

ハドソンヤード チョコクロワッサンとアメリカーノ

2019年06月14日 09時40分55秒 | Weblog



Very cute wrapping paper and delicious Americano.
Thanks I had nice breakfast and started nice day.

Monday afternoon.

2019年06月11日 10時26分56秒 | Weblog

Because there were noises that seems out of place, I checked the news.
Then I realized that there were a huge accident just ten blocks away.
It was raining and very foggy when a helicopter crashed into the building of NYC. 


Long time no see...

2019年06月09日 22時07分49秒 | 海外

Hi! long time no see!
I was surprised because someone still visited my blog even though I haven't updated it! Thank you so much!

Last week, I visited American Museum of National History for the first time in years... They are amazing.  But I got tired little, so I took a rest under the my favorite whale displays... 
They have a special exhibition of T-rex , so I should go again.

Recently, I have started a new blog about Starbucks in NYC. 
If you are interested in my new blog, please check it out!  It is written in Japanese though...

You thought I was an idler, didn't you? lol

Thanks for coming my blog!
Have a great day!