of baseball is the same all over the world. There's different styles and different ways of playing it," he said. "Really, what matters is the foundational relationships that you can build with your players and putting them in the best possible position to be successful."

With his wife, Marie, sitting on his left and his father and two sisters in the front row before him, Hillman declared this one of the best days of his life. He will replace Buddy Bell, who finished out the season after announcing in August that he would step down.

The Royals, despite signs of improving, finished last in the American League's Central Division for the fourth year in a row and have not been in the postseason since winning the 1985 World Series.

"I really couldn't be any happier today," Hillman said. "I'm a hungry guy. I do not like to lose. I like to start from the ground up and build in such a way where it's going to be maintained for many years to come. I'm a long-haul guy, too. I'm a loyal guy. I'm bleeding Royal blue already. I'm thrilled to be here. It's a wonderful day in my life."

dismiss : 解散する(自)、解散させる(他)、却下する(他)
suggestion : 提案、示唆
may not : -化も知れない
equate : -を同等とみなす
skipper : 指揮官
some what : いくらか
defensively : 身構えて、防御的に
humble : 謙虚な、質素な
get after : -の後を追う
dominant : 有力な、主要な
equal : -に等しい
stranger : よそ者、奇妙な
as though : まるで-であるかのように
college : 大学
system : 組織、形式
usual : お決まりのもの(名)、通常の(形)
inexperience : 無経験
foundational : 基礎的な
replace : -を取り替える
step down : 引退する
despite : -にもかかわらず
sign : 兆し
improve : 好転する(自)、改善する(他)
in a row : 連続して
ground up : はじめから作り直す、ゼロから
maintain : 維持する、保持する、持続する、主張する
long-houl : 長時間かかる、長距離の
loyal : 忠実な
bleed : 血が出る、流れ出る
thrill : 興奮する(自)、興奮させる(他)

Japanese sex lacking stimulation

2007-10-21 14:33:38 | Reading
Japanese not only have less sex than anyone else in the world, they also have the least interesting time in the bedroom, according to the recently released second part of British condom manufacturer Durex's survey of sex lifestyles around the world.

The survey involved 26,032 people from 26 countries around the world and Japanese ranked bottom of the pile when it came to stimulating sex lives. A global average of 50 percent, 36 percent of Chinese and 38 percent of Malaysians enjoy interesting sex, but a whopping 90 percent of Japanese said their sex lives lack stimulation.

Japanese men have an average of 14 sex partners, which is more than the global average of 13 and well above the average four of Chinese men, while women in Japan also have plenty of partners, averaging eight apiece compared to just two each in China and Malaysia.

Japanese average 34 minutes for each session of sex (including foreplay), which outlasts the French by a minute and is just two minutes less than the world average.
With boring sex and lots of sex partners, it's impossible to dismiss the idea that sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS will spread quickly.

On average, the Japanese only have sex 48 times a year, well below the world average of 103 times and a huge distance from the 164 occasions the world-leading Greeks will go at it. There are 38 percent of Japanese couples who say they have sex at least once a week and 86 percent of those partnerships say they want more. The reason why they can't have more sex even though they want it is because it's hard for them to tell their partner how they feel. Throughout the world, 58 percent of couples say they feel at ease enough with their partner to be able to talk about sex, but only 21 percent of Japanese feel good enough to do so -- not even one-third of the 69 percent of Malaysian couples that are happy to chat about nooky. Among the Japanese, 38 percent felt the best way to improve their sex lives was to spend more time with their partner, while 36 percent just wanted to enjoy life more.

What it all boils down to is that the lack of communication between couples is forcing people to take matters into their own hands -- literally. Japanese outpaced the world with experience of masturbation, with 89 percent having done it compared to the global average of 86 percent. Not only do 38 percent of Japanese masturbate weekly, while 16 percent of people across the world had a negative opinion toward the practice, only 4 percent of people in this country did so.

