「LABOUR AND WAITのサイモン氏が世界中探しまわってやっと見つけた逸品。ロンドン子には欠かせない定番のドットです~」レッドやイエローなどもありますが、シックな色目が好みです。1回洗いをかけると、ほどよい感じに柔らかくなります。たかがハンカチ、されどハンカチ。L&Wのコダワリよいですね。。
handkerchief【LABOUR AND WAIT】
Towel that had been used often recently, we often use this handkerchief.
To quote the copy of the shop while out dim,,
"Looking around the world doing and found gems Mr. Simon LABOUR AND WAIT. The Londoner is the classic dot-essential" but also red and yellow, I prefer chic ogle. Wash and put one, it feels soft and fair. L & W can have a selection of highly exchanged.
「LABOUR AND WAITのサイモン氏が世界中探しまわってやっと見つけた逸品。ロンドン子には欠かせない定番のドットです~」レッドやイエローなどもありますが、シックな色目が好みです。1回洗いをかけると、ほどよい感じに柔らかくなります。たかがハンカチ、されどハンカチ。L&Wのコダワリよいですね。。
handkerchief【LABOUR AND WAIT】
Towel that had been used often recently, we often use this handkerchief.
To quote the copy of the shop while out dim,,
"Looking around the world doing and found gems Mr. Simon LABOUR AND WAIT. The Londoner is the classic dot-essential" but also red and yellow, I prefer chic ogle. Wash and put one, it feels soft and fair. L & W can have a selection of highly exchanged.