

Watermelon ♪♯♪

2009-03-29 | Weblog




I love watermelon.

I eat it for dessert every day.

You'd think I'd get sick of it, but I still want to eat it every day.



                 27 months old Lisa ↑


Poor dogs & cats

2009-03-22 | Weblog


Yesterday, I went to "The Riverside Festival" with my family.

The Humane Society had a booth with cats and dogs that need adoption.

I hope they find owners soon.






The Girl's Festival ♪

2009-03-03 | Weblog


March 3rd is The Girls' Festival in Japan.

So, my family decorated dolls for the Girls' Festival according to Japanese custom.


Also, May 5th is the Boys' Festival.

My family doesn't have a boy, but we have a doll for that as well.