This survey clearly showed that Japanese desperately lack variety in the bedroom. Only 34 percent of Japanese engage in oral sex, and just 16 percent like sexy undies designed to heighten sexual excitement. Just 38 percent of Japanese try to live out their sexual fantasies, while the 40 percent who watch adult videos or read adult magazines is also low and the 4 percent who role play during sex was the lowest level in the world. On the other hand, 49 percent of Japanese have no problem with the idea of being able to buy devices to improve their sex lives at not only sex shops but also ordinary shops. People who have never used sex aids are not averse to the idea of one day doing so. Japanese vibrator use levels are well below the world average, but 25 percent are open to the idea of putting some buzz into their sex life and 16 percent are interested in playing around with lubrication. But at the moment, where 21 percent of the world's people are using vibrators and 34 percent lubrication, only 16 percent of Japanese are using vibes and 15 percent lube. When it came to orgasm gel and orgasm spray, the 23 percent of Japanese who want to try out the gel fell behind the 30 percent of the world-leading Brazilians and just 14 percent of Japanese wanted to give orgasm maintenance spray a go.

As the author of "Shiawase no Sekkusu (Delightful Sex)," I'd really love to be able to use this column to provide a stimulating message that will revolutionize passive Japanese bedrooms.

stimulation : 刺激
according to : -によると
manufacturer : 製造会社
pile : 山
stimulating : 刺激的な
whopping : とびぬけている
above : 超えている
apiece : それぞれ
foreplay : 前戯
outlast : -より長い
dismiss : 開放する、解任する、却下する
transmit : 運ぶ
disease : 病気
below : 下回る
huge : 大きい
occation : 出来事、機会
Greeks : ギリシャ人
go at it : がんばる
throughout : -の間では
feel at ease : 落ち着く
nooky : 性交
boil down : 要約する、煮詰まる
literally : 文字通り、まったく
outpace : 追い越す
desperately : すごく、しょうがないくらい
variety : 多様性、変化
engage in : 行う
undies : 下着
heighten : -を高める
sexual excitement : 性的興奮
sexual fantasy : 性的妄想
averse to : -をひどく嫌う
lubrication : 潤滑にすること
at the moment : 現在のところは
lube : 潤滑剤
orgasm : 快感、刺激
fall behind : -を下回る
maintenance : 維持、持続
author : 著者
provide : 供給する
revolutionize : 改革する
passive : 受身の

Brazilian GP - Hamilton escapes FIA penalty

2007-10-20 13:03:42 | Reading
Lewis Hamilton has escaped punishment for breaking Formula One's tyre rules in practice for the Brazilian Grand Prix.

The 22-year-old Briton, who is on the verge of becoming the first rookie champion in the history of the sport, and the youngest too, was investigated by the FIA race stewards for using two sets of intermediate tyres in a wet opening session.

Under Formula One rules, drivers are only allowed to use one set.
But, following lengthy discussions after the day's on-track action had finished, the stewards decided that while Hamilton had broken the rules, it was the McLaren team's fault and not his.

McLaren were therefore fined 15,000 Euros and Hamilton was not punished.
The Honda and Super Aguri teams were handed the same penalty after Jenson Button and Takuma Sato were found guilty of the same offence.
All three drivers will have to hand back the extra set of tyres used so that they cannot benefit from having a set of scrubbed inters for the rest of the weekend.

"To avoid the possibility that any of the three teams or their drivers could derive any benefit during the remainder of the event from having available to them part worn wet tyres, each team will forthwith voluntarily surrender those tyres to the FIA Technical Assistant," the stewards said.

Hamilton said that he was relieved the matter was now behind him and vowed to focus on qualifying and the race.

"It is an easy mistake to make," Hamilton said. "There are lots of rules and regulations. It was a silly, small mistake. The team is doing a fantastic job, we will keep on pushing and these things happen."

