

Apple cider vinegar maybe helps me to lose weight...

2021年01月25日 23時16分00秒 | 海外


I took a subway for the first time in a long time. There were a lot of people in there so I couldn’t keep the social distances...

本日のweekly assignment のお題ですが、「密林のお客様センターにお問い合わせのメールを送る。」です。


To Amazon customer service 

HI. My name is ************* who had ordered ten dozen Apple cider vinegar and my son’s Minecraft T-shirts last week. I received all of them yesterday. 

I’d like to get refund because all of the bottles of the Apple cider vinegar were cracked and were leaking. I couldn’t sip even a drop of it even though I've ordered ten dozen.

 Because the bottles had a lot of crack in it and it had been leaking, the T-shirts has a lot of big stain in it. 

When my son found his stained stinky T-shirts, he broke down and a lot of tears came out from his eyes. 

Now my house is so stinky. Actually, it causes trouble not only me, but also neighbors. 

When my neighbor smelled the vinegar, they thought it poisoned gas or something. Someone called Con Edison, and other one called 911. Since they had reported that there were a full of the suspicious smell around their neighbors, NYPD, FDNY and even United States Army Special Forces came to our house. And of course, Con Edison too. 

I was taken to a police station as a suspect of a making confusion and to explain why I had the smelly boxes. 

That is why I am writing this letter in a custody.

Please refund me as soon as possible because I have to pay my bail. And if you could call here now and explain it, I will really appreciate it.

Thank you very much for your corporation in advance.



To Amazon customer service, 


Hello, my name is ********** and I had ordered ten dozen bottles of apple cider vinegar and my son’s Minecraft T-shirts last week. I received all of them yesterday. 

I’d like to get a refund because all of the bottles of the Apple cider vinegar were cracked and were leaking. I couldn’t sip even a drop of it even though I've ordered ten dozen.

 Because the bottles had a lot of cracks in them and they had been leaking, the T-shirts had a lot of big stains on them. 

When my son found his stained and stinky T-shirts, he broke down and a lot of tears came out from his eyes. 


Now my house is so stinky. Actually, it causes trouble not only for me, but also for my neighbors. When my neighbors smelled the vinegar, they thought it was poisonous gas or something. Someone called Con Edison, and other one called 911. Since they had reported that there was a suspicious smell around their neighbors, the NYPD, FDNY and even theUnited States Army Special Forces came to our house. And of course, Con Edison too. I was taken to the police station as a suspect formaking everyone confused and I had to explain why I had the smelly boxes. 

That is why I am writing this letter while in (took out “a”) custody.


Please refund me as soon as possible because I have to pay my bail. And if you could call here now and explain it, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you very much for your corporation in advance.




Actually, I’ve never ordered even one bottle of apple cider vinegar before at Amazon..
Usually I get the vinegar at the Trader Joe’s. Costco also has the vinegar but somehow they are too sour to drink for me. 


Thank you very much for reading today.

Have a nice day  


She was an angel for me.

2021年01月23日 02時22分00秒 | 海外

I baked an apple pie last week. That was awfully bad taste  because I accidentally put a lot of vanilla extra...

Today’s weekly assignment is “What is your wonderful first food experience in America?”


My wonderful first food experience in America was the American No1 fast food “doughnuts”.
Actually, the doughnuts I ate was just normal doughnuts, however, the experience was really heartwarming and even now, makes me happy. About 10 years ago, I arrived JFK. It was the first time for me to come America. Rather than, it was my first travel to overseas. My lack of English was enough to scare me to go out. What's more, the house which I had booked was in East Harlem and that place was totally different from my expectation of New York City. I lost my appetite.

However, the house was not hotel that comes with meals, so I had to get my food by myself. I wasn’t hungry at all, so I thought it would be enough just one doughnut. I went to inside Dunkin’ doughnuts, then I ordered by using my poor English.  And then, when I was trying to pay, I totally couldn’t tell which coins I had to use. While I was trying to figure out which coins I had to use, cashier misunderstood that I hadn’t had enough coins, so she kindly offered me using the coins which they had put in front of cashier. I got dough and doughnuts at the Dunkin’ doughnuts.
That’s my first food memory in America.
Of course I love them just not because the dough but sweet doughnuts.

My wonderful first food experience in America was the number one American (switched order)  fast food “doughnuts”.


Actually, the doughnuts I ate were just normal doughnuts, however, the experience was really heartwarming and even now, makes me happy to think about again. About 10 years ago, I arrived to/at JFK airport. It was the first time for me to come America. Rather, (took out “than”) it was my first time traveling (took out “to”) overseas. My lack of English was enough to scare me to goback home. Furthermore, the house which I had booked was in East Harlem and that place was totally different from my expectation of New York City. I lost my appetite.


(Took out “However”) The house was not a hotel that came with meals, so I had to get my food by myself. I wasn’t hungry at all, so I thought it would be enough to eat/have/buy just one doughnut. I went to Dunkin’ Doughnuts/inside of a Dunkin’ Doughnuts and ordered by using my poor English.  (Took out “and then”) When I was trying to pay, I totally couldn’t tell which coins I had to use. While I was trying to figure out which coins I had to use, the cashier misunderstood that I hadn’t had enough coins, so she kindly offered me to use the coins which they had put in front of the cash register. I got dough and doughnuts at the Dunkin’ Doughnuts.


That’s my first food memory in America.

Of course I love them just not because the dough but sweet doughnuts.


Whenever I go to Dunkin’ doughnuts, it reminds me of her kindness.


Thank you for reading this blog 
Have a great weekend 


2021年01月22日 15時40分00秒 | Weblog



Last week, I baked curry bread.
I put curry too much inside of bread, the curry was poured out.
However, that was so tasty
 I should try again.



Have a nice day 

He is nuts.

2021年01月21日 06時36分00秒 | Weblog
Hi. Long time no seen! ( as usual )

It’s been two months already but we got new family members. kitty 🐱 


Her name is Xiaoqi which means seven in Chinese.


She knows all of her name. 

Well, I’m gonna posting my weekly assignment here. shame on me!


really apologize for not completing the assignment. I completely have finished all of my work, but he haven’t done yet. I don’t want to say something behind his shoulder, but It seems like he is kind of treble maker and his behaviors caused our assignment delay. Please let me explain what happened. If you read this email, you could understand why we couldn’t finish our assignment.

His behaviors when he was working were not appropriate as an adult. When we were working on our assignment, he watched YouTube video as if he was working so hard. Also, during woking hours, he was keeping eating foods at the desk, which caused him to big problems. One day, when we were working on individually, he suddenly started screaming loudly. When I saw him, his hand and body were trembling with fear and his face was turning pale. When I was going to ask him what happened, he fainted and fell off the chair. I thought he died. I was so scared that I thought I would die too. But he didn’t. (I also didn’t die.) When we were calling 911, he came back to himself and confessed that he had eaten nuts secretly. we understood that he had eaten peanuts and then he got severe allergic reaction. He is really nuts. Since his allergic reaction was so severe, he had to be hospitalized in two weeks that prevented him from working his assignment. That’s what happened to him and the reason why we couldn’t finish our assignment.

I strongly recommend that lay him off.




BTW, my son pointed out that when I said “ you are nuts!”, it sounds like “ your nuts.” to him. 


Recently, My mom lost her loved cat suddenly.. 
And don’t be so sad.She had very happy life with you.

Have a good day