Hamilton will be crowned world champion if he finishes second in the Sao Paulo race, regardless of what his team-mate Fernando Alonso does. Kimi Raikkonen can also win the title, but has to win with Hamilton sixth and Alonso third in the race.

punishment : 罰
break : 破る、違反する
steward : 管財人、執事、スチュワード
intermediate : 仲介人、中間、中型者、中間の、中級の
allow : -を許す、許可する
lengthy : 非常に長い、長期にわたる
while : -ではあるものの、-する間、-と同時に
fine : -に罰金を科する(他)、罰金(名)
hand : -を手渡す
guilty : 有罪の、罪の意識がある > guilt : 罪
offence : (=offense) 違反、攻撃
extra : 余分な、別の、追加の
scrub : -を磨き上げる、こする
inter : 中間物、中間対、中型者
derive : 引き出す、得る、導く
remainder : 残り、余り
worn : 擦り切れた、使い古しの
forthwith : すぐに
voluntarily : 自発的に、自主的に
surrender : 明け渡す、譲る、降伏する(自)
relieve : 軽便する、和らげる、解放する
vow : 誓い(名)、誓う(他)、約束する(他)
qualifying : 予選
silly : ばか、くだらない
fantastic : すばらしい

Mobile Research in LONDON

2007-10-16 15:55:00 | Reading
Using mobile phones to talk to other people has been superseded by messaging and mobile internet according to Anytime, Anyplace the latest research on mobile platforms, content and marketing communications from LONDON's advertising agency.

These days the average users spends just 47% of their ‘mobile time’ chatting to others preferring instead to use phones to text (40%), send multimedia messages (6%) or use mobile internet (7%). The market leading the trend is, perhaps unsurprisingly, Japan where just 24% of mobile time is spent talking.

This dramatic shift in mobile phone habits has led to a hefty consumer demand for quality content such as music, sport, TV and movies clips. This in turn represents a massive opportunity for advertisers and according to the research people are likely to find branded content as the most acceptable form of advertising.

Released this week (19 September 2007) Anytime, Anyplace is the second in-depth study from this research agency research programme across 21 markets which has been designed to investigate key digital topics in a global context.

According to the study of 10,000 participants completed in July this year, TV looks set to be the next big thing on mobiles, at the moment 8% have tried it but 33% want to use it.

The research also revealed that consumers in the connected world have access to a massive range of portable devices regardless of local market economic, social and cultural conditions. 66% have a portable music or media player, 45% have a laptop at home or work and 28% have a portable gaming machine. This unprecedented access has fuelled a huge demand for content particularly music, films and TV shows.

Unfortunately, for the moment at least, most are sourcing these illegally downloads still prosper over paid-for. For 38% of the connected universe ripping legal CDs to portable devices is the number one source of content while 36% admit to taking part in peer-to-peer illegal downloads. Both exceed paid-for downloads, which is just 16% despite the fact that music is the number one form of portable content that users would pay for.

supersede : 取って代わる、-の座を奪う
platform : 基盤
preferring : 好む(形)
instead to : -にする代わりに
unsurprisingly : 当然
habit : 習慣、傾向
Led to : >lead to -に導かれる
hefty : 大きな、重たい
Quality : 質のよい
In turn : 順に、同様に、言い換えると
Massive : 大きな
Likely to : -しそうである
Branded : ブランドのついた=カッコイイ
Acceptable : 受け入れることができる、満足できる
In depth : 徹底的に、掘り下げた
Complete : 完成する、-を完了する
Set to : -に向かう
At the moment : 現在のところ
Reveal : 明らかにする、暴く
Regardless of : -にかかわらず
Unprecedented : 前例のない
Fuel : 増幅させる、元気づける
Particularly : 特に
For the moment : 当分、しばらくの間
At least : 少なくとも
Illegally : 違法に、不正に
Prosper : 成功する
Universe : 全人類、領域、分野
Rip : コピーする(リッピング)、引き裂く
Source : -を調達する、情報源(名)
Admit to : -を認める
Admit : 認める
Take part in : -に参加する
Peer-to-peer : 通信間接触、P2P
Exceed : 超える
Despite : -にも関わらず
Form : 種類

Myanmar media blames slain Japanese journalist

2007-10-14 23:09:49 | Reading
Myanmar's state-controlled media said Sunday that a Japanese journalist, killed during a crackdown on recent pro-democracy protests, was to blame for his own death because he put himself in harm's way.

Kenji Nagai, 50, a video journalist for Japan's APF News agency, was among at least 10 people killed in the Sept. 26-27 crackdown, when soldiers fired automatic weapons into a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators.

"This was an accident. The journalist was not deliberately targeted," said an editorial in The New Light of Myanmar newspaper, a junta mouthpiece. "The fact that the Japanese journalist was among the protesters amounts to inviting danger."

The editorial also said Nagai had entered Myanmar on a tourist visa. "He should have come in with a journalist visa, since he was a journalist," it said. "If he had behaved like a tourist he would not have faced this tragic end."

Myanmar is believed to have rejected all visa applications from journalists during the pro-democracy protests.

Video footage of Nagai's death, broadcast around the world, appeared to show a soldier shooting the journalist at close range.

Japanese police say he is believed to have died from blood loss caused by at least one bullet penetrating his kidney.

Japan's foreign minister, Masahiko Komura, said earlier this month that Japan -- Myanmar's largest aid donor -- was preparing to suspend assistance to Myanmar in response to Nagai's death.

slain : 殺害された(Slay過去形)
crackdown : 弾圧
pro-democracy : 民主化要求、民主賛成
protest : 抗議、反対運動
harm : 危険な、-を害する
deliberately : 故意に、意図的に
editorial : 社説、編集者の
junta : 臨時政府、軍事政府
mouthpiece : 電話の送話口
amount to : 結局-になる、合計-になる
since : -だから(理由)、-してからあとに
behave : -の行動をする、態度を取る
tragic : 悲劇の
application : 申請、出願、適用
footage : 全長、映像
broadcast : 放送(名)、放送された(形)、放送する(動)
appear : -のように見える、出現する
blood loss : 失血
bullet : 弾丸
penetrate : 突き抜ける Ex=penetration:洞察、普及率
kidney : 腎臓
foreign minister : 外相、外務大臣
aid : 援助
donor : 寄贈者、ドナー、援助者
suspend : 一時停止する、停止する

Darvish sharp as Fighters down Marines

2007-10-14 01:29:55 | Reading
Darvish sharp as Fighters down Marines to open playoffs with win

Pitcher Yu Darvish went the distance Saturday as the Nippon Ham Fighters defeated Bobby Valentine's Chiba Lotte Marines 5-2 in the opening game of the Pacific League championship series.

Darvish struck out eight while giving up five hits in a 133-pitch effort. He walked only one batter.

"I wanted to pitch a game our fans could enjoy," said Darvish. "The team gave me some runs and I was able to hold them once we got a lead."

Darvish, whose father is Iranian and mother is Japanese, is widely regarded as the best pitcher in Japan professional baseball.

Relying on a 150-kilometer fastball and an array of offspeed pitches, Darvish kept Lotte's batters off balance in the game played before a crowd of 42,000 at Sapporo Dome.

Darvish was among 34 players named Friday to a provisional squad for Japan's team in December's Asian baseball qualifiers for the Beijing Olympics.

The 21-year-old right-hander is preparing to drop his Iranian nationality so he can represent Japan in the Beijing Olympics.

He went 15-5 with a 1.82 ERA this season for Trey Hillman's Fighters, who finished first in the Pacific League and are the defending Japan Series champions.

The Marines defeated the Softbank Hawks two games to one in the first round of the playoffs to advance to the best-of-five series against the Fighters.

The winner of this series will advance to the Japan Series to take on the Central League champions.

go the distance : 完投する、最後まで頑張る
as : -のように(-のように完投した)
strike out : -三振を取る
while : -しながら、-とはいえ
give up : (野球で)得点を許す、安打を許す
run : (野球の)得点
regard : -と評価する、-とみなす cf.関連・関心(名) cf.regardless of(-にも関わらず)
rely on : -を頼りにする、-を信頼する
array : 配置、整列(→good control)
crowd : 観衆
before : -の前で(ここでは観衆の前で)
provisional : 仮の、一時的な
squad : チーム、一団 [ス・ク・ウァー・ド](3)
qualifiers : 予選 [ク・ウォ・リ・ファイ・ア](2)
nationality : 国籍
represent : -を代表する、-をあらわす、主張する
go - for : -が目的のために費やされる
ERA : Earned Run Average=防御率
defeat : 打ち負かす cf.敗北(名)
advance : 前進する、-を進める cf.前進、先進の、事前の
take on : 対戦する ex.仕事などを引き受ける

Naito clobbers cocky Kameda

2007-10-14 00:50:04 | Reading
Veteran Daisuke Naito retained his WBC flyweight title with a unanimous decision over Daiki Kameda in Tokyo on Thursday night.
It was Naito's first defense of the title he won in July and, at 33, he becomes the oldest Japanese world champion to retain their title.

"I beat one of the Kamedas so I'm sure Japan will thank me for it," Naito said.

Thursday's loss was the first for 18-year-old Kameda in his 11th fight since turning pro.

The loss also ensures Kameda misses his chance of becoming Japan's youngest ever world champion. He had been aiming to take the title and become one of the first siblings in Japan to be world champions after his older brother Koki, 20, took the WBA flyweight title before giving it up in an ugly fight that ended in a farce on Thursday.

Though clearly beaten in the fight, Kameda didn't help his cause by illegally punching Naito, and then throwing a tantrum after the referee docked him a point. The referee then docked the teenager further points.

clobber : 打ちのめす
cocky : うぬぼれた
retain : 維持する(maintain)
unanimous : 満場一致の、全員一致の
ensure : -を確実にする
aim : 目的とする
sibling : 兄弟 ex. Do you have any sibling ?
ugly : 醜い(not good)
farce : 茶番
though : -にもかかわらず
beat : たたく、打ち負かす
throw a tantrum : むかつく、八つ当たりをする
tantrum : 不機嫌
dock : -を節約する、減らす

Premier League - Ajax agree Ten Cate release

2007-10-09 11:54:03 | Reading
Ajax have reached an agreement with Chelsea over the release of their manager Henk ten Cate.

Chelsea will now hold talks over terms with the Dutchman over joining them as assistant to head coach Avram Grant.

The West London club are understood to have offered the 52-year-old £2.1 million a year to join, a move which could lead to current assistant Steve Clarke leaving the club after three years in the role.

An Ajax club statement said: "Following talks with Chelsea, Ajax have agreed the direct transfer of Henk ten Cate to Chelsea.

"Last week, Ten Cate informed the club he wanted us to negotiate with Chelsea after he had been approached personally.

"Ajax discussed it internally and it is now down to Henk ten Cate to discuss his own contract with Chelsea."

Ten Cate was assistant manager to Frank Rijkaard at Barcelona before joining Ajax, and was part of the coaching staff that helped win the Champions League in 2006, before leaving that summer to take charge of Ajax.

The Amsterdam club were knocked out of the UEFA Cup last week on away goals by Dinamo Zagreb, after losing to Slavia Prague in the Champions League qualifiers.

Internally : 内部で
Down : 停止している
take charge of : -の管理を引き受ける
knock out : 打ち負かす

Hamilton's crash gives rivals hope

2007-10-08 02:11:04 | Reading
SHANGHAI, China -- Championship leader Lewis Hamilton spun out of the Chinese Grand Prix to send the world title race to a cliffhanger finale in Brazil on October 21.

Rookie Hamilton can still clinch the crown with third place in the closing race, but saw his 12-point lead cut to four by McLaren team-mate Fernando Alonso in Shanghai.

The Spaniard finished second behind Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen, who also kept his title hopes alive by moving within seven points of Hamilton.

The young Briton started the race in pole position and at one stage led Raikkonen by more than eight seconds as he again showed superb skills in the wet conditions.

However, the 22-year-old stayed out on the drying track too long in his wet tires, which deteriorated at an alarming rate to let Finland's Raikkonen take the lead.

And when Hamilton -- who won in Japan last week to give himself the chance of clinching the title this weekend -- finally headed toward the pit lane, he spun out onto the gravel to end his chances with 25 laps to go.

Raikkonen and Alonso both switched to dry tires on the 32nd of the 56 laps, with the Finn going on to win by by 9.8 seconds for his fifth victory this season -- one more than both Hamilton and Alonso.

Raikkone's team-mate Felipe Massa was third, while fourth place was claimed by Toro Rosso's Sebastien Vettel, who was last week reprimanded for causing an accident in Japan behind the safety car while Hamilton was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Britain's Jenson Button was fifth in a Honda ahead of Vettel's team-mate Vitantonio Liuzzi, while Germany's Nick Heidfeld was seventh for BMW Sauber and David Coulthard of Scotland took the final point for Red Bull.

Hamilton was still confident he could bounce back after suffering his first retirement of the season.

"I'm sorry for the team but I can still do it, don't worry," he said. "When I got out of the car I was just gutted because it was my first mistake all year, and to do it on the way into the pits was not something I usually do.

"You cannot go through life without making mistakes. But I am over it and we look forward to Brazil. The team will be working hard to make sure the car is quick enough there, and we still have points in the bag.

"We were having a great race and we didn't know if it was going to rain or not. The tyres were getting worse and worse and you could almost see the canvas underneath. When I came into the pits it was like ice, I couldn't do anything about it."

McLaren boss Ron Dennis refused to blame his driver or his team for the spin-off.

"It's too extreme to say anyone made a mistake in this. It has been a very competitive season between our drivers and it will go on for another Grand Prix," Dennis said.

"I don't think we did anything dramatically wrong and neither did Lewis. But the circuit was considerably drier than the pit lane entrance. That's what made the difference.

"It was easy to say that we could have stopped earlier, but would it have made a difference? All the top teams -- Ferrari and ourselves -- were trying to get through the rain and straight onto a dry tire."

Alonso, who qualified for the race in fourth, is seeking to become the third driver to win three world titles.

"The result was good today and the eight points are a help for sure," he said. "I think the championship will still be very difficult because I know it will not be easy to take four points from Lewis.

"I need something dramatic if I want to win. With a normal race it will be impossible."

Raikkonen added: "We are back in the championship and it will be interesting in the final race.

"Hopefully the car is good and it will be a battle all weekend. It is not just up to us though, we saw today that anything can happen, but we are back in the championship."

cliffhanger : 接線
clinch : 決着をつける、確定する
crown : 勝利の栄冠
Spaniard : スペイン人
Briton : イギリス人
superb : すばらしい、特別な
deteriorate : 悪化する
at an alarming rate : 大変な率で、急速に
head toward : -へ向かう
gravel : 砂利
claim : 獲得する(主張する)
reprimand : 叱責する、懲戒する
wrongdoing : 悪事
ahead of : -の前方に、-より進んで
confident : 自身のある、確信して
bounce : 跳ねる
bounce back : 回復する、すぐに立ち直る
suffer : 苦しむ、経験する
gut : -を骨抜きにする
get out of :-から外へ出る
do it : 成功する
over it : 任せておきなさい
look forward to : 楽しみに待つ
make sure : 確かめる
underneath : 下部、底
canvus : 生地
refuse : 拒む、許さない
blame : 非難する
extreme : 極端、最終手段
go on : 続ける、起こる
considerably : 大幅に、かなり
get through : 押し通す、通り抜ける
straight on : 続ける
seek to : -しようとする
qualify : 資格を得る、予選を通過する
for sure : 確実に
saw : (>see)理